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Posts posted by Kudalyn

  1. So much amazing-ness! I used to sprite just a little on a Pokemon forum a while back, but it's NOTHING compared to this!! Being able to do this from practically scratch?!

    Please, keep up the amazing work! You have a true talent and eye for this!

  2. I assume the reason she moved from Fillydelphia to Ponyville was to get out of the big city, so if that's the case you might want to stick that in the app.

    Character looks really good. Approved!

    Added that in! Thank you for the approval and input!

  3. [ Pony Related Character ]

    Name: Moon Brook

    Gender: Female

    Age: Mare (A few years older than the main cast)

    Species: Unicorn

    Pelt Color: Dusk blue

    Mane/Tail Color & Style: Her mane is of medium length, cut neatly and it halfway covers her right eye. Her tail is long and very light and fluffy, most of it always drags on the ground. The color of both is mostly a light Periwinkle blue, with a single, thick, very light blue streak down the middle.

    Eye Color: Bright cyan blue.

    Cutie Mark: A full moon with a small stream of water beside it, ending in a froth.

    Physique: Regular build, but with a almost 'motherly' feel it to it. (Also because she's a bit older, her horn is slightly longer than Rarity's or Twilight's horns)

    Residence: Small cottage on the outskirts of Ponyville - hoping to turn it into a full-blown observatory.

    Occupation: Astronomer - mostly dealing with the planets and their paths across the sky.

    Motivation: Moon always loved gazing at the moon and the night sky, wondering what was out there beyond the sky. Her favourite pastime was to lay beside a small bubbling brook near her old house outside of Fillydelphia, gazing up at the night sky and watching the moon reflect off the clear water. When she learned of other planets out there in the night sky beside the moon, it became her dream to see them on her own through her telescope, maybe even discovering new planets out there.

    Likes: Phases of the moon when they are the most full, small bubbling streams, quiet nights, the stars, books, her telescope.

    Dislikes: Overcast and stormy nights, noisy cities, super windy days.

    Character Summary: Moon was always a odd filly, as she preferred to look up at the sky than down where her feet were going. No matter how much her parents tried to get her to study to get into a proper Unicorn school in Canterlot, she could never concentrate on magic itself, preferring to read books about the magic of the solar system.

    Her Cutie Mark appeared one night while she was doing her usual reading and sky-gazing, when she decided she wanted to discover all that she could about the sky beyond the clouds. She uses her magic to help her categorize her books and multitask as she catalogued the planets and star's patterns in the sky. She also uses her magic to be extremely precise with her telescope's movements. She recently moved to Ponyville from Fillydelphia to get out of the big city, so she can more easily see the night sky and not be bothered by the city noises.

    Another quirk is Moon's tail - no matter what brushes and shampoos and magic she uses, she can never get it to get nice and sleek. It's always poofy and extremely wispy and thin, floating in the wind like a light silk cloth. She uses magic to keep the dirt and bugs out if it, as it's always dragging on the ground.



    Her Nightmare Night costume


  4. Strawberry Orange

    "My sis's name is Apple Mallow. She's a white and green Pegasus with a super fluffy mane and tail. She's a complete airhead normally, but when it comes to candies and sweets she's a real hard worker. Don't ever tell her I said that though." She said, shooting a short glare at Rainbow.

    "And yeah, I'm by no means the fastest Pegasus out there, but I'm no slowpoke. I guess I've kept my record cause I don't burn myself out trying to go too fast all at once - I set a good pace, one that will get me where I'm going easily, and don't push myself too hard. Then I have energy to stay flying for long periods of time without stopping - I can fly two days straight without rest! I crash and burn when I get home though." She laughed.

    She blinked when a very steamed looking green Pegasus came up behind Dash and started off a rant ad the blue Pegasus with a very icy tone to it. It practically sent shivers down her spine! The green Pegasus soon noticed her though, and immediately retreated her tirade, her icy tone thawing instantly.

    "Naw, don't worry about it. I completely understand when co-workers slack off or take too long to do something. It's not just hurtful to the other workers, it's downright rude!" She said, waving off Tempest's shyness. "Call me Orange. I just moved here with my sister, into that new candy store down on main street." She said, introducing herself.

  5. Spike

    "Hey, it's not 'Purple'. The name's Spike." He said, sticking out a claw for the brown dragon to shake.

    "I know, you're thinking it's weird for a dragon to be here in a pony town. I actually live here - I'm actually a Scribe to Princess Celestia!" He said proudly, puffing out his little scaley chest. "I work alongside the town's main Magic User - she's here on... well, a 'learning experience' I guess.." He said, air quoting.

    "So, what are you doing here? I've never seen you before, and I'm not sure what business another dragon would have in Ponyville." He asked, beckoning for Truffle to follow him out of the crowd as he started walking.

  6. Aqua Drop

    " 'Dredging' ...you mean cleaning the rivers? Yeah, I did notice a few parts of some of the rivers are ridiculously shallow... I actually had to walk - or flop is more like it - through the shallows to get to water deep enough I could swim through it."

    Aqua thought for a moment, treading water. "Hrm.... well... I could see what I could do to help... I would need help with the bigger stuff of course, but I could keep an eye on the water from the inside. Like, keep things free of litter, make sure the water level is good, make sure nothing gets clogged, the like. That way I could also get to know the area's rivers better so I wouldn't get lost!" She chuckled, splashing her hooves in the water happily.

    She looked over onto the lakeside, looking around, thinking. Making her decision, she dove down to the bottom of the lake, finding some strong kelp and pulling it from the lakebed. She looked around once more with the seaweed in her mouth - no sign of that squid she heard of... but he can wait. If this was gonna be her home, she can deal with him later. She wanted to explore aboveland!

    She swam up to the surface, swimming to the lakeside and hoisting herself up beside Tempest and spitting out the seaweed on the grass. She then looked around a bit until she found some bark that had fallen off of a nearby tree. Picking it up, she flopped down to lay on the ground, curling her tail up to where she could reach it. It took a bit of wiggling and tugging, but she managed to wrap the bark in some of the spongier kelp, and then tying the wrapped-up bark to her tail, right in front of the big flipper at the end of her tail.

    She then rolled onto her belly, lifting herself up to stand on her now-protected tail. She took a few experimental steps - this land stuff wasn't the soft sand she was used to wading through, she knew that.

    Aqua placed her two front hooves in front of her firmly, rocking forward and pulling her body off the ground for a second, swinging her back half towards her front hooves. Using the forward momentum, she then pushed off of the ground with her tail, stepping forward with her front hooves again. She did a few more of those loping swing-steps... they were anything but elegant, but they worked. Also, the seaweed-and-bark tail guard worked fine. It wasn't too uncomfortable on her tail, and it protected her skin from the ground - she had a feeling Ponyville wouldn't have streets covered in grass.

    She loped back over to Tempest, feeling a bit awkward but happy her idea was working. "Well, now that I am ready to completely embarrass myself on land, could you mind showing me the way to Ponyville? I've never seen a land-pony town before!"


    Requests Closed

    Requests will be simple and sweet, like the gifts I made for Mudbug and Brianblackberry

    I will only take 3 at a time. I can't guarantee when they will get done, hopefully not a crazy long time.

    If you want a request AFTER the 3 slots are taken, please WAIT to stick up a request UNTIL I open requests again. I will do so by potting up a post with OPEN in large letters, then the first 3 to post after that will get the slots. So keep your eyes open.

    IF you post a request when my slots are closed, WITHOUT waiting for them to be open, your request will be ignored. If you do post again in time when I have slots open, you will get the request then for sure.

    ALSO please list what character you'd like me to draw, their profile (if they have one) and what you would like them to be doing in the picture! Or leave it up to me if you want. Just tell me that in your post!


    1: DONE for Strawberry Blossom

    2: MyLittlePonyTales

    3: Holypony20


    Thank you very much for your patience and consideration. Please check out my personal Gallery right here on the forums to see my other artwork.

  8. OHAY Let's see how this goes. PLEASE read before posting!! I am going to be very critical on the rules here cause I want things to be neat and organized, without me getting piled under requests and questions.



    Normal Ponies

    I sometimes come up with designs for ponies I know I won't use. I don't often draw them down though. So, I've decided to give these poor designs some homes. I do VERY rough pictures of them, cause I want them out fast and simple.

    PLEASE read who is available or not. Sometimes I make a character I get attached to, so I may pull it off of the 'to be adopted' list.

    BEFORE adopting a pony, I want to hear your ideas for it. Their personality, what they will be doing, how they got their cutie mark, and if you plan on using them ABSOLUTELY.

    I get very protective of things I make - I want them to be loved, because I put the effort into making them. So please, be respectful.


    StarWhistle - OPEN - I really like this guy, I really wish for him to go to a good home.

    Apple Sweet - OPEN

    MoonBrook - Unavaliable - KEEPING

    Hippocamps and Kelpies

    Rules are slightly different with these - you can name them however you want, and these are slightly less neat than my normal artwork since I just made one basic template that I will edit and draw over as I want as I design them. Name them as you wish. If you want custom art of them however, you have to either commission me (High quality) or wait for a request slot (lower quality).


    Named 'Pearl Dust' - Taken by Meow


    Named 'Crystal Glow ' - Taken by BlindJester


    Thank you very much for your patience and consideration. Please check out my personal Gallery right here on the forums to see my other artwork.


    Scootaloo revving up her wings and them going VRRRRRRRRRRNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN


    *is watching*


    Rainbow Dash's lil squeaky voice HNNNG

    My god, Rainbow Dash helped EVERYONE in the main cast get their cutie mark! And I never expected that kind of start for Pinkie! A rock farm?! Pinkie with straight hair?! They really did a great job with making up their backstories.


  10. I believe this is the appropriate place to ask..

    See, I got this ADORABLE lil pony from Buxy:


    but I need some help with her character.

    I was thinking of naming her Strawberry Fields, and make her a strawberry farmer, owning a plot outside of Ponyville or something.

    I'm not sure on her personality though...

    First idea that I had was for her to be quiet and shy, tending to her strawberries most of the time. But when she has to go to town to sell her strawberries, she puts on a 'item' of choice, and BAM she's a motivated and forward salespony, happy to help and eager to sell her produce.

    BUT as soon as the hat is off, she's shy and to herself. The switch is so sudden, it's like someone turning on and off a light. And it can be triggered as simply as a gust of wind blowing her hat off her head, or someone pulling it off her head.

    I was thinking a hat... like a gardening hat, one with the broad floppy rims.


    Like so.

    Does that sound good? I'm not sure if anybrony else has already come up with a idea like this, or if the hat thing is too 'Applejack' ish.

    Help is greatly appreciated!

    • Like 1
  11. Thank you very much! All added to the list! Does your playlist have all the newest songs in the list on it as well too though, MyLittlePonyTales?

    PHEW! I just organized all the songs into categories for listener's profit and pleasure! Hope it's not too crowded or anything.

    Of the newest ones, this one is one of my favourites:

  12. Strawberry Orange

    Orange blinked, her eyes dazzled by the bright array of colors which the rainbow-haired Pegasus presented herself, her wings spread out wide as proud as a peacocks.

    "Rainbow Dash.... hmm... Rainbow.... Dash.... Oh! I think I remember you! You're the one who pulled off the Sonic Rainboom back in Cloudsdale, aren't you?" She exclaimed, remembering the historic event she watched back at her old town. She flapped her wings, rising up level to the blue Pegasus flapping above her. "That was really impressive! I wish I could be that fast, then I could make so many more deliveries!"

    "I could never do something as cool as performing a Sonic Rainboom, but I'm no slowpoke if I do say so myself. My policy is - delivery in 3 days or less, or half off the price! To any where in Equestria! So far, I've been able to keep my reputation solid." She said proudly, polishing a hoof off on her chest.

  13. Spike

    Spike jumped as he heard a small voice yell out in frustration, whipping his head around in time to spot a burst of bright orange flames that shot up straight into the sky. Curious, he jogged forward in the general direction of the fire, nimbly dodging even more ponies' hooves and cart wheels - it seemed the small outburst had unsettled quite a few ponies in the general and had stirred up a small stampede.

    He squeezed past the last few legs to come to a small cleared area... and a very steamed looking little dragon. Surprised, Spike stepped back a bit to get a closer look at the baby dragon - he hadn't seen a fellow dragon in ages! The little dragon was a dark brown, her back covered in mottled scales of all different shades of brown. She had tiny wings which were spread out in anger, and the rounded spade-like end of her tail looked a little squashed... no doubt what had set her off.

    Spike causiously walked forward, knowing how easy it was to set off a ticked dragon. "Hey... you okay? I know how annoying it can be.. some of these ponies just don't look where their hooves are going!"

  14. Strawberry Orange

    Orange jerked her head back, blinking bits of cloud out of her eyes as her vision was filled with a very colorful, very angry, Pegasus.

    "I - I'm sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going! I'm new around here so I was memorizing the town's layout." She said, rubbing the last few wisps of cloud from her muzzle. She stuck out her hoof in introduction. "The name's Strawberry Orange. Orange for short. I just arrived here today with my sister - we're both living at the new candy shop where she just started work. She makes the candy, I get her the ingredients she needs and delivers the candy she makes, all over Equestria. There isn't a town I can't find, no matter how far it is." She said proudly, puffing out her chest a little.

  15. Strawberry Orange

    Strawberry Orange was off, on her way to explore this new town her sister had dragged her to. This was the way it usually was - her sister, Apple Mallow, getting an idea in her fluffy head, only to zoom off to leave her sister behind to pick up the pieces and follow.

    Grumbling about her annoying older sister, Orange peered down to the town beneath her. She had gotten a few looks around town while she was asking for directions, but it wasn't until now that she got to appreciate the town's quaint beauty. Everything was laid out neatly and daintily, not one store out of place. Each street connected to another like a simple puzzle, easy to get around in, even if you had a horrible sense of direction, unlike her.

    Orange was so preoccupied looking at the ground, she forgot to look up...


    "Eeee-yeaaah!" Orange looked up as she got a faceful of cloud, practically flying right through the large cloud... and very nearly dislodging the striking blue Pegasus snoozing in it.

  16. Spike

    "Another dawn... another day spent doing absolutely nothing."

    Spike sighed to himself, savoring the last few bites of his last precious aquamarine. He leaned back into the chair, sitting out front of a small cafe in the Ponyville Marketplace. He had been bored these last few days.... very bored. Twilight Sparkle had left three days ago on a week-long trip up to Canterlot - she needed some new books for her personal library, and also was on a routine trip to report back to Princess Celestia personally.

    Spike had already long since finished the list of chores Twilight had left him, and it seemed everyone was busy this week. Rainbow Dash was busy clearing the sky - and practicing her Thunderbolts routine. Pinkie Pie was busy being... well, Pinkie Pie, Rarity was working on a deluxe order for Hoofington - everyone was so busy! Too busy, it seemed, to stop and even say hello to a poor purple dragon.

    He sighed, tossing the very last shard of his stone into his mouth as he jumped off of his chair, walking through the very center of Ponyville. He watched the hustle and bustle of the ponies everyday life, dodging hooves and cart wheels as he walked along, minding his own business.

  17. Okay, I KNOW that commissions are not to be discussed here on these forums, but I need to get this out and this is the only way I know how.

    I need money. At least $350 by the end of April.


    I want to attend college this September, but I need to pay for application fees and residence lottery slots if I am to get in. BOTH of these need to be paid before May 2nd.

    I will be doing by best to bust my tail working at my irl job, but every cent counts. I already have large commissions lined up, but I figured, Hey! I like drawing pony art, it's fun, fairly quick, and people like what I draw!

    So, those of you who have requested already or I have offered to do free art for- don't worry. You are still free.

    From here on though, I will only be taking commissions for pony art until the end of April.

    Since we cannot discuss prices here, please go to my personal website http://opalice.weebly.com/index.html

    And post in my blog, or email me questions. I will also have prices and examples listed there.

    Any drawings that will be done by me will be uploaded on THIS thread for people to take. Since it's pony art, there should be a relatively fast return time, unlike my full commissions on FA.

    Admins and Mods, please leave this here. I need to make as much money as I can before the end of this month, and I am trying to do this cleanly and without being rude.

    Issue changed, this is irrelevant now.

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