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Everything posted by shyshy

  1. it apparently doesnt make sense for the reasons you said. as for your second question, why not?
  2. no it does not. you asked for an example there ya go. i dunno
  3. lets try this scenario: a girl you really like goes on a comping trip with you. you pack a large backpack including a blanket to sleep on under the stars. it is early morning(maybe 7am). it rained the night before. there are puddles. she doesnt wanna ruin her shoes (which is stupid cuz shes goin campin but whatever.). she needs to cross a puddle. ya use the blanket to get her across. hours later the blanket is dry.
  4. it was dropped in water. i have no idea. i didnt see it was posted
  5. not really. i like mudkip pinkie pinkie is best cathalos is a pony
  6. again i am not a big fan of animals
  7. wouldnt want a pet squirtle. me and animals dont get along. ya ask me, animal rights activists are wasting their time becuase i think if it edible and an animal we should eat it. i would eat a cat and dog if i could. ive already had horse. its good.
  8. honestly no. i think exactly as i had explained.
  9. to be completely factual, area 51 does infact serve a purpose. every american weapons development company (companies such as, VLTOR, colt defense, Ingram, Magpul, Remington) and every aeronautics etc. company is linked to area 51. area 51 is where every singel aircraft, car, weapon, and robot etc, is tested. every american made piece of machinery made by large companies are all tested here. this much is publicly known. what exactly is being tested is not. for security reasons and many others the place is very well secured.
  10. because when area 51 is brought up i think either A: aliens or B: weapons development
  11. no ididnt. i used to love talkin bout that stuff. idk, i bet in some culture it is, and in some other maybe good luck
  12. yeah, rarely do i ever eat cereal let alone breakfast cuz siri isa jerk face sometimes
  13. idk, i just taste it. in pour it into the milk.
  14. now that i think about it, i catch you useless piece of hardware DELICIOUS
  15. yeh. im just makin sure. well i weigh more than you. i weigh 167
  16. HOWDY! i love uk! better voice actors and actors in general, the food is wonderful! welcome ta canterlot! if ya need anything lemme know.
  17. shyshy


    HOWDY! i love tf2! hope ta see ya round the bronies of the outpost server! if ya need anything lemme know!
  18. no im sayin altho i am great with calisthenics i can barely benchpress let alone life the starting bar. you could weigh like over 160 and then i cant lift cuz i am scrawny and weak. nopony called ya fat.
  19. i fall over cuz i am pretty small in stature ^^
  20. ooh a writer then? ^^yay! Howdy and welcome ta canterlot! if ya need anythin lemme know! ooh! have you written anything? id love ta read it if i can!
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