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Posts posted by sevofthesands

  1. (i will take your hint)

    Draco stepped up and called out.

    "Hear Me Pony's of Manehatten i Am Draco a Pony i am here to Request That you open the gates please. The Leader's who Oversaw the Massacre were Acting on their own im here to say you can trust the wolves not to harm you please no good will come of a long Siege." Draco hoped they would listen to him neither side would surrender in a siege and neither would last long either.

  2. Draco started to feel different.

    "it was never your fault Draco..." Draco looked around

    "M-mother?" he said

    "Never your fault honey." the whisper said Draco came from where he hid spooked.

    "b-but if i never was you would still be alive mom." he tried to say

    "but you were the best that ever happened to me honey." Draco looked down.

    "but...but" but the voice silenced him

    "Now you are beautiful and handsome and don't let anypony tell you other wise." Draco just stared down at his hooves sad tears in his eyes

  3. Draco had so far gone unnoticed but there were too many at the door still too many maybe a higher position would be better... he ran up some steps to what appeared to be a fairly empty area. he missed a sign that said VIP Area he opened and closed the door and looked about Whoops no he done it there were multiple high profile pony's here and him he backed against the wall hoping again no one noticed him.

  4. Draco was overwhelmed, why did he ever go to Manehatten? there were too many pony's here with too many opportunity's to discover his wings his cloak was fastened on tight but he just kept bumping into him...

    finally he got too overwhelmed and decided the next place he would duck into to hide till nighttime. he saw a door that looked open up ahead what he did not see was that the place was a club exactly the opposite of what he wanted. as he ducked in he went to the side and slid against the wall in the shadows slightly he looked towards the door then into the place he just entered that's when he noticed his mistake.

    "Crud...." he said looking at the club scene maybe no one would notice him...

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