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Posts posted by FlimFlam

  1. North Star was rather terrified. Of course, he was always frightened when he had to take so much as a step outside of the Everfree, but as he got closer and closer to the village his paranoia grew. After all, the last time he had visited, he was practically chased out after being blamed for several things he had tried to help with. Like every other time he was caught in Ponyville, he just didn't get why he was so feared. It almost became a game for him really. How many ponies could he help before he was caught or until he was to scared of getting caught to continue walking around Ponyville.

    As he inched closer and closer, before he knew it, he was at the edge of Ponyville. Luckily, not many Ponies seemed to be around. Making extra sure he was hiding (he had found a nice spot in some bushes) he scanned the area for the next one. Sure he had the natural peryton ability to hide, but he needed somewhere to stowaway or it would be just pointless. Back to the matter at hand, he reckoned sooner or later he would be able to do something good.

  2. As Mythos and Autumn continued chatting, Riddle was taken aback when the tears starting flowing. He was never sad much, and he had very little experience dealing with these things in the past, so he eagerly took the advice given by Daisy. Besides, he never figured himself as the comferting type, and so he gestured towards Moonlight. "Perhaps going ahead and packing up your things isn't such a bad idea... after you."

    Turning to Mythos again, he spoke a bit briefly. "I suppose we'll carry on this conversation further along the road...". Despite the situation, Mythos had said quite a bit, both of his life and his personality, so Riddle had something to think about. Having information and knowing are two very different things, Riddle would often muse. Trotting down the road, he turned and waited for Shimmer to follow.

  3. Although most of his attention was focused at the matter at hand, he couldn't help himself from listning in on the two ponies that appeared to have come in for nothing more than a meal. More importantly, he found himself paying more attention as they mentioned a few names he didn't quite recognize. Sure they were familiar, but for some reason, Riddle couldn't quite put a hoof on them

    "Excuse me, miss, but those two you mentioned, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash, I believe. Who exactly might they be? They sound relatively important, and importance is hard to come by."

    Riddle turned to face the couple as he spoke, giving a slight welcoming smile as he finished.

  4. ((O.O.C. Just as long as you don't get to far ahead, I don't mind being skipped a little))

    Riddle was thoroughly intrigued. Both by this newcomer, and that he had learned something about Autumn. He didn't actually know he came from Canterlot, that was a fun fact. But turning his attention back to Mythos, as he and Autumn had a little conversation, Riddle did some thinking. Well-connected, a Canterlot native, very polite, obviously someone with some amount of position in Canterlot, he assumed. One last thing, he supposed, was neccesary to complete his assumption. And that was to ask a question.

    "You know, and I do hate to interrupt, but what brings you outside of Canterlot? You seem like you'd be very well-to-do there.

    With any luck, some light would be shed, but secretly Riddle was hoping Mythos wouldn't give too much information up front. A game was just what he was in the mood for.

  5. Well now, Riddle didn't think it was even possible for anypony to be this happy. He had met a few ponies that were easily excitable, but never to the extent of this, which was quite the character trait. Midsy practically gave off joy in waves, and it was hard not to match that level of optimism. Smiling quite widely, Riddle looked around the fair, until he something caught his eye. Over at one of the closer edges of the fair, there were a few different game booths set up that looked positively delightful.

    Turning over to Midsy, he said "That looks like a good place to start. Are you up for a few games, or did you have something else in mind?". Sure, the games interested him, but first and foremost he wanted to make sure Midsy was happy. Or rather stayed happy in this case.

  6. Intrigued, Riddle listened quite intently to the newcomer. So apparently he came from Canterlot, which was quite the little happy coincidence, given Riddle's own upbringing. Also, Mythos' unique personality wasn't lost on Riddle. If anything, it just egged him on a little.

    "Canterlot, you day? I come from there myself, actually. Oh dear! I almost forgot, these three are Autumn, Shimmer, and Daisy."

    He pointed at each one respectively, hoping they didn't mind being introduced. As he pointed, he picked up on Shimmer's forced smile. That shyness could be a slight problem if she was moving to a new colony... it seemed as though Riddle had plenty to think about on the trip. Perhaps it wouldn't be as long as he thought.

  7. If you don't mind to terribly, this seems like the sort of thing I could be interested in, but it all depends on what would we be adventuring up. Anything Everfree forest-wise and I could use North Star, and anything else would fit Riddle's budget, but I suppose your judgement prevails here.

  8. Riddle perked up as another pony popped with his cleverly marketed torture device. Well, this was a fun revelation. He already knew Autumn and Daisy and Shimmer, but this fourth pony could make the trip go by quicker. After all, time flew when Riddle let his curiosity get out of hoof.

    "If by the promise of land you mean the new colony, then yes, I suppose the promise of land is quite the alluring one. I don't suppose I'd be overstepping my bounds if I asked for your name, would I? I'm Mirage Riddle, but you can call me Mirage. Or Riddle. Or just about anything in between really!"

    Yes, off to a good start. A name can be informative, but how its delivered can really make an impression of personality.

  9. Riddle Mirage practically facehoofed himself. Had the group really not fully introduced themselves among each other. Adventure was nice and all, but how could he have let himself become so distracted as to skip over such a fun piece of conversation? Quickly regaining composure, he allowed Rain Maker's question to go uninterrupted, but he did reply to Colgate."Threatened to pull you're teeth out? Sounds like a charming bunch. Maybe when this escapade is all said and done you can give me directions. There must be something there worth seeing."

    After speaking, Riddle gave a quick little look around. Really he just didn't want to be jumped by anymore squirrels, but he managed to convince himself he was looking at the scenery.

  10. Riddle was a touch intrigued by the Everfree forest mention, if he could get a plot of land by there, it would be a lot easier to figure out what to do with it. As he stood there thinking, he unconsciously began pacing, forgetting he was hooked up to the carriage. Without any effort put in his trot, he startled himself and practically fell down right there. "Curse this infernal machine! how does anyone get around in this?" he thought. Sighing, he realized that it was going to be a decent trip, which meant a decent trip attached to this... thing.

    "Well now, why don't we get a move on? Canterlot isn't getting any closer, and that would be just absurd if it was."

  11. "I suppose that sounds about fair..."Riddle mumbled a bit, but he spoke clearly. He was still untrusting of the cart, but he did put his stuff in the back. He was certainly going to be fit by the end of this journey, that was for sure. Figuring he might as well go first, he walked round to the front of the cart and hooked himself up, then waited for everyone else to finish. In the meantime, he tried striking up a conversation.

    "Does anypony know what this colony is going to be like?"

  12. Well, Riddle wasn't expecting a wagon, to be honest. Of course, it made sense, given the group size and amount of luggage, but still. Riddle had never really traveled anywhere that he couldn't get to on hoof, so it made an interesting change of pace. Slowing down a bit, he turned around and rejoined with the group.

    "So do I just put my gear in the cart, or how does this work?"

    It wasn't that he had no idea how to work the cart, it was just that... okay. He had no idea how to work the cart.

  13. *inhales deeply*

    Hi! Hello! How are you? Welcome to Canterlot! Top of the morning to ya! A fine day to you, dear sir! Evening! Welcome yall! Welcome, welcome, welcome, a fine welcome to you! Velcome to ze herd! Greetings! Live long and prosper! Howdy, partner! Sup! Good day to you, mine fine fiendish friend! Hope you enjoy your stay! Have a good day! Welcome aboard, captain! Ohayo Gozaimasu! Aloha! Guten tag! Hola!

    *Gasps for air*

  14. "Pleasure to meet you Autumn. I suppose you know my name, so there's not much point in saying it now. Now, I believe we have one last mare to pack for -" Riddle gestured toward Shimmer, "-so lets get this show on the road!"

    Again setting off at a nice trot, he headed for where he remembered Shimmer's cabin to be. That said, he had little to know sense of direction that day, and so he wandered off in literally the opposite direction from where he should have been going. Smiling, briefly, he realized he didn't have much to think about. Then he remembered he was going to Canterlot, so he tried focusing on what he remembered it to be.

  15. "Wait, wait, wait. Canterlot? The flyer never said anything about Canterlot.

    Riddle realized pretty much right there he hadn't been to Canterlot, well, since he left. He had left so he could explore the world, and to explore this colony, he had to go back, however briefly. Irony was not wasted on Riddle, and this struck him as an extremely odd moment. Not that he was nervous, though. Just that he hoped they wouldn't be staying long.

    Of course, now was not the time for that kind of thinking. He was going on an adventure! He, neigh, they were going to be land owners! With this, he started taking a confident stride in his step. He still didn't know what he needed land for, but one road at a time.

    "Wait, scratch that. Canterlot's fine, I suppose. Do any of you three have any plans for your land? No, don't tell me. Daisy would need farmland, and... that's all I've got."

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