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Posts posted by elsporko

  1. It seemed to me they intended for the float to crash earlier around the crowd not in the embankment and embarrass her by making it look like she crashed it herself. She would have looked foolish in front of the town

    Things went wrong, which accomplished the lesson that retaliation can quickly spiral out of control with worst consequences then what was intended.

    It also served the story because it added the dramatic tension of wondering if they would make it to the float in time, as well as giving them time to realize their mistake.

  2. Starswirl, you are applying alot of logic to people who likely not thinking logically. Getting revenge in a way that doesn't actually stop the problem rather then a solution that could desculate it already doesn't make sense. Plus these are children who have shown in the past that they aren't all that great at thinking ahead of the consequences.

    When a kid who is bullied brings a gun to school you don't look at the situation and say, "Well didn't he realize bringing a gun to school is worst then what the bullies did? That don't make sense."

    As for Applejack and the other characters not noticing the bullying, as an authority figure if you aren't aware of a situation and that one side doesn't like it then it can be hard to tell bullying from normal rough housing. I'm also guessing Applebloom and Babs were suppose to share the bed and Babs kicked her out.

  3. That is just it though... they rigged the machine to fail, not something to just humiliate her... They were expecting it to go into the mud, because that is childish humiliation, to be covered in mud. However it could have been done a much better way. Every other show I have ever seen do pranks, they were at least childish pranks. Water balloon, pies, sneezing powder, buckets of mud... you know, small direct nonlethal and nondangerous pranks to humiliate. Messing with mechanics is never a good idea. And they wrote it off like it was nothing. That annoys me. Whether or not it was kids expecting it to go as planned, or anything, the writers could have chosen any other time released device that would have humiliated Babs, and pushed her out of the way in the nick of time, subjecting themselves to the humiliation. However rigging the steering to make the float lose control? It didn't even look to me like it had any actual function, but rather random turning of the wheel. Honestly, people complained about Too Many Pinkies having writing issues... I feel this was much worse in how they portrayed it. They could have chosen any prank in the book, and believe me, I've seen enough cartoons to know there is no shortage of humiliating pranks that can be time lapsed that would have achieved the job. And not even a word was said to their recklessness. Sure they made it a point to show that isn't the right way to deal with a bully, and it isn't. But that is horrible, even by pranking standards. In fact, in the real world, that could potentially land them in juvenile detention for reckless endangerment and other crimes relating to intentionally sabotaging a motor vehicle. That isn't just some prank. That is rather serious.

    To me, that isn't just being a bully.... that is being down right vindictive. I know that isn't the intent, and that isn't how a lot of kids will view it, but that is how I personally see it. To not even make a point of how far they went to get back at her and touch upon it. I'm sorry, but that isn't right. She played mean spirited pranks, took things of theirs, took over their club house. Never once did she endanger them or the well being of others like the CMC did.

    Mind you, I'm not blaming the CMC for this... I'm blaming the writer, Cindy Morrow. What is worse is that I know she can do better. We have seen her do better. She wrote Griffon the Brush-off! I know she is a good writer, she has only done two episodes that I personally didn't like entirely! Heck, even this episode I can't say that I hated, but honestly, for them to make light of sabotage as a prank? Just... no. Sorry, I cannot do that. The episode was pretty decent before that. That whole thing pretty much ruined it for me. And it was planned out, they knew they were sabotaging the FLOAT, not something small inside the float to humiliate her.

    Besides... How would THAT humiliate her? That would only garner her pity. If you rig something to crash, the person isn't going to be humiliated, they will be pitied because THEY CRASHED and they were in danger! We saw that because everyone was worried about the CMC! Why would Babs have been any different? No one laughed at the CMC, because accidents aren't funny. That whole thing just angers me. I haven't been this angry at a conclusion of an episode since MMDW. (though MMDW had many more issues imho than this one)

    If someone can tell me how rigging a float to crash is humiliating, please let me know, because I fail to see how that could humiliate anyone. People tend to get worried when a vehicle careens off an embankment into a river. (or anywhere, if it really was meant to go off earlier, which again, probably would have endangered other ponies, not only Babs) And even if the intent was to make Babs look bad by endangering others (again, their intent was to humiliate, not deface and get her into trouble), all anyone would need to do is look at the steering column and see that it was rigged clearing her of the suspicions and placing blame on the CMC since it was originally their float.

    Sorry for ranting... this seriously has me peeved.

    I felt that it was done well. It showed how quickly fighting back can escalate into something out of control and worse then the original situation. It also set up a situation with the crusaders where they could have some tension chasing down the float.

  4. However, there are bullies who do what they do because of the attention, despite it being negative. Telling an authority figure in those cases reinforces their negative behavior. Sometimes there is no easy way to deal with those types of bullies, sometimes ignoring them works, other times it doesn't. There are those bullies whom are insecure in themselves, and there are ways to deal with those types. I could go on, but like dealing with people, there is no perfect way and it must be played by ear.

    Actually if you look at the Diamond Tiara episodes most of them could have been alleviated by talking to an adult. Ponyville Confidential could have been directly intervened with by alerting the authorities. As far as the others if Applebloom would have sought advice instead of trying to fix things she probably would have at least gotten some reassurance by her elders that things wouldn't have been as bad as they could have.

    Speaking as a formal authority figure over young people, letting me know bullying was going on was the best way to make sure it didn't continue. Typically there wasn't a quick solution but being aware meant being able to be vigilant. I also dealt with many people who tried to deal with being bullied on their own and were the ones caught and got in trouble

  5. I would argue Giant Robot that the bullies I saw when I worked with juvenile delinquints failry univerily had emotional reasons they bullied. It was a coping mechanism of some sort. They were picked on by peers or adults in their lives and in order to feel power or to portray themselves as being strong enough that they shouldn't be bullied.

    Those who are victims also often don't retlaite because of fear that it will be worse or in the belief they should be able to take care of it themselves

  6. Not a bad episode at all. Not quite as good as last week's, but it's hard to top Pinkie Pie. :D

    Golden Sweetie Belle will have an ask tumblr by the end of the day, mark my words. :razz:

    Babs was a meh character. I don't think that her being bullied was a good excuse for her behavior. I was really hoping the CMC prank would work. She'd fall in the mud, maybe cry a little, and then she'd say something like "Oh, this is just like Manehattan" and then the CMC will learn about the bullying and say sorry. Same resolution, but with the satisfaction on the bullied getting their own back.

    I like the way the episode is for two reasons

    1. Having the prank work and then having the lesson being that bullying is bad gives a mixed message. Its saying "We did this thing that is bad, but don't do it."

    2. The CMC showed that they are legitimatly good people, which is what showed Babs the error of her ways. They were willing to put themselves at risk to save somebody who was mean to them. Humiliating Babs reinforces that she should be a bully to protect herself. Helping her when she didn't deserve it shows her that there is a reason she should reach out and not be afraid

    • Like 1
  7. It would be pertty hard to get a call from a bunch of dead people.

    Ricky is just loosing his mind.

    At least it looks like Michonne (the local Zombie goddess of badassery and hottness) will be joining the Ricktatorship.

    I didn't realize it was hot to look like you are constantly smelling a fart.

    I feel like there is a lost opportunity with Michonne. She definitely is bad ass when fighting but it bugged me how she was instantly suspicious of the town before she actually had proof. Also she doesn't seem to have much of a personality. I don't know if she is traumatized due to the outbreak or just poorly written

  8. Wild theory time: The library is magic and intelligent. It helps Twilight when it needs to. How many times has she just happened to find the book she needs when it is needed.She even found the elements that one time. Because the library helped her.

    That book was hidden because the magic pond could be abused so easily, it was kept safe until the library knew she needed it

    • Like 3
  9. I would have cared more about the plight of the buffalo tribe if they were actually going to lose... well you know, land and resources. The buffalo whining about one simple town getting in the way of their migration didn't cut it for me.

    Fortunately, Too Many Pikie Pies had less fundamental issues with the plot that Over A Barrel, which is why I rank S3E3 higher. :razz:

    I'm no expert but I believe settlers interrupting the migrations of Native Americans and buffalo by building farms and towns was an actual problem the Natives faced during western expansion. Over a Barrel had it in a smaller scale but this is also a cartoon about ponies.

  10. Wasn't Twist invited before she got her Cutie Mark?

    And she could have been uninvited once her purpose to be there no longer existed Isn't having to spend time with Twist along the lines of a form of punishment

    Daimond Tiaria is a jerk but she is more really full of herself and immature then a bully A bully is going to egg your house Diamond Tiaria wouldn't consider somebody else important enough to egg

  11. Celestia doesn't seem to interact with the public a whole ton nor does she seem to bring up things that aren't necessary.

    The average pony doesn't seem to question alot or spend alot of time doing whatever they happen to be doing at the moment. It seems like the ponies who spend time researching and recording history are far and few

    How many ponies have we ever even seen visit the library other then to find out where rain water comes from?

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