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Everything posted by FermataTheBasse

  1. ((Alas, I cannot keep up the big words forever)) Wordplay gaped, so surprised by Psmith's ability to counter her delivery that her internal monologue ceased to be a sarcastic parody of his. She went over the verse he had delivered in her head carefully, checking it. It flowed well, if not perfectly with the beat. He had a couple of pretty funny lines. Oh Celestia, where had this kid come from? Wordplay licked her lips slightly, for once without something witty to fall back on. Her mind tried to come up with something, failed a few times over. Eventually... [colour=#40e0d0]"I am this close to jumping you and furiously making out with you." [/colour][colour=#000000]Wait... what?!? Wordplay punched a hoof into her mouth. Okay, okay. She was losing it. Deep breath, deep breath. Wordplay recovered some fraction of her thought process and managed to start speaking normally. [/colour][colour=#40e0d0]"Okay. Uh... didn't really mean that. Not that you're not a cute guy, but I'm not that kind of girl. I'm pretty amazed though. Are you sure you're not a rapper on the side somewhere?"[/colour]
  2. Cadence looked up to Free. She was amazed, that she would inspire such feelings in other ponies, and that he would seriously consider trying to bring peace peacefully. Who cared that the chances were slim to none? Who cared that they would fight if the plan failed? To Cadence, who had been increasingly destabilized by the events of the day, that anyone would give her a chance to restore the balance the way she felt she needed to... Cadence threw her forelegs around Free's torso, hugging him as best as she could. [colour=#ee82ee]"I... thank you so much! I will make this peace peacefully, I swear it on my aunties name!" [/colour][colour=#000000]Perhaps not the best promise to make...[/colour]
  3. Is there anypony who is genuinely on Twi's side? Then again, she's so powerful she probably doesn't need any allies to be a credible threat. Also, for Twi:
  4. A look at the greater map reveals that the major river in the Everfree (which can't actually be where we saw Steven, so we'll assume he lives in a river that is a tributary of the major river) runs down to Fillydelphia. He could visit the city then. Or you could arrange something where a small group of ponies go into Everfree for whatever reason and meet up with Steven. Also, the river network of Equestria actually allows Steven to get into Ponyville, up to Canterlot, Trottingham, Stalliongrad...
  5. Free walked through the virtual storm of shrapnel unmolested, even as the walls and floor were being scoured. Cadence stopped screaming her pain when she felt Free's touch. She heard him out, her eyes that glowered with power meeting the stern gaze of his own. All at once, the glow broke, her horn ceased channeling it's power, and the many bits of rock and sand in the air fell to the ground with a single unifying clatter that echoed through the chamber as if there was but for a moment a waterfall within. Cadence was not angry, now she was crying, her irises almost not visible behind the tears that flowed from them. She trotted two steps and threw herself against Free, not caring if he was able to support her or not. [colour=#ee82ee]"Th-th-that's the probl- problem! I-I-I I don't want t-to right-right the wr-wrongs of my aunt-aunties! I wan-want to lov-love them, and mou-mou-mourn them for-forever- forever! An-an-and if I can-can't? Wh-why should- why should I fight? I ca-can't even fight! R-Red Fox will de-destroy every-everything! No in-no injustice will be aven-avenged! Not of my aunties, not of the GEF, not of the changelings, of nothing! No matter who wins, the people have been betrayed!" [/colour][colour=#000000]Cadence continued to silently cry into Free's coat, but a part of her realized that she had perhaps stumbled upon an answer in her misery. [/colour]
  6. Wordplay nodded, now smiling as she realized what Indie was trying to get at. Freestyling was one of her loves, and while she wasn't perfect by any means, she had pretty mean improvisational skills. She could even land some pretty sick wordplay on the fly. Her parents had really given her a good name, she thought. [colour=#40e0d0]"Give it to me boy."[/colour]
  7. ((This is the best thread ever)) The floor ceded her, the war once more her's to perpetuate stalemate in, Wordplay began to speak with much less eloquence than Psmith and much more dry humor. [colour=#40e0d0]"Now would you say that you have spelt Psocialist with a silent P, as in pterodactyl or psionic? If so, consider the implications of the silent P within the scheme of your dogma. You indeed have no political desire for socialism, however you must bear in mind that in our nation politics and economics are two sides of the same hoof. Let us return to the umbrella, which you have managed to dust off in what I am sure is a purposeful accident. To consider the role of the Princesses within the context of your metaphor, let us say there is such a thing as magic alongside the socialists and park cleaners and garbage ponies. And let us say that a benevolent pony over all other ponies may summon umbrellas for others as they please. Ripping scheme, benevolent deism." [/colour][colour=#000000]Wordplay went so far as to sarcastically adopt Psmith's tone, which made her sound rather like a cultured filly. Perhaps appropriate considering she was arguing on the Royal's behalf, or perhaps it had a meaning more beyond what it meant already? Given the current flow of conversation, it was likely a whole world onto itself of increasingly irrelevant subtext.[/colour] [colour=#000000]Wordplay had been punctuating her own points with poignant gestures of her own body, that was to say that she was shaking her hoof about as she spoke. It was a significantly more dust free recourse compared to Psmith's own chosen method. [/colour][colour=#40e0d0]"I find it suitably ironic that you try to monopolize the conversation. Allow me the change the meter thusly:" [/colour] [colour=#000000]Wordplay began creating musical drive, that was to say she began tapping her hoof against the ground to provide herself a beat. A few of her peers stopped to watch, excited. It was rare that Wordplay freestyled in public. Or to be less eloquent, it was rare that Wordplay provided words in meter set by a musical beat with excellent lyricism, all spontaneously produced within the moment.[/colour] [colour=#40e0d0]"Socialist,[/colour] [colour=#40e0d0]No social skills, [/colour] [colour=#40e0d0]The Princess calls, [/colour] [colour=#40e0d0]The sun instills,[/colour] [colour=#40e0d0]A certain light, that lights the night[/colour] [colour=#40e0d0]A fire of soul, is now alight[/colour] [colour=#40e0d0]And here's a light, I make of you[/colour] [colour=#40e0d0]Cause you're wordy and stuffy true[/colour] [colour=#40e0d0]And you're a smith, no P is due[/colour] [colour=#40e0d0]I guess you have no bathroom, true?"[/colour] [colour=#000000]Wordplay was actually a bit annoyed that she had to produce toilet humor to finish, but it was enough for her. She waited to see how Psmith would respond. She had to admit, in a masochistic way, this was fun.[/colour]
  8. West was impassive. [colour=#008000]"Complications from a routine surgery. Hey, look." [/colour][colour=#000000]The manager seemed to be half annoyed with Bridge and half repentant for his annoyance at this point. [/colour][colour=#008000]"Didn't mean anything against your girl there. She's a bit rough on the edges, but I'm sure she's fine as buck on the inside. So you two go off and enjoy yourselves, you hear? I'm sorry for my rudeness." [/colour][colour=#000000]He bowed, a stiff motion that indicated that he wasn't used to doing so often, then he began to trot away. Penumbra trotted over as the manager vanished back into the crowds.[/colour] [colour=#808080]"So what'd he say?"[/colour]
  9. West was impassive. [colour=#008000]"Complications from a routine surgery. Hey, look." [/colour][colour=#000000]The manager seemed to be half annoyed with Bridge and half repentant for his annoyance at this point. [/colour][colour=#008000]"Didn't mean anything against your girl there. She's a bit rough on the edges, but I'm sure she's fine as buck on the inside. So you two go off and enjoy yourselves, you hear? I'm sorry for my rudeness." [/colour][colour=#000000]He bowed, a stiff motion that indicated that he wasn't used to doing so often, then he began to trot away. Penumbra trotted over as the manager vanished back into the crowds.[/colour] [colour=#808080]"So what'd he say?"[/colour]
  10. Cadence made some strangled noise, some attempt to speak. Then she began to silently cry. She had been betrayed by her aunties image of perfection. To have it crash down now, of all times, when she had lost almost everything else... The words of Princess Celestia echoed through her head, disgustingly loud and clear: [colour=#ffd700]"Do not bring onto other ponies what you do not want upon your own head." [/colour] [colour=#000000]Well, that was bucking ironic, now wasn't it? Cadence's grief became sudden anger, she screamed some incoherent curse and started to magically throw gravel from the floor about. Strange however, that even at a new stage of anger, she still was careful to not throw a single thing at Gladius or Free. Sand and pebbles hit walls, threw up echos which warbled together with Cadence's screaming. It was a horrifically beautiful cacophony, almost, with the acoustics of the chamber turning the noise into some hellish choir.[/colour] [colour=#000000]-----[/colour] Changeling? It was rare that Changelings were in Equestria outside of conducting official business. Vinyl quickly trotted over, pushed some of the dead timber out of the way... Well, there was the queen of the Changelings herself. Looking pretty... hot? What the hay? [colour=#ff0000]"Uh... Queen Chrysalis?" [/colour][colour=#000000]Vinyl lowered her body on her forehooves slightly, a gesture that might have been a tentative bow. Vinyl didn't know how to treat royalty. It had been so long since she had even beheld royalty.[/colour]
  11. You already know why I don't like Vocaloid, so I counter with my own song nobody will like:
  12. Cadence was silently plodding along, not intending to say anymore. But then, she heard Gladius' account of the history of this chamber. She suddenly trotted beside him quickly, her face to his. [colour=#ee82ee]"Wait! Are you telling me that my aunties took over the land of other ponies?!" [/colour][colour=#000000]It couldn't be. It couldn't be! For the sun's sake, for the sake of her increasingly fragile grip on a sense of self, it could not be! Cadence had a crazed look in her eyes, and they were also beginning to get slightly wet.[/colour]
  13. Vinyl heard the distinctive snick of metal, which worried her. [colour=#ff0000]"Ah, I don't mean any harm. I just-" [/colour][colour=#000000]Vinyl stopped when she saw a blur, something pretty large by the looks of it, zoom into the thicket. There was an impact, and some female voice. A pretty nice female voice, at that. It reminded Vinyl of a singer she had worked with one time... None of this was adding up into any picture that looked good. [/colour][colour=#ff0000]"Uh... what's going on in there?"[/colour]
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIrhVo1WA78 If you want me to, I'll suffer along with you.
  15. I actually don't know every character, since tracking every single thread in this RP is something I'd rather not deal with until I need to.
  16. The most vicious and confusing one...? Mix all of them at once. Cadence develops a hate/love relationship with Chrysalis, who tries to manipulate Cadence to get another shot at Equestria, all the while Cadence is not consummating with Shining Armor so she turns to ponies in the military for cheap thrills, but the guilt is so great she develops a screwed up complex for Twilight. It will be the worst drama ever written. Also, she has a dragon fetish.
  17. A pair of red eyes swept over the vista of Neighra Falls, behind a set of opaque shades. No pony could see her eyes, she could see every ponies eyes. Vinyl found that sometimes, in certain parts of the Federation, her very old shades from before the war served her very well, even though she had realized with time that they were horribly designed. They makes her emotions, which was sometimes necessary when she was talking to some GEF officials. The emotions her eyes sometimes expressed when certain topics came up could have gotten her in trouble. But she was alone, and she could reflect in earnest. She magically put her shades further up her head, allowed her eyes to gather the full light of the beauty of the falls. [colour=#ff0000]"One shot is all it takes..." [/colour][colour=#000000]Vinyl said that to nopony intentionally, it was an idea she was mulling over. She found it easier to think when she sort of spoke to herself. What was this idea? That so many things could begin, end, with a single idea, a single catalyst? How had the rebellion started? Nopony knew. How had it ended? Nopony knew. The civilians were largely in the dark. Nothing was really said, as far as Vinyl heard. [/colour][colour=#ff0000]"The cork floats down the river..." [/colour][colour=#000000]If a shot was a shot of alcohol, the cork of the bottle, the evidence, had been tossed away.[/colour] [colour=#000000]Hey, was that crying?[/colour] [colour=#000000]Vinyl approached a thicket of dead trees that she couldn't see into. [/colour][colour=#ff0000]"Anypony in there?"[/colour]
  18. I was talking about the adult Cadence fanfiction. But hey, the two ideas might not be mutually exclusive. Seriously, just tell me to stop if you need me to. I don't stop until people tell me to.
  19. I'm kidding. It would have been years, after all. Make sure you guys all know that I am prone to being irritatingly witty (or just plain dumb) at times.
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