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Posts posted by sevofthesands

  1. Eagle Just rubbed his temple at this migraine he felt in the side of his head.

    "Believe Me i have tried i actually prefer the Gambling addict and cheat that Lucky is compared to the crusader he is right now. while his intentions are good his methods are illegal to put it lightly." ​he then looked at the guards with a quizzical look "Is there no chance you could comply with Lucky? I mean his Goals are good he is just being thick-headed about it." Lucky just laughed "And i will comply to all charges just let everyone else here who is falsely accused go free and i will happily go back in my cell." Lucky said with a grim determination.

  2. (Luckys playing solitaire :P)

    Draco looked at his wings the Scales shown in the dim red light ... the did look sharp he decided to test this theory on the spider Wilden was biting he saw a leg about to swing at the wolf as he was chewing on the insects face he sliced his wing at the leg and to his surprise not only did the leg get sliced off the row others next to were as well. Draco was Terrified but happy he could help somewhat

    "Dear Celestia!" he felt himself say his breathing ragged.

    Lucky was Currently playing solitaire with his lucky deck too bad for the monsters he was using the spiders as his dartboard at the same time..

  3. Roleplay Type: crossover/freeforall RPs

    Name: Draco

    Sex: Male

    Age: Young Staliion

    Species: Pegasus

    Eye Color: a deep lavender

    Coat Color: a Cactus green

    Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: he has a regular mane short and is a a forest green

    Physique: he is of an average Pegasus build but with a quirk he has Dragon-esque wings (explained in summery) its also noted that he wears a brown cloak to hide his wings

    Cutie Mark:a Pegasus wing engulfed in flames but remains uninjured it represents his resistance to fire compared to other pony's

    Origin/Residence: he is originally from Cloudsdale but he left just after flight school due to a bad time in flight school and his feelings about his wings he travels now to keep away from ridicule or so he thinks will happen if he stays.

    Occupation: N/A but he does oddjobs to earn bits to travel and eat

    Motivation:he try's to help anyone he can while traveling without revealing himself of course (which usually does not work) and he also desires to be normal

    Likes: (optional)

    Dislikes: (optional)

    Character Summary: History: before he was born his mother was persuaded by some researchers who wanted to see if it was possible to cross dragon DNA with pony DNA after much experimentation Draco was born but he only had the wings of a dragon nothing else or so they thought but that was enough for the researchers. they wanted to do a series of tests but his Step-Father pulled him out due to the Mother dieing during birth a fact that Draco Blames himself to this day. the researchers were disappointed but understood and well compensated them.

    after that Draco lead a secluded life with his step father in Cloudsdale until he had to go to flight school in which Draco was miserably treated by his classmates and some teachers calling him names and not including him in things and other stuff. this only served to make Draco resent himself more then after he graduated Flight School he just left he felt he could not take the ridicule any more and left now he is always Traveling trying to keep ahead of any ridicule he can (he has not encountered as much as he thought).

    Family: Mother is deceased and he has a Step-Father but he cut ties with him to ease any pain he might have his and his fathers.

    Cutie mark Story: when he was still young there was a fire in the a nearby apartment he felt he had to help for some reason and rushed into the burning building to save anypony he could he managed to save a Mare trapped inside but not before flames had come around him and he just kept going learning that day that he had a unique Resistance to fire due to his Dragon side earning him his cutie mark (to this day the Researchers are not sure how their experiments changed his cutie mark even before he was born and all).

    Flaws: He has insecurity's about his wing's and himself as well as an inferiority complex due to the ridicule received in flight school.

    Personality: due to the bullying in school he has a big shyness and timid side but if he has to can be very brave and courageous.

  4. Draco was shocked by the wolfs words he could not bring himself to hurt anyone but he did not say this he just nodded but then added

    "No one will die here today i will try to make sure of that." big words from a timid pony with dragons wings

  5. Draco considered the question before answering

    "J-just b-barely an adult i left home recently after attending flight school in Cloudsdale i would have stayed with my father but my wings just brought to many memory's of mother ... a-and how she died so i did the best thing i could do i left and now here i am in need of money in a some madgriffions house in some dusty bloodstained arena." he shifted uncomfortably not liking to talk about his early life to much. "So how about you i understand about your sister and all but she probably does not approve of you risking your life for her."

  6. Lucky was the first to walk down the stairs down to a dusty arena that smelled of dried blood and hopelessness

    "kinda like that bar i went to last week.." he said to no-pony in particular

    Draco was a little more unnerved as the descended down the steps he did not like hurting anypony and did not care to fight but that did not mean he could not defend himself still if he could avoid a conflict he would but at this moment he felt that this was between slim and nil conflict was inevitable.

  7. Lucky had heard what he needed to hear

    "If you can get my family out of poverty then i'm in ehh... blind bets are always the funnest anyway."

    Draco stayed silent he needed money but in truth his desire was one he thought to be unobtainable: to be normal

  8. "The names Draco and i'm not a dragonling i'm just a pony with a bit of dragon DNA" Draco Said with a small smile that somepony er wolf was being polite to him.

    Lucky chimed in as well despite the wolfs hostility

    "Names Lucky Chance and no hard feelings ok..." he said with his usual rogues smile

  9. Lucky raised both hooves in a sign of "ok i give up"

    "i seem to have struck a nerve..." he then turned to the Griffion "at least tell us of some of the creatures we will be facing before we jump once more into the breach. i don't bet till i know the odds"

    Draco could feel the anger when he answered the green unicorn with a fedora he obviously loves his sister very much he decided to leave it for now although he planned to inquire afterwards. he then remembered the other pony's question the one that called himself Crescent Blaze

    "i just need the bits and i guess my own land would be nice. but yes more is needed for us to risk our lives"

  10. Draco had heard his comment how could a pony be worse than he was ... and what could make him distrust pony,s that much? then he heard that he had a sister who needed a cure to an illness.

    "if i may ask what is your sisters illness.." Draco wondered if he could help in any way he could being that what he was.

    Lucky also was interested upon hearing about the sister

    "a sister ehh.. is she cute?" with a grin that could be considered wolfish

  11. Draco put his cloak on as he collected himself feeling very Foalish

    "sorry its just when i was a Colt all the Foals made fun of me... Foals can be quite cruel to those they don't understand.." he said remembering his days of flight school

  12. Draco stood up tears in his eyes at his sides are not Feather Wings but Dragon-esque wings on him his cactus green coat of fur matching the scales on the wings his cutie mark also shown a Pegasus wing engulfed in flames yet not damaged.

    "THERE are you satisfied i'm a deformity a freak a monster i hope your happy." he said then calmed himself as he told the rest of the story of how his mother had submitted to a experiment before he was born and this was the result other than the fact his mother did not survive the birth. "so i'm responsible for at least her death so i am a monster." he said tearing up

  13. Lucky laughed at his employers Antics

    "for a dead stiff your alright. Ok i'll play" he said as he levitated a pack of cards a seemingly normal pack of cards into the air "now im more of the cheat you and run type but i know how to handle myself." he said as he got the cards out of the leather case they resided in and rotated them around him. "i can give a mean paper cut or so you think..." Lucky said mystically as he propelled three cards at high speeds at the wall they to everyone's surprise they stuck to the wall a silver gleam now very evident Lucky smiled "hope you did not think i was serious." he levitated them back to him "these are my little friends specially made by a pro blacksmith made up of stainless steel with razor sharp tips and with a special paint that does not fade to make them look like a real deck. They are my lucky deck i use it in." he smiled at the griffion


    Draco had slipped in quietly and had listened to all that happened he needed more bits to travel on so they would not ridicule him the Pegasus decided to make himself known to the the griffon he walked up and introduced himself

    "h-h-hello sir m-my n-name is Draco and i am here to offer my services i not really a fighter but i'm fast and some pegasai would say i'm usually stronger than normal so i hope i can be of service." he said with a bow his cloaked figure bowing low before the griffon.

    (the cloak is hiding something his unusual side so if somepony were to de-cloak him....)

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