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Everything posted by Corn

  1. Corn

    Iam Corn!

    @ Winter Of course! Whats life without more brohooves?
  2. Corn

    Iam Corn!

    @ SilverSwirl Well,one day I was going on a Pony forum I was already on. I misinterpreted the name of the forum,and found this one. I kept ending up here so I had decided to join. I had signed up but I guess it got removed,so I did it again today. Thank you~ @ Winter I like watching interesting cartoons with humor,writing stories,drawing,and of course ponies. Yes,I probably will roleplay. I used to roleplay all week,but I stopped when I didn't have anyone to actually roleplay with. Thank you~ @ Dunder OYEA! *Brohooves without hesitation* @ MyLittlePonyTales Actually,I have already read it. But thank you anyways for the thought~
  3. Corn

    Iam Corn!

    Hello,I am Corn. I am new here as you can see. To get to know me,ask some questions. I would also like to be your friends. Hopefully you all accept me. How did you find us?; One day I was going on a Pony forum I was already on. I misinterpreted the name of the forum and found this one. I kept ending up here so I had decided to join. I had signed up but I guess it got removed,so I did it again today. Hobbies/Interests?; I like watching interesting cartoons with humor,writing stories,drawing,and of course ponies. Will you RP?; I probably will roleplay. I used to roleplay all week,but I stopped when I didn't have anyone to actually roleplay with. Favorite Pony; Right now,I'm sure who's my favorite pony. I love them all~ Favorite color?; Well,my favorite color is rainbow. Honestly I think of rainbow as a color. I don't see why it can't be a color. Favorite type of music; I have tons! I like British bands/singers the most though. I guess whatever sounds good. Favorite Live Action show?; Ha! Thats funny. I don't watch Live Action shows. Favorite movie?; Real Steel. Robots. Fighting. Hugh Jackman. '#1 movie in America'. Favorite singer/band?; Singer: Ellie Goulding // Band: Gorillaz. So,thats some stuff about me~
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