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Posts posted by elsporko

  1. I think the Hearth's Warming Eve play is Celestia propaganda. It shows the that when the tribes are divided they are weak and subjectable to danger but protected when together. The elected leader is the least sensible, a ploy to keep her citizens from demanding elections. Then at the end they hoist Celestia's flag not a flag represenative of the time.

  2. Not really. plenty of guys hit on "con girls" when they wouldnt even recognize them walking around the in the real world!

    Cosplay is an illusion. Makeup, padding, wigs....

    and so much more than your looks especially if your costume is accurate, has high quality, has the correct props that are made well....

    A MLP cosplay can be done by anyone, whether or not another deems them "worthy" of their cosplay. Thats what the spirit of cosplay is all about!

    If the cosplay makes them hot then they are still a hot girl

  3. The song is somewhat derivative, but so is a lot of Ingram's work as he pulls inspiration from other work either in feel, tonality, or straight good ol' fashioned homage.

    That said, the Bruno Mars song that Angie linked to is the same chord pattern progression, in a higher octave.

    NOW! I should mention that there are a LOT of great songs that are derivative at least in part. Ever hear of Led Zeppelin? Yeah, well, they sorta stole guitar rhythms and pieces of songs without credit many times. This includes the ever popular "Stairway to Heaven." Don't believe me? Listen to "Spirit" by Taurus and compare to the intro of Stairway to Heaven. There are many others though, that is just the most well known since they kinda toured with them...

    I always felt that paticular critisism of Led Zeppelin is kind of picky. They have a heavy blues influence and in blues its not considered neccasary to credit sources or considered bad to take a part of a song and apply it to another. Alot of American tradditonal music kept up the practice into the 50s and 60s

  4. I agree the crusaders need their cutie marks already. They are more entertaining when they aren't crusading.

    I'm hoping for an episode about Fluttershy's parents and it turns out they are abusive. It would explain her behavior and could be set up to help kids who are in an absuive situation. She could go back and confront them or something.

  5. I never brought it up around my parents, but my fiancee's mom knew she liked the show and apparently knew I liked it because she made a reference to it during a dinner with her, my parents and I. I said I hadn't watched it while I was at home because I didn't want to subject my parents to my cartoons. My dad said "And I'm glad for that."

  6. I know what they were suppose to be, but the episode failed to show it. If you stretch a definition far enough anybody can fit in it. The episode simply was poorly wriiten and not focused enough to show Flim and Flam to be the scam artists they are suppose to be. What they did was legitimate. Apple family had something to gain, they didn't want competiition coming in on their monopoly. The terms were fair for both sides and clearly laid out without loopholes. If the actions of Flim and Flam are villinous then the actions of the Apple family are as well. Here you have a family owned business that refuses to let in outside investors and when those investors decide to get outside apples to make their own cider the family gets mad on them for moving in to "Sweet Apple cider country" despite an overall disatisfaction with the job being done with cider production in Ponyville

  7. Directly from the wiki article "Hustlers may also engage in "sharking" – distracting, disheartening, enraging or even threatening their opponents, to throw them off."

    Now... what is it that Flim and Flam did to get the Apples to accept the competition...? I believe they INSULTED and ENRAGED the Apple family by antagonizing them.

    I guess I'm a con artist then. I insulted family pride of other people by saying there is no way they could possible beat me in Scrabble. And of course my favorite hustlers in fictional history are the bullies in Back to the Future who Flim and Flam base their tactics off of

  8. Flim and Flam did nothing to make it look like they would not win the competition. Hustling is deceptive. If I went to a pool hall, played every game my best and talked about how good I was, then made bets I would not be a hustler

  9. 1 & 2: You'll get one of those right, so yeah.

    3. I think the main characters are too popular to leave, and death is definetly a no for this show (It's still rated Y, and it may not get past the censors to kill a character)

    4. I would like that to happen. I want to know about Applejack's parents.

    5. I suppose that could happen

    6. Like I said before, it wouldn't really make it past the censors, especially for an on-screen death. Remember, it's still rated Y.

    7. That would be interesting, kinda' like Season 1 Episode 23.

    8. That would also be interesting.

    9. I say no, unless this is the last season. Them trying to get their cutie marks are HUGE character traits, and creates many plot points, so it would ruin a lot to give them their cutie marks, unless the show was ending.

    10. Featherweight probably won't appear again, like Tank and Pipsqueak. Just sayin'.

    I want Pipsquak to come back...

  10. I don't know how people could make the claim they weren't con artists. (Well perhaps that is showing how well they were written) They used the Apple family's pride and vanity (with some desperation to appease the townsfolk) to drag them into a competition where they had everything to lose and NOTHING to gain. They knew they would refuse the deal, and immediately started going after the Apple family's pride and vanity to excite and rile them up to get them into a vulnerable position. That is a classic con.

    If they manipulated them into the contest and set it up so that they would win no matter what (like a game of three card monty) they would be con artist. Instead they made the Apples want to compete in a game they would likely lose but not because any rules were broken (like a legit game of blackjack at a casino)

  11. We are suppose to believe they are con artists based on the name and the archtype but they never showed themselves to be con artists. They are shady business men but they never con anybody or are stopped from conning anybody. It looks like they are going to be con artists but then it goes into the John Henry man vs machine story.

    I think there were two idea for which way the story was going to go, Apples getting conned or Apples show working hard can beat modern technology. Then somewhere in the writing process they combined them leading to inconcistant themes.

  12. If the apples were smart they would have made a deal to sell apples to Flim and Flam on the condition that Flim and Flam can only sell cider after the Apples sell out of what they have. They would be selling the same amount of cider but also additional apples.

    Although I've never cared for this episode. It has quite a few story points that don't really line up. I think there were multiple plot ideas that never got quite ironed out.

  13. I don't see a cult of Discord forming among the ponies since they seem pretty dedicated to Celestia, almost to the point of brainwashing. It would be interesting to see how other species would react since we know they don't view Celestia the same way as the ponies. Maybe they would sign with Discord or other creatures

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