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Posts posted by elsporko

  1. i really havent fully explained myself to my friends yet, but i have hinted a few things from MLP here and there, like a few video response and memes as such, not many bronies in this part where i live i think, which really sucks because i would love to meet more, im pretty sure if they are your REAL pals, they will fully understand you and the love you have for the show.. :)

    I think the best way to go about the show is to not treat it differently then anything else you watch. I always cringe when people talk about coming out as a brony because thats as ridiculous as coming out as a Doctor Who fan or a Magic the Gathering player. Don't hide it, don't throw it in people's faces. Fact is unless you make a big deal most people who aren't fans won't even catch on to references.

  2. Twilight has had a bit of an odd evolution compared to the other ponies. While the others seem mainly to be moving forward towards being stable and well adjusted Twilight has gotten more prone to nervous breakdowns. In season one you can tell she is high strung but the second season with episodes like Lesson Zero and Its About Time definitely knocked it up a notch. Looks like we're going to need an episode about proper stress management

  3. I agree that we probably aren't going to make much progress convincing each other. It all comes down to interpretation.

    I do find the idea that people can't act in a certain way to cover up insecurities pretty strange. Working with at risk teens its pretty rare for any of them to act in a way that isn't somehow protecting themselves. Everybody throws up defense mechanisms or shields, some more then others. In Dash's case she needs outside reassurance that she is good, which drives her to cover up weaknesses and feel compelled to always be on top. Hurricane Fluttershy demonstrates her getting over some of these issues, being content with simply doing the job and acting reasonably rather then attacking those who she feels aren't doing enough.

  4. There is definitely proof that sports help self esteem. The problem Rainbow Dash suffers from is that she is not comfortable with herself on various levels. She feels a need for constant reassurance to make up for this. This is why she is threatened by Mare Do Well. Mare Do Well is taking that from her or why failure scares her so much.

    Being aware of this fact on some level, and being ashamed of it, Rainbow Dash over compensates by not only bragging but going over the top. A good example is her feeling the need to interrupt Applejack in Dragonshy just to point out she isn't scared of anything. Dash also fears that by partaking in something that doesn't fit into her idea of how an athlete should be acting it will make people not like her because she lacks the self esteem to stand up for herself. This is why she puts down reading as something for eggheads or spa treatments as being too girly. She is worried people will stop giving her the good praise for being an athlete she needs if she does something that doesn't make her look like a good athlete. one of the reasons she is able to enjoy reading is because her friends show that they still accept her despite the activity.

  5. awww crap there goes my idea for my character "Spectrum Fast" :lol:

    But no the idea for rainbow hair has nothing to do with rainbow dash. Shes actually my least favorite of the mane 6. I wanted rainbow hair because its apart of my nick name. But rainbow dosent go well with alot of colors and you are right about being annoying thing. But she wasn't going to be a rip off. She was just going to have rainbow hair. lol

    As long as you avoid being a mary sue or being a rip off you should be fine. In an RPG social rules only apply if you are annoying. You can follow any stereotype you want as long as you are fun enough that nobody cares

  6. I have one friend who seems open to the show but I don't think has actually watched it yet.

    I have another friend who tells me that he hates me if I ever bring it up

    Oddly enough I got a text from a person I barely knew who said his friend wanted to apologize for saying I like clop because I guess he accused me of it after I played a pony related video at a party. I almost remember the conversation but was really drunk that night. Frankly I feel like if I am going to play a pony video at a party people are allowed to make fun of me

  7. Shining Armor may have just not realized Twilight would be that upset regarding not knowing about the wedding. Alot of her anger also seemed to be about the fact that he was marrying somebody she thought she didn't know so maybe he thought that since they were close it wasn't going to be such a big thing.

    I also think Cadence just happened to be Twilight's sitter. They probably ran in the same circles, they both seem to be in the upper level's of Canterlot society. Cadence probably sat a few foals but got close to Twilight. One must wonder if sitting for Twilight helped her get closer to Shining Armor.

    On the subject of Rainbow Dash, I think you are misreading her Ginger. In Rainboom her shut down stemmed from fear of failure. Moving beyond that episode look at Mysterious Mare Do Well, she feels threatened by Mare Do Well because it is stealing her thunder and she is no longer getting the same amount of praise. Then in Read it or Weep she hides her reading because she feels like it will hurt her reputation. Before Hurricane Fluttershy Dash's main motivation to do things isn't to succeed but so that she can get praise from others. She doesn't fear failure as much as she fears rejection. This ties into her general attitude. A person with low self esteem attacks others so she can feel better and other people feel worse then she does. Rainbow Dash brags because she needs other people to acknowledge her accomplishments because her self esteem was so low that she needed outside confirmation that she is good. She has gotten better in the second season but looking back you can see alot of insecurity in her actions

  8. As an owner of bunnies I can tell you they will go from being a jerk to the sweetest most loving thing ever and back to a jerk roughly every 30 seconds. Keep an eye on angel, lets see if his behavior stays nice.

    For ponies I have to agree with Thoth. Rainbow Dash has evolved the most. Looking at the change in how she treats Fluttershy in Dragonshy verses Hurricane Fluttershy really demonstrates this. She has grown up alot and is definitely more comfortable with herself. Can you imagine season one Rainbow Dash being okay with just doing a job rather then breaking a record?

    Applejack has evolved the least, but she was also one of the most mature ponies at the beginning of the season so its not really a fault of hers. She has still grown, being more willing to accept help and becoming closer to Rarity, but she already was a step ahead of the other ponies from the get go

  9. Well for my original idea I had white and rainbow hair....but then I read a "Dont do this with your character" thread and well it threw me off...So Im not even sure now.

    I know people generally find it annoying when in an RPG a player creates a character who has a unique trait that is the same as a popular character. Its typically a sign that the character is going to be a blatent rip off or the player is going to take that and probably other completly unique traits to make a character who is a special little snowflake that steals all the attention.

    If you really want the rainbow hair, and have a reason for it I would say go for it. Just don't be annoying. Also it probably wouldn't be as bad if you didn't directly copy it. Change the colors and order and it will still be unique to you.

    Now if you had rainbow hair, a light blue body, loved going fast and named your character Brainbow Brash, it might end up an issue

  10. I watch the show because I like the show. The fans are fun but if all the bronies dissapeared tomarrow I would still watch the show.

    I imagien there is still going to be alot of creativity in season three. They really changed things up from season one which was mostly focused on Twilight and how friendships begin and develope. Season two was about each pony as an individual and them growing into a better person. Season three I imagine will again change the focus slightly and explore a new concept.

    Personally I don't understand people who think a show should end before it declines in quality. There is something to be said about brining out instead of fading away but I can't help but think of The Simpsons. When I watch an episode now I find it enjoyable There will be fans out there that will say the show should have ended after season 6. Yes it was pretty bad for awhile but its still okay and I would rather have a few years of total awesomenes and some okay years then awesomeness and then it is over. If FiM goes for seven years with four of those years being only okay I would rather have that then not having anything at all

  11. I'm still slightly annoyed Twilight never mentioned she's had a brother. That's a bit more than not telling your friends about your old foal-sitter. :-|:wail:

    Family doesn't come up unless its needed for the story. It took 17 episodes for it to be revealed Rarity has a sister that lives in the same town as her. Most shows don't mention facts that aren't relevant to the current story since there is no reason to. It would have been nice to have some build up but the show is episonic without over arcing storylines.

  12. Twilight's family and Cadence's family probably just ran in the same circle of upper Canterlot society. Cadence implies she babysat other kids as well. Cadence's relationship with Celestia and Twilight is probably coincidence

  13. ^ I think alicorns are probably more powerful then unicorns but not neccasarrilly godlike. Cadence, Luna, and Celestia are all shown to be powerful but not unstopable and even Twilight seems to be more versatile. I think they are under the same rules as unicorns (one natural spell related to their cutie mark and the ability to learn some others) but on a more powerful level. Celestia's power comes from her experience and wisdom more then physical force which why she was overpowered in a straight up fight.

    As for the magic color, maybe nobody noticed? Shining Armor and the bride's maids where being controlled. Twilight hadn't seen Cadence since childhod, and Celestia was preoccupied with the threat. Its entirely possible nobody realized her color had changed. It would probably be akin to a human's eyes changing color or a right handed person becoming left handed. Something very easy to over look

  14. this one is only loosely related - having a wrold where idoits don't reak out about having a pony called 'depry so her name gets changed back to 'ditzy' even though that mean the SAME. DAMN. THING !

    seeing as that ones no really fair, I gotta go for Beryr punch being a bit of a drunk. Which has been done before in kids tv, like Uncle Waldo in The Aristocats !

    You can't really change something back to something it never was in the first place and you can't really consider something changed if there is no evidence it was changed

  15. Huh, those are interesting. But, what I wanted to point out was that Fluttershy was originally supposed to be Posey, but Hasbro lost the rights to the character. So it makes sense that Fluttershy acts a lot like her.

    I was going to say, alot of the similarities might be because originally characters were going to be based off of G1 characters

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