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Posts posted by elsporko

  1. Hasbro seems to have very hands off approach to bronies. They know about them but neither try to entice them with quality toys or goes against the merchandise made by the community.

    Its odd because you would think Hasbro could make a killing with some good plushes from both fanbases

  2. The vast majority of furries I've met personally have been pretty cool with really diverse interests. As much as people like to mess with fursuiters, it's really a fascinating exercise in artistic costume design.

    As far as I can tell the people who are furries because they actually identify with the animal or what not are usually pretty chill. The people who get into it because they have body issues and want to be in a group that allows them to create their own idealized body or those who totally fetishise it are the ones who cause drama

  3. It is always at this point in discussions such as this that I point out that anyone who does believe in ghosts that Mr James Randi has $1 million challenge to anyone who can prove under scientific conditions the presence or quantifiable or qualitative proof of the existence of any supernatural presence or phenomenon.

    The trouble with that is how do you prove ghosts are real? Other then being able to see the ghost any evidence can be said to have been faked, especially since most evidence is at most guesswork. Its hard to know if something happens around ghosts when its hard to find ghosts at all.

  4. I'm not a huge fan of that eye for an eye mentality. That's not healthy problem resolution, that's messing with people for the fun of it. And why the costumes, then? They obviously made a huge spectacle out of it for no reason.

    Well the point of the costume was so that they could be a hero without taking any credit. The oppisite of Rainbow Dash basking in the glory.

    Trouble is that kind of thinking falls apart when they all start boasting about what they were doing. I have noticed that in a few episodes the lesson they try to give doesn't actually line up with what is happening in the episode

  5. Interesting to hear things from a writer's perspective.

    Interesting how Luna Eclipsed was the toughtest one to write (I'd assume the two part episodes were the hardest).

    Also interesting how that one was altered the most. I wonder why?

    I like that it's confirmed that season Three will have the full 26 episodes.

    The Crystal Empire toy line seems interesting. I'm wondering if that will be a new evil group/ new location for ponies to travel to.

    Luna Eclipsed must have been the toughest due to the revisions.

    Makes you wonder why their were so many revisions. Maybe the network thought it was too scary

  6. Unicorn Magic to me is perhaps the best form of magic due to the fact that it's not all encompassing nor overpowerful.

    In fact the only one who seems even remotely overpowered is Twilight but that might go down to her element being Magic.

    I think her special talant is being good at magic, so instead of having a spell related to her talant she is able to cast all spells

  7. In may the best pet win, mentioned are bullets and tanks. I want this to be canon, I want to see a pony use a gun. I can just see it, the Apples passing a revolver to each other while shooting cans off a fence.

    How exactly would that work?

  8. Arcade cabinets, well, first all electronic coin/op games existed since the 70's But a lot before exited electromechanical or fully mechanical ones... Electricity exists if we take the two shots of a dam with a electric plant, electric apparels in almost episode basis... I'l point their tech level as like 1918-1929 when electricity was not unknow but not widespread, electric audio equippment existed, but not fully barred wind-up Phonographs. And in general, not everybody moved to cities. Still small villages existed...

    It also seems like the electric equiptment is used in public spaces or specialized machines. I don't recall seeing it being used much in homes for common tasks

  9. And that is why I am SO confused as to what time period they are trying to emulate. We have arcade games and ovens but also cottage style housing, spears, and castles.

    Seems to be medivel with random bits of technology. I would imagine the technological parts come from unicorns. Like if during the time of King Arthur wizards were a normal part of society, weaker, but some can make microwaves

  10. My fiancee picked Everything by Alanis Morrisette for our main song. I ended up going against my original idea of picking Can't Even Tell so we could have a Clerks themed reception

    The weird thing is that my mom likes The Beatles so I thought she would be on board with Blackbird. My alternative plan was to find an Alice Cooper song since we both also like Alice Cooper but he has few appropriate wedding songs in his catalog and even fewer that are appropriate for a mother and son.

  11. So apparently part of getting married is picking songs. The fiancee got the main wedding song because she cared what song we had, but I got the second song. I chose Thrasher by Neil Young. Then I got told I had to dance with my mother which made a whole new set of problems since I had to find a song that wouldn't be awkward to dance with my mother to. Obviously Love in an Elevator was out. I chose Blackbird by The Beatles based an the suggestion of a drunk friend. It seems good to me. My mother has shown reservation to this song.

    What I want to know is how you all feel about my choice. I think Blackbird is a good song and not one that is too long or about love that would be weird to dance with a mom to. Can you think of a better song?

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