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Posts posted by FlimFlam

  1. Well, although it is a touch frightening for the MLP target audience, I'd like to mention the ponies from the story of the blanks are pretty much zomponies in their own right. And as for the omnivorous bit, perhaps the zombies would be more about infection than eating brains, sort of (slightly) similar to a discord brainwashing only contagious and more zombiefied. In addition, while they only have hooves at least unicorns still have their horns.

  2. In the find a pet song, a good majority of the pets were just over the top cute, but the way tank just kept trying to get rainbow dash's attention really got me.

    It was rather adorable :kissy:

  3. Riddle would have lied if he said he wasn't excited when he got his letter back. He didn't get much mail in the first place, so when the mail pony delivered this, he knew practically immediately what it was. Without wasting much time, he tore into the envelope...

    The second, to Mirage Riddle.

    "Well, we've found a match based on your application! Your match is a young unicorn mare by the name of Mid Wobble, or Midsy for short, and I think you two should have a fun time! You'll be meeting her at the Fillydelphia County Fair, at noon. Dress how you like, but try to dress up a little! Just make ultra-sure to write back if you can't make it!

    Best of luck! Matchie"

    Riddle smiled upon reading the letter. "Fillydelphia, huh? That isn't to far... OH! a fair!" If Riddle wasn't excited before, he certainly was now. Then he frowned a bit. Dress up? Sure he had his stage attire, but a cape and a top hat would hardly be appropriate for a county fair. Well, no problem really. He just had a bit of shopping to do. Oh, where to begin...

  4. Name : Mirage Riddle.

    Gender : Stallion

    Gender preference (Optional) : Mare, if you please

    Location : Oh, here, and there. Anywhere that's interesting, really.

    Age : Young Stallion

    Species : Unicorn

    Species preference (Optional) : Oh come now, is this really important?

    Cutie-Mark (Optional) : Three question marks

    How would you describe yourself, physically?

    Ohhh... about average. Travels keep me fit, but that's about it.

    Black mane, white coat... Oh! and red eyes

    How would you describe your personality?

    A bit out of left field, and perhaps a touch odd. What else is there to say? Oh wait, I could probably mention some of my quirks. Well, you see, I suppose questions are as important as answers. You can't have one without the other, and so I figure I'm the question to a lot answers. If that makes sense.

    What things in life are important to you?

    Why, life itself is important to me! So much left to do, and so much left to see! It's nothing but one great mystery! Traveling is important, and really just seeking out life's mysteries. Not to answer them, just to pass them along.

    What's your idea of the ideal first date?

    Something fun... you know, besides that, I can't think of anything.

    What are you looking for?

    This would imply that I'm looking for something in particular. Which is not entirely true. All I really want is somepony who doesn't get impatient easily.

    Anything else you think we should know?

    No squirrels. That would be a deal breaker.

  5. Alright, here is a simple game that I found lying around on another thread, and I thought it looked awesome enough to move over here.

    The game is pretty simple, in that person A (me) says something like "Twilight vs. Pinkie". Person B (the next poster) replies by stating the victor, Pinkie, before proposing his own battle, such as "Dragon vs. Hydra" and so on and so forth. So without further delay, lets get started!

    MLP season 1 vs. MLP season 2

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