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Posts posted by elsporko

  1. I don't see this situation hurting the show. Many shows have suffered because they are unwilling to make changes and become stale. Twilight can still encounter friendship problems and the change opens new opportunities for stories. Being an alicorn also doesn't mean she automatically gets put into power someplace and has to leave Ponyville. Cadence spent the majority of her life not ruling anything. Even if Twilight ends up a ruler we still get to watch that story unfold

  2. hi hi

    Yeah, that reform spell was pretty dark. Considering how Celestia has been acting this season, I couldn't help but wonder myself exactly how she manages to keep Equestria in a state of peace and harmony...

    On the topic of Fluttershy bullying Discord into being her friend by punishing him for disobedience, I would agree that it is a weakness in the story, because it muddies the issue. However, I think its not too unreasonable to assume that Fluttershy hadn't planned for that to happen, and that she was legitimately upset that Discord hadn't agreed to cooperate on his own. Fluttershy never threatened to take away her friendship as a condition of working together, it was Discord who suggested that it was all part of a plan.

    I think the episode would have been better if that had been more clear, if I didn't have to wiggle around to reach that conclusion, but at least there is enough wiggle room to do so.

    (Also, going along with what Weesh said, it might have been better if, rather than saying she had an important summit to attend, Celestia had said something like "I should go, because my presence will make this more difficult for you." As far as establishing trust is concerned.)

    I don't see how not approving of what somebody does is bullying?

    I worked with juvenile delinquents. One method is to gain their trust and when they have inappropriate behavior to let them know you are disappointed. It helps them develop a moral compass of their own as long as you guide them in the right direction.

  3. For some reason I can't see ponies in MLP aging at the same rate. It just doesn't seem like the case, if we knew how old ponyville was we'd have a decent idea. It just seems unlikely that ponyville is >30 years old.

    Of course you are right in that regard, but with dragons since greed and possession heavily affect their growth rates it's not really a good way to describe a dragon past the hatchling stage of it's life. It's entirely possible for Spike to remain that size until the day Rarity dies, we just don't know enough about dragon maturation to really say.

    What I'm saying is that age Twilight hatched him before magic kindergarten (which for a human would be around the age of 4-6) we have no idea how old Twilight is, but I like to think that noone in the mane is is over the equivalent of a 21 year old woman. So at absolute maximum we have a 12-21 spread (in my head) which I can lower even further with facts like Rarity wasn't formally trained, and didn't go to school for what she does (or has yet to be stated) and assuming that as a prodigy, Twilight hatched Spike when she was 4. That can bring the gap down to 14(Spike)-18(Rarity).

    (BTW thats my head canon)

    Then there is the problem with Spike being a baby. I agree that the way Spike looks now, it would be creepy. But most fic that are Spike x Rarity actually had both Celestia and Twilight be competent enough to regulate greed and possession for Spike at some point so that he could be at a stage in his life that was most comparable to what a colt the same age would be. That or Spike left then, returned aged up because his experiences.

    TL;DR: I don't think age is much of an issue, it's maturation and because of the fact that Spike is a dragon he is pretty much being cheated. Remember how spike looked in the middle of "Secret of my Excess" when he was maybe about 3/4 the size of a diamond dog? That's how large I believe he would be if they regulated his dragon tendencies to let him grow at a manageable rate.

    21 is very young to own your own business that is becoming very succesful

  4. Because if the people who claimed that Discord needed to do those things he did in the past were right, on account of his inherent nature, then making him do otherwise would have been making him suffer.

    Thing is, reforming Discord has nothing to do with making him less chaotic. He could make a ton of choas without harming people. Aside from a lack of whip cream the chocolate rain didn't hurt anybody nor did having neat dancing things at dinner until they started going after people. What Fluttershy did was reign in Discord to the point that he will do things that won't earn her disapointment, and hopefully Discord will want others to like him as well, leading him to do good choatic things

  5. I don't think talking about reforming Discord makes it sound like he is a machine that will serve her without free will. If anything the impression I got os that she knows he can be very useful and would rather have him free as an ally then captured as an enemy.

    I also didn't see any indication Discord was less powerful. He just didn't have the benefit of surprise and knew if he acted out he would get zapped.

  6. I feel like season two had more pandering to the bronies then season three. Season three has plots that appeal to bronies and thats awesome. Season two seemed like it tried to have reaction faces constantly and things that could be made into memes, at least thats how I see it

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