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Posts posted by elsporko

  1. Alright, after seeing this get post after post after post, I finally decided how to vote.

    But although you can vote for 1, 2 or 3 of them, you can't register a vote for zero of them.

    But a few days later, I realized I could pick the least annoying of them!


    Mostly because she has had fewer horrifying moments than the other two.

    Nothing could make me happier than the disbanding of the cutie mark crusaders...

    Wait! Let me clarify! Nothing could make me happier with regards to these three, than them abandoning the primary goal of getting their cutie marks, and remaining good friends. I want a story line with them that includes them actually learning something. The jokes at the end of episodes that feature them obviously not learning anything were ill-advised the first time around. There is nothing intrinsically wrong with them, they are cute, and they have much potential. I want to like them, but it is just not possible currently.

    I agree. They should have gotten their marks in The Show Stoppers. They are at their best when they are not crusading. Gabby Gums is a good episode about them trying to get their marks, but it easily could have been changed into them wanting to join the paper for non-crusading reasons.

  2. Yeah, but what would Chrysalis' gained from that? I have a feeling, if she wanted Cadance dead, she would have killed her instead of dumping her underground...

    Twilight likely has way more powerful magic then Chysalis. Chrysalis got Twilight in the mines due to surprise, she probably did the same with Cadence. Going down to finish the job could result in being defeated, however having Twilight do the dirty work keeps her out of harm's way

  3. One thing that bothers me...What was Chrysalis' original plan? She was pretty shocked when she was able to take down Celestia...So I'm gonna assume that wasn't part of her original plans. Wonder if she intended to hostage off Twilight and the real Cadance for her demands?

    I think she intended to have Twilight take out Cadence. Why else would she lead Twilight to blast the wall where Cadence was being hidden?

  4. I have a Watership Down tattoo (The Black Rabbit of Inle on my chest) I'm thinking of another, possible a fox of some sort, but really don't have any money or solid ideas

    My wife has two bunnies on her feet, a star, bird, and latin saying on her ankle, another bunny on her hip, the Finnish flag and word mother on her chest, another bird on her shoulder, and a quarter sleeve consisting of a jackelope, an owl, and Vault Boy from Fallout. She can cover all of them with the right clothes for interviews and professional stuff.

    I believe if you really want a tatoo you should go for it. Just be smart where you get it and make sure the artist is good. No need to be ashamed

  5. Most people in college don't really care what you like as long as you aren't weird and obbsessive about it. Its not like high school where there may be worry about popularity. College has too many people for those sort of squabbles and anything like that will be kept within a smaller social group. If you act like something isn't shameful then others won't percieve it that way.

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  6. Fluttershy is independently wealthy or receives money from a wealthy family to support her unpaid animal care, which is also why she has a skewed attitude to wealth as shown in 'Putting your hoof down'

    She doesn't have a skewed attitude towords wealth, she is a doormat who is unable to stand up for herself and negotiate a fair deal.

    I think she has a goverment job. Animals can't care for themselves outside of the Everfree forest. She appears to be employed with that task and getting them homes. We also know she took the official bunny census.

  7. In Twilights case its not a matter of not reading social cues, she is socially awkward because she isolated herself. I wouldn't say she is OCD in Lesson Zero, rather she has high anxiety and over worries. things. She is freaking out because she is assuming punishment is coming that isn't. Twilight also came to terms with Pinkie sense as something that she can accept even if she doesn't understand it

    The Fluttershy arguments don't make it either. Fluttershy is able to express emotions, she does it all the time. Her lack of assertiveness isn't a failure to show emotion, its being scared. Thats also the reason she likes animals, they are weaker then her and need her to take care of them. It makes her feel empowered. I don't see her being overally naive or unable to read social cues. That never seems to have come up.

  8. I think I would like to see a TV movie before a big screen release. I think Canterlot wedding was fine without being any longer. I do think Return of Harmony would have benefited from being longer however. That one would have made an excellent TV movie. The conclusion is just way too rushed

  9. My theory on the Everfree Ruins: Princess Celestia and Princess Luna lived there one thousand years ago. The Everfree Forest was actually tamed and there was a Canterlot like city surrounding the castle. This could have been the first city wheen the three pony nations joined together.

    Discord caused great damage to the city and then Nightmare Moon's rise acted as the death knell of the city. Due to the city being destroyed and Celestia's decision to banishe her sister, the original city was abandoned. Due to the wild magic let loose in those two battles, the Everfree Forest became the untamed unforgiving place is it today.

    I figured they must have lived there, why else would the elements be there?

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