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Posts posted by sevofthesands

  1. Gentle shook his head at the mare. adults could just be as foalish as foals sometimes but i guess its not a bad thing just different than what Gentle expected. he did not need to get in line his gram said that his badge was reserved for him a silly frivolity of wealth but a nice one he walked up to the table and asked for his badge after a double cheak that he was indeed Gentle Sol he got his Badge to Daring con. now what to do first.....

  2. Draco's exact words while she reamed him were

    "errr... um... wha.. no...." he was just left there mouth agape and feeling like he did something too her he tried to find words but all he could do was slump down in sadness. "i didn't mean too...." was all he could say as he laid his head down sullenly

  3. Draco was looking around in awe of the surroundings it did not matter that it was raining he always wore a cloak anyhow. he had never been in this town before his aimless wandering usually took him to the heartland of Equestria but now here he was in this town called London. he still was looking around not looking in front of him when he bumped into a mare in a black raincoat. he quickly lowered his head and stuttered out an apology

    "i-i'm s-sorry i-i d-did not m-m-mean to b-bump i-into y-you."

  4. Show Crossed his hooves.

    "o-of course im a player." Lucky trotted by

    "No your not..." he said making Show blush.

    "Ok i'm not so i guess you could say we are together." as he said it his blush got slightly deeper although it was hard to tell cause of his red coat. Lucky decided to talk with another of the mares he decide to talk to Paw Print.

    "Hey there come her often?"

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