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Everything posted by FermataTheBasse

  1. Yes, but of the pieces I think the strongest currently is Princess Luna. And the game begins. Try not to invoke the apocalypse for a bit, alright?
  2. Resplendent harmony, from sea to shining sea, dawn to Twilight, Equestria was the crown jewel of a land gone perfectly right, where all faults were not with society but personal, and it was assumed that ponies were capable of fixing their own personal mistakes and possibly writing a letter describing the process to their local friendly Princess. Viewed from the great space that surrounded it Equestria was an unassuming land. There were a few centers of urban sprawl that could be viewed as great clusters of lights during the nights. There were mountains, valleys, pastures, forests. With magical sense, one could see the great power present in Equestria, it's natural magic that virtually choked the land with it's presence. The sun and moon even were the providence of harmony, controlled by the aforementioned local friendly Princesses- two, to be precise. Their flights over the land were as carefully coordinated as a dancer in mid pirouette, legs carefully positioned so as to land just correctly upon the floor with maximum grace and style. Right now, the sun was rising, it's pinkish dawn light breaking through the perfectly manicured morning light of Ponyville. Time progressed, it was now afternoon in the blink of an eye. A certain rainbow maned mare was barking instructions at a timid little pink maned mare. [colour=#00ffff]"LOUDER!!!!"[/colour] [colour=#000000]A deep breath... [/colour][colour=#ffff00]"Yay."[/colour] [colour=#000000]-----[/colour] [colour=#ff33ff]Meta-World[/colour] [colour=#ff33ff]"Skipping that, skipping that..." [/colour][colour=#000000]Equestria and a myriad of scenes, the above scene among them, appeared in the surfaces of little bubbles hovering just above the hand of a certain Witch. Her other hand was holding a lollipop loosely in her mouth, her licking idle as she was more interested in the scenes in her hand. A purple mare with stars on her flank going crazy for some inane reason, a different pink maned mare going crazy for no less inane a reason... [/colour] [colour=#000000]Lambdadelta realized, with a super fast cross-section of Equestrian society playing in her hands, that they as ponies had ninety-nine problems, but not one of them was actually even remotely serious... Okay, exceptions aside. One of her bubbles flashed the scene of a crazed pony-like creature with jet-black carapace and highly impractical holes in it's legs laughing as it's evil plans came to fruition. She froze that scene, expanded it for the gathered group to look at. [/colour] [colour=#000000]They were in a neatly built marble atrium, windows on all sides allowing in brilliant light from a non existent source. For everyone gathered there was a throne, a simple affair of stone with velvet cushioning in case comfort was an issue. A table was between the thrones, and it was here that a chess board or some other symbolic piece might have been displayed. For now however, the table was host to the image Lambdadelta was projecting of Equestria, the midst of a wedding gone horribly wrong.[/colour] [colour=#ff33ff]"Now I know that we all could make our influence known far before this point. We could become parasites, infuse ourselves into the guts of Equestria, warp it into something far worse than what it is now..." [/colour][colour=#000000]Lambdadelta spit out her lollipop, crushed it underneath her heel. [/colour][colour=#ff33ff]"But that would be boring. Hence, we won't make our influence known until this point, following this travesty of a wedding. Ladies and gentlemen, you know the rest." [/colour][colour=#000000]Lambdadelta waved her hand, banished the images, and reclined in her seat. She had already sent her move into her piece's subconscious. Nothing too complex for now.[/colour] [colour=#000000]-----[/colour] [colour=#ffff00]Fluttershy's POV[/colour] [colour=#000000]Fluttershy still occasionally had nightmares about the disaster of the Royal Wedding. The strangest part was that they were highly abstract nightmares, which didn't make much sense considering she had actually been at the event and thus could have very vivid nightmares with concrete relations to the debacle. Perhaps she should have been thankful for that. In theory, yes, in actuality, her abstract nightmares were no worse. Ponies laughed manically and screamed in terror, mutated into evil shapes in the corners of her vision, candy was offered to her only to turn into blood when it touched her hooves...[/colour] [colour=#ffff00]"Ooooh... Princess Luna?" [/colour][colour=#000000]Fluttershy sent a prayer out to the Princess of dreams, as she often did during night terrors.[/colour]
  3. [colour=#4b0082]"Well that is an unusual way for someone to greet me. Octavia Trebleclef." [/colour][colour=#000000]Wordplay was surprised the mare had actually noticed her. She hadn't been intending to stick around until the mare noticed her, but she had sort of expected to be pointedly ignored until Wordplay had no choice but to awkwardly shuffle away and pretend that hadn't happened. Instead Octavia was rolling up and off her bed and straightening her famous bowtie. [/colour][colour=#4b0082]"Traveling musician. A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Missus...?" [/colour][colour=#000000]Wordplay wasn't the time to get excited over her idols, she wasn't a fangirl. But this was out of the blue enough to at least put a pause in her own self-assuredness.[/colour] [colour=#40e0d0]"... Uh... oh. The name's Wordplay. I knew your name and profession already, I follow your work." [/colour][colour=#000000]Oh hay, was she saying they could eat together? Wordplay was still firmly not a fangirl, but she was getting kind of elated here. A chance to dine with one of music's truest geniuses, there was so much Wordplay could possibly divine from this mare about true art, so much that could be exchanged with Wordplay probably being the less educated and informed of the two. Okay, no time to get lost in fantasy. Keep talking, keep cool. [/colour][colour=#40e0d0]"Sounds good, I'll go. You were trying to sleep, eh? Big day coming up?"[/colour]
  4. Val is no longer playing Valerie (I wonder where that name came from) as of now. And the difference in power has been noted. Twilight cannot bring on the apocalypse by herself with her magic. Just throwing that out there. Accepted! Since the poll majority is Adventure, we'll be going that way. We already have multiple villainous types as is, but if we need a more explicit villain later on we can make that call and come up with somebody. We've got a good number now, but sign ups are still open. Starting post will be up soon!
  5. It's alright. I don't mind if they're kinda large.
  6. [colour=#b22222]Lypris (Starlight Hill, somewhere outside(?))[/colour] Lypris smiled, shoved off Dopple's wing with one of her forehooves, but it was an affectionate motion. [colour=#b22222]"She didn't look that scared. More like disgusted."[/colour] [colour=#000000]Lypris laughed heartily at that. [/colour][colour=#b22222]"Staying classy with the ladies, huh Dopple?" [/colour] [colour=#ffff00]Fluttershy (Starlight Hill, somewhere outside)[/colour] [colour=#000000]Fluttershy smiled when she was pulled away. It reminded her of old times, when her friends had had to drag her away from bad situations before. She was restraining herself, she wanted to hug her old friend, but it was against her Order's code to be overly generous with emotions. And Fluttershy was somewhat afraid of what her emotions really were concerning her old friends. In theory, as a monk of the Starlight Hill she was neutral to all sides of the war. But her loyalty had lay firmly with the now dead Princesses. And that Rainbow Dash and Twilight were in service of the regime that had so brutally killed them... Regardless of the reason. Fluttershy remembered something she had been taught here in the Order: There is no consideration of intent, only consequence. [/colour] [colour=#ffff00]"I didn't die, I..." [/colour][colour=#000000]For all her training and discipline, it was still hard to admit the truth. She paused, took a breath to steel herself. [/colour][colour=#ffff00]"... I ran away when the first attacks started. I couldn't bear the thought of war breaking out, I tried to come back and find you guys but Ponyville had been destroyed..." [/colour][colour=#000000]Fluttershy restrained tears with some difficulty, her eyes shimmering. [/colour][colour=#ffff00]​"Rainbow... it's soo good to see you again." [/colour] [colour=#afeeee]The Mistress of Shadows (GEF Caravan)[/colour] [colour=#afeeee]"And the crowd goes wild..." [/colour][colour=#000000]The Mistress of Shadows had grown bored of trying to order around the Shade Corps, had retired to it's room where it was currently watching a televised game of pegasus volleyball. It raised a lazy hoof into the air, wishing that it had somepony to watch with. Oh how it wanted Twilight to be willing to spend just a little off time with it. Even with the news that she had a foal... The Mistress would never dare complain about her idol, but there was not one minute out of her day she could spare to pay attention to one of her most valued soldiers? It was always business, never time for anything else. The Mistress knew that it was loyal to Twilight. But it was getting harder to keep that in mind. The camera panned over a few attractive cheerleader mares doing flips. The Mistress sighed. Attractive ponies failed to rouse it, even. Only Twilight could do that now... Okay, that's kind of creepy, but it's true.[/colour] [colour=#000000]In it's boredom, The Mistress was extra sensitive to magical effects, and as a result it noticed a reverberation through the local area. It was a very specific, very broad, yet undeniably powerful command that echoed onto itself, making it hard to notice for those who weren't attuned sharply to magic and bored out of their minds like she was. It was... a greeting? And a conceited boast? The Mistress was reminded of it's old glory days before the war had broken out. Perhaps this weirdo would be willing to amuse it for a while. So The Mistress tracked the magical threads, pushing through them with it's own powerful spells, tricking barriers through dimensions and space and time with it's wily magical dexterity... [/colour] [colour=#000000]The Mistress appeared Knowledge, as an avatar of itself, the same white coated pink maned mare similar in stature to Celestia.[/colour] [colour=#afeeee]"Who the hay are you and what are you observing all of us for?"[/colour]
  7. Wordplay nodded. [colour=#40e0d0]"Sounds good. I should probably get going too, but you should hit me up sometime. We could do a collab or something?" [/colour]
  8. May I remind you that as of now we are not allowed multiple pairs? Accepted. Welcome to The Outsiders, darling.
  9. Cadence doesn't know, and sure. As long as you don't write that Cadence and Chrysalis made hot hot passionate giggiggity or something.
  10. [colour=#a9a9a9]"Hey, don't say it like that. I'm sure you were a big part of your own success. The way you're saying it, it sounds like you were just lucky." [/colour][colour=#000000]Penumbra didn't like attributing anything to the fates. Was it horribly bad luck that she was the way she was? Yup, pretty much. But did she care? She didn't want to be the mare who sat down and accepted her fate quietly. There was a stubborn fighter in Penumbra, and she refused Lady Luck at every turn. She shifted aside when Bridge bumped her. [/colour][colour=#a9a9a9]"Mmm, that's alright!" [/colour][colour=#000000]She looked at the vendor he was mentioning, mercifully free of the crowds. [/colour][colour=#a9a9a9]"Looks good. You sound pretty hungry too." [/colour][colour=#000000]She laughed when she heard his stomach growl, then began to make her way through the crowds towards the stall.[/colour]
  11. Oh, so it's the piece? Alright then. But how does Gallerian get Pride when it's unleashed? I mean, it's still physically in Equestria.
  12. [colour=#b22222]Lypris (Starlight Hill)[/colour] [colour=#B22222]"As you say." [/colour][colour=#000000]Lypris smirked and made to return to her general's side, but she saw that he was off accosting Rainbow Dash, another familiar face from the Royal Wedding. Wait, did he just kiss her? Lypris wasn't one to question her superior at all, or when she did question him it wasn't to his face, but what the freak was that? She buzzed him angrily through the mental hive:[/colour] [colour=#b22222]"What the heck was that, sir? Are you trying to seduce the enemy or something?" [/colour][colour=#000000]It wasn't bad tactics- not counting the fact that Changelings were generally unattractive to other species- but it was just so out there so as to have the Changeling mage confused and a bit angry. And a bit jealous, even. [/colour] [colour=#000000]​She was even happy that Chrysalis told him off. Served him right. [/colour] [colour=#ee82ee]Princess Mi Amore Cadenza (Starlight Hill)[/colour] [colour=#000000]Princess Cadence did not speak to Dopple. She had forgiven the changelings, sure. But there simply wasn't a lot to say to them, nopony except the Queen herself, perhaps. However, Dopple's words were interesting. When she was gone, she turned to Free, whispered to him:[/colour] [colour=#ee82ee]"I have to admit, General, I do not trust Twilight either. But I'm frankly not sure why. Do you think we're all being paranoid? Or is there something wrong here?" [/colour][colour=#000000]She looked about at the monks. She knew this order, they had been around since her auntie's time, and she wouldn't suspect them of being in anyway beholden to Twilight or the GEF. But that wasn't to say that something couldn't happen. Twilight had been the Element of Magic and she had defeated Red Fox. Her power was perhaps great, even in this neutral zone. [/colour][colour=#ee82ee]"What do you think we should do, Free? If we cannot trust our own hostess?" [/colour][colour=#000000]Cadence beckoned the Queen over when she appeared. Her input would be valuable, as a technical outsider to the affair as a whole. [/colour] [colour=#ffff00]Fluttershy (Starlight Hill)[/colour] Fluttershy was glad that Rainbow was following her. She didn't want to reveal herself to everypony at once, or it might be overwhelming. And Rainbow Dash had been her closest friend before out of their old band. She thought she'd have the easiest time with her. When Rainbow was done with Dopple, she approached, made sure nopony was around to witness, then dropped her hood. She hadn't seemingly aged a day. [colour=#ffff00]"Rianbow. I'm so glad to see you again."[/colour]
  13. Who the heck could have Pride in this? Don't say Trixie.
  14. I didn't know that either, that's why I'm checking.
  15. How is Pride in Equestria, if I may ask? How is that whole thing going to work? Does he have to ultimately manifest in Equestria to take the thing? And is your first Outsider/piece still being played?
  16. [colour=#b22222]Lypris (Starlight Hill) [/colour] Lyrpis let herself be dragged about by Dopple, not particularly concerned about her own thoughts at the moment as she let herself be taken over by the unique Changeling tendency to become a virtual object for their superior. Her thoughts became partially Dopple's, she felt his irritation, his annoyance with the others for not humoring his humor and instead being petty. Lypris was annoyed, wanted nothing more than to speak up on her superior's behalf, but she was still reluctant to say anything that might result in the Changelings being further discredited. Not that her superior wasn't already doing a good job of that, but it wasn't Lypris' place to correct Dopple's faux pases. She finally slipped out of her hive mind and thus Dopple's grip when he sat down. She approached Applejack calmly. [colour=#b22222]"You alright? Here."[/colour] Lypris held one of her forehooves out, it was glowing slightly.[colour=#b22222] "My magic can ail most ailments. Helping the body help itself is a defensive magic, after all."[/colour] She kept up communication with Dopple through the hive mind: [colour=#b22222]"I'll try to talk around a bit, sir. Don't stress yourself, or I'll need to give you my magic too."[/colour] [colour=#ee82ee]Princess Mi Amore Cadenza (Starlight Hill)[/colour] Who the hay were these people, anyways? Cadence hadn't even known that the dragons were interested in the fate of Equestrians. She heard out the tale of Twilight with some suspicion. It didn't really add up. The Twilight she remembered would never have given the time of day to the slayers of her mentor... But Cadence cast it from her thoughts. She wasn't sure what Twilight was up to, yes. But Twilight's good side was critical to the success of any treaty, since the GEF held most of the power at this summit. Cadence would have to trust Twilight with her life, and the life of her kingdom, and appeal to her honestly. She trotted next to Free, sensing the tension from him: [colour=#ee82ee]"You alright sir?"[/colour] She whispered into his ear. She then looked directly at Twilight, for the first time since they had arrived. Cadence tried to keep her tone even. [colour=#ee82ee]"Frankly, my reinstatement will probably be a symbolic motion. In reality, I would not have the power. I would rather trust it to more experienced ponies."[/colour] [colour=#ffff00]Fluttershy (Starlight Hill)[/colour] Fluttershy followed close on the heels of Sister Waltz, spoke to Rainbow Dash coolly. There was a hint of the old demure mare's voice in there, but it was mostly quashed by the power afforded her voice by years of hard discipline and training under the Order. [colour=#ffff00]"Forgive Sister Waltz. We are simply trying to keep the peace in this sanctuary."[/colour] With a stomp of a forehoof most of the vomit that had been cast by the others onto the ground was gone.
  17. Eh, I'm not good at getting people to apply to my stuff. Unless I'm offering to do certain things with them... -_- Why is it that I am only valued for my 'romantic' ART around here? I'd be glad for the help Val! And thanks for the app, Total!
  18. [colour=#ff0000]Well there goes my happiness.[/colour] [colour=#000000]Eh, I hope people sign up... I'm alright with starting it with 3, and the Rp is complex enough where a smaller number of people might be easier to use... But darn it, this is kind of sad.[/colour]
  19. [colour=#b22222]Lypris (Starlight Hill)[/colour] [colour=#000000]Lypris sidled up to her superior as she was commanded, protectively flanking him as if the others present might start attacking them at any moment. [/colour][colour=#b22222]"It's my job, sir." [/colour][colour=#000000]Lypris wouldn't have been surprised if at least three of the factions present went straight for Cadence once the negotiations broke down. She'd be facing some of the most powerful mages in the land... she hoped her own defensively oriented magic was enough to make sure the Changelings came out with Cadence in the end. [/colour][colour=#b22222]"What else should I bear in mind in the event of negotiations breaking down? Protect the Princess, yes. Anything else?"[/colour]
  20. And then we can cross over this RP with Coltaria and then we can have infinite factions and arms races and people being ignored and we will all live in harmony forever
  21. [colour=#ee82ee]Princess Mi Amore Cadenza (Starlight Hill)[/colour] The closer the Princess examined the groups, with Glad's words in mind, the more she realized that he had a point, horrible to consider as it was. There seemed to be problems forming between the groups already- petty or otherwise they could become issues during the negotiations. And she somehow couldn't bring herself to trust Twilight's words. Something about what she was saying did not sit right with Cadence, her tone perhaps. Cadence couldn't let herself lose any of her spirit now. If she slipped up, all of Equestria might pay the fell price. [colour=#ee82ee]"There is nothing we can do about it if true," [/colour][colour=#000000]Cadence whispered back. [/colour][colour=#ee82ee]"Best to hope that they shall be willing to hear one another out." [/colour][colour=#000000]Cadence nodded politely at everyone- since she wasn't sure about some of their importances, she felt it best to stay safe and just acknowledge them all, much like her aunties used to handle diplomacy...[/colour] [colour=#b22222]Lypris (Starlight Hill)[/colour] [colour=#B22222]"The Princess may be a liability should negotiations go wrong. I'll have contingency spells prepared to ensure she survives." [/colour] [colour=#000000]Lypris didn't really care about Dopple insulting the griffons. They were mangy beasts anyways, and she saw no harm in properly denouncing them. She was a bit miffed at Free for demeaning her superior like that, but she held her tongue. She was probably the lowest ranking Changeling present. No need to draw undo attention to herself if it could have ruined her Queen's plans.[/colour] [colour=#ffd700]Fluttershy (Starlight Hill)[/colour] [colour=#000000]Sister Fluttershy had many things in her past to regret. When her friends had stayed, had fought for what the believed in during the GEF insurrection, Fluttershy had run. She had been unable to handle it, her instincts had kicked in and she had abandoned Ponyville and her friends. She had regretted it almost immediately, tried to return, but then Ponyville had been destroyed. She had been unable to find her friends, and had known that it was all her own fault. Hating herself and hating herself for hating herself, she had run off to a place that Twilight had told her about once, a long time ago it seemed. She had donned gray robes, hidden away her shame, become a monk in service to the ponies of Starlight Hill. Where she could hide away from what the world had become. And now it seemed that world was slowly coming back to her.[/colour] [colour=#000000]Fluttershy approached the factions as they began forming up, her countenance hidden beneath the fold of her hood. She saw old faces that made her heart skip a beat or two. Twilight, AJ, Cadence... it was amazing for her to see them, even if she dared not reveal herself to them. She wasn't sure she could take the questions that would come with a reintroduction. So she shadowed the groups as they trotted along, a mysterious mare in a monk's uniform.[/colour]
  22. [colour=#afeeee]The Mistress of Shadows (GEF Caravan)[/colour] The Mistress of Shadows was pleasantly surprised by Twilight's command, it always did it well to hear Twilight's voice. It didn't bother to respond, even though it could have easily. This was Twilight's big moment, and it was sure that Twilight had official business to attend to. No need for the Mistress to make her voice known... yet. It was strange, the effect of the spell that had been woven over the sanctuary. When given time to think, really think, The Mistress of Shadows found that it wasn't really sure why it was so feverishly loyal to Twilight. Twilight had saved it's life, true. But there was no love between them, everypony knew that. As much as the Mistress wanted... For this train of thought, the Mistress was strangely disconnected from her own emotions. It wasn't having a crisis of faith, it was simply a thought exercise, a calm musing on it's place in life. It stayed in the caravan, not needing to go out. It did not need to be seen for it's influence to be exerted if it came down to that. ----- [colour=#ee82ee]Princess Mi Amore Cadenza [/colour][colour=#000000]and [/colour][colour=#b22222]Lypris [/colour][colour=#000000](Starlight Hill)[/colour] [colour=#000000]The Princess trotted slowly behind Free and Applejack, her appearance restored to it's former glory. She had been rested, fed, her mane and tail had their colour scheme painstakingly restored. It had been deemed that she had to look the part if she wanted to have a chance of negotiating her way to peace in Equestria. She had heard that Red Fox had been overthrown, replaced by a certain Twilight Sparkle. It was a shock, learning that Twilight supported an order that had destroyed the old ways. But Cadence supposed it was at least nice that their enemy was led by a familiar face now. Perhaps their chances of reaching an agreement would be improved. [/colour] [colour=#000000]Cadence's head buzzed with numbers, figures, data about the various factions that would be represented at the summit. Since she was one of the faces with official authority over the people, she would have the burden of having to sound the smartest and most eloquent. It comforted Cadence in a way, reminded her of the perfections that her aunties had to wear when they were the royal sovereigns of Equestria. She was following in their hoofsteps, her posture perfect, her knowledge impeccable. [/colour] [colour=#000000]She had no nerves. For one thing, this was exactly what she wanted, and she could see nothing bad coming from a negotiations. And two, the monk's spell was strong indeed. Cadence smiled at the Changelings they were currently speaking with. She had forgiven their queen, so she'd forgive them as a whole. The past was long and gone.[/colour] [colour=#000000]Lypris meanwhile was somewhat uneasy. She looked around, saw many old faces that had once been their enemies. Her wings would have been buzzing if she had any. Even with the peace of the monk's spell soothing her, she couldn't help but be nervous. She contacted Dopple through the hive mind:[/colour] [colour=#b22222]"Lot of faces here that used to be our enemy. You think we're going to be fine, sir?"[/colour]
  23. [colour=#ff0000]Oh, that makes me the happiest whatever on the planet to hear that.[/colour]
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