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Posts posted by Lerian

  1. If the fourth one on the list means that you are taking a second batch of three* then may I request a picture of Celestia getting a cuddle from the pony or foal of your choice.

    *If you have plenty to be getting on with, then not to worry :)

  2. Some ideas.

    If ponies fight like humans, as has been shown then a lot of human fighting techniques are directly transferrable with greater or lesser emphasis on gripping. (Throws and holds as well as human-like weapon use)

    Jousting is good for a single charge but less so for sustained combat so it may not be a focus of training unless you have enough of a species/tribe advantage to charge & retreat.

    If ponies tend to fight four-legged, as implied any time that the guards are shown, then you have to think about fighting like a four-legged (prey) animal. The ideal strike an unarmed pony could perform would be a double back legged kick but this may be difficult to pull off in a fight or large battle. You would have to surprise your opponent, have them distracted or perhaps have methods for getting them into correct position relative to yourself (e.g. Footwork training to confuse and step-around your opponent, acrobatics* or actions used in styles like Aikido** allowing opponents force/body to be re-directed so you can then double kick them?)

    Horses (and ponies?) also fight each other by rearing up and using their forelegs and biting. This strikes me as the position many fights would end up in, both single and group combat. So you have two combatants, constantly rearing up and battering at each other with forelegs and biting and shying their head away, how would weapons and armour factor into this? Would a 'sticking hands hooves' method evolve or do ponies have to drop down on their four legs too often to make this viable?

    Any hoof based weapon is likely to be strapped to the foreleg rather than 'held' due to the fact that you are constantly dropping onto your front legs, additionally any such weapon is not going to be long enough to pass your hoof lest it strikes the ground (getting stuck, blunting it, striking a stone).

    I propose a form of slightly flared foreleg blades that are used to slash at an opponent instead of merely attacking them with your hooves. They are attached, separately or on armour, mid foreleg and below the knee/elbow. They strike forward and downwards as you naturally travel with your existing 'rear and strike' combat method. The focus is likely to be on the cutting edge rather than penetration which could stick in your opponent and tie up that leg. You may also choose to put slight serrations on the edge to increase damage, again not too large or flamboyant to prevent catching.+

    Pegasi are likely to have their own fighting style as they can demonstrably use six limbs to fight instead of just four, they also have the ability, and mindset, to fight three-dimensionally. They will certainly train to fight any ground based opponents from above, whether using ranged weapons, increased desire to drop and pin (be careful of spears!) or just the increased mobility and option to attack using all four legs at once against an opponent that is used to fighting somepony at the same level. Pegasi always have the high ground!

    Unicorns are an odd one. TK is obviously a massive game changer, let alone the (Twilight/specialist level?) ability to fire magic bolts. Would they use their horn in combat, as a charge method or a 'get below them and stab' method?++

    Is the horn a moot point in combat at is too valuable to risk losing or damaging and they fight in the same way as earth ponies using TK as and when?

    *Lovely in films, I'm not sure how viable in actual combat...

    ** and myriad similar styles


    Focusing on the edges alone, note the option to use 'easy in-tear out' (1&3) or 'tear in-easy out' (2&4) serrations/jaggy bits. Perhaps a favour on the latter as you are using your bodyweight and gravity to increase force?

    ++ Picturing a scene of an earth pony squaring off in a rearing 'high' stance against a unicorn in a 'low' horn up stance...

    • Like 1
  3. As changelings and ponies are both sapient perhaps they need to 'meet on neutral ground' and discuss a shift from a parasite/prey relationship to one of symbiosis, if such a thing is possible.

    As it is possible to love more than one person and to love people in different ways, could the changelings shift from the 'short-term investment' of replacing a loved one and endeavour to be loved in their own right?

    By feeding my changeling buddy some love, I now have an insect-like, armour-plated, jaggy pony sized buddy to help me against other dangers and predators I might run into.

    In a time of drought our changeling buddies still feed on love so we have two, or more, times the workforce per 'pony-worth' of food.

    In both cases it is in the changelings best interest to keep their pony buddy alive as a ready and easy food source who they may begin to care about as well*.

    Symbiotehoof! /:)*(\

    I have no idea how viable this is, was Shining Armour all /)6-9(\ because of something Chrysalis chose to do or as a natural side effect of her feeding on him?

    *As sapients can changelings express love as we would understand it?

  4. Ah. Scootablue and Bluebelle! :unsure:

    Nice! Bluebelle could be the foal or relative of one of the (panicky) flower trio. :)

    Also, to be in topic going to go with Fluttershy for main, Fillydash for young 'un and Lyra for background. (Seriously, you expect me to pick one?)

  5. '1+2+3+4=10' Nice! Didn't even occur to me :) That way you could use a hop/bounce for 10's which would eliminate the ambiguity of nodding.

    It leaves the princesses influence over currency to material and anti-forgery/'this is official' cutie-mark stamp but maybe that's enough. :Celest::Luna:

    Thanks for that!

  6. Very good point about the nodding, will have to find another gesture (head based as I used it to lead onto crowns and royals?) in order to continue the base 4-base 10 crowbar!

    I also agree that different base counting makes for interesting stories and games. I had the 'Extinct elder race' in one of my games count in base 16, (two fingers and two opposable thumbs for four unit hands and four arms for base 16 counting.) Also totally understand the decision of not having to waste episode time, with reminders to keep the audience counting in base 4. Come to think of it, other than the odd use of binary I can't think of differing base counting being used in mainstream shows or films....

    Thanks for the reminder about gems as currency, I knew there was a reason that their use in fantasy games (1000gp diamond anyone?) always weirded me out. In truth I was speculating about Lunas black jewellery. It would obviously be valuable as it is not only jewellery but also royal jewellery but is it gem based or is there a valuable sparkly black metal on Equestria that we don't know about? I used silver due to it's links to the moon, I'm guessing on its value 'in world' (more/less/the same as gold?) Arguably more valuable than the multiple gems that are just lying around* and in common usage...

    Liking the idea of using cider for semi-barter/ additional thank you but it may be because of the time in my life when a 'crate' (24 cans) of the persons favourite drink was the standard unit for people who did you a favour.

    *Or growing as implied(?) in 'Secret of my excess'? (Pictures serf class dragons on huge gem farms.....)

    To repeat my OP spoiler and clarify a bit about myself. Not trying to poo-poo ideas or go 'Graaaagh, my headcanon is the one true way'. This is the stuff I love about worlds, this kind of conversation or the lack of ability to have it is what makes or breaks SF and fantasy for me. I love to think in-character and in-world about why things happen. Why are pony buildings boxes? (Go on a public minecraft server/forum and have a similar cenversation). Why is our 'first structure' usually boxy? Is it just 'That's the way bricks are shaped'?

    How would a society react to 'immortal'(?) rulers? Seeing as it's common to use IRL events to influence pony thinking.... Celestia alone has been ruling your nation since 1010AD. Prior to that both sisters were ruling for hundreds, possibly thousands of years. Think about all the conflicts and conquests, wars both national and international that would, or perhaps may not, have happened just in 'IRL Celestias' reign... Also I'll possibly get timespan thread going after work rather than de-railing counting / currency thread with these spoilered questions.

  7. Not just this but in general, I don't understand the excessive degree of the hate.

    You don't see people* vocally boycotting things because some manager states they support Arsenal (or whatever) or Rugby players/supporters boycotting because 'how dare you like football more than rugby'

    Why kick someone from a game because of a pony spray or mic spamming best pony? Would you kick someone for having a car spray you didn't like or allow mic spammers arguing about a soap opera? Surely you kick mic spammers for mic spamming not subject matter....

    They complain about ponies 'being everywhere' but seriously, try to escape football anywhere in the UK or find an evening of TV that doesn't involve some repetitive soap or reality programme.

    I get that people like and dislike certain things, you probably picked up a few of my dislikes above, but boycotting or destroying everything produced by a company because 'Oh look a pony'?

    I simply do not understand...

    *I know there will be a few. There is never 'no-one' or 'the only one' in a world of approx 7 billion people.

  8. 1.OCs Yay or nay. YAY!

    2.Do you like anime? I've seen a couple of the more popular ones, not a massive fan.

    3.If so which is your favorite? Samurai Champloo

    4.Cutest human character.(Cute not beautiful) The two sisters in 'My neighbour Totoro'

    5.Cutest pony. Twilight Sparkle!

    6.Favorite hobby? RPG's computer and tabletop

    7.Have you ever been in the school office? Yes

    8.Favorite song(s)? Smile smile smile

    9.Favorite band? Weird Al Yankovic

    10.Favorite Theme song. Does the intro to ME, (as Shepard is walking onto the bridge), count?

    11.Favorite villian and hero (in anything)? Villain is Kylar Luppas, the antagonist in the 'Headhunters' Shadowrun novel. Favourite hero is Kvothe from 'Name of the Wind'

    12.If you had to which pony would you cuddle with for an hour. Celestia. I'm sure she gets lots of royal and deity worship but I don't know if she gets many just cuddling.

    13.Dream weapon? Butterfly swords

    14.Do you sometimes think that you are insane. I have had appointments with a psychiatrist

    15.Do you talk to yourself. Not myself as such, though I will talk to games as I'm playing. (Totally legit! It's, uh, in case my computer spontaneously gains sapience.)

    16.Favorite voice actor. Tabitha St. Germain

  9. Telekineses is a thing that approximately 1/3 of ponies can do. How do you see it working and how do you think society works with it? I don't doubt this has been discussed from the moment S1 E1 finished but...

    The little colt Curiosity was super excited now that he was getting the hang of telekinesis! He was going to practice and practice and practice!

    Cutie Mark Researcher GO!

    He knew he wasn't going to be able to lift as much as a grown up so he picked up a thimble and a bright orange cushion cover from the dirty washing and headed out to the Canterlot Park. It was busy on the streets as he made his way to the park, and he got a few odd looks, but soon he was there. Finding a quiet spot away from the crowd he tried to move them as far as he could.

    A: He can move them both a set distance while they are in sight.

    B: A set distance but in any direction, even if he can't see them.

    C: He can move them as long as he can see them so the thimble drops before the cover.

    D: He can move them as long as he can feel them with TK but when he drops them he has to see them again before he can pick them up.

    That was fun! Time to head home again...

    Oh no! It looks as if the sign in Mr and Mrs Bakes store window has fallen down. Nopony would know how much the things cost or even when the store was open again!

    A: Curiosity uses telekinesis to set the signs back in place and heads off home. A good deed for the day!

    B: Curiosity has to keep his eyes open for the Bakes or tell his parents when he gets home. You can't use telekinesis through glass, silly!

    Curiosity greeted his father when he got home and noticed that the older unicorn was in the kitchen. Mum was nowhere to be seen so it looked like the perfect time for a prank! He could use his new telekinesis to hide her favourite vase behind something.

    A: As the vase went behind the screen there was a sudden loud crash! AUUUUGH! He forgot you can't use telekinesis when you can't see things! He was going to be in so much trouble!

    B: He put the vase down behind the screen because he was holding it with TK. Then when mum came back showed her where it was behind the screen.

    C: He put the vase down, then because he knew where it was, could pick it back up from behind the screen with TK when mum got worried about it.

    D: As in C but he could also 'feel blindly' to pick it up from where it rolled if the cat knocked it.

  10. So threads about money in Equestria got me thinking about a historically earlier event. Counting. Obviously the real reason ponies count in base 10 is the younger human audience but how could this come about 'in world'?

    WATCH IN AWE as I justify/crowbar a group of hoofed quadrupeds deciding to count in the same way as a bunch of ten digit humans. Then bandy about some of your own ideas and thoughts, if you feel like it.

    Having seen how super serious some threads (e.g. politics) get just a reminder to keep it light. It's all headcanon here guys! Yes I know there are some massive leaps of social change.

    So the need for counting is basically the same as ours. Initially it would have been 'Mr Ed' style hoof tapping, counting out the things you wanted. As this can get long winded they adopted a system where each leg meant a number and a nod of the head rounded it out to five. They're not dancing a jig, if you wanted three apples a tap of your rear right...

    Tap front right - One*

    Tap front left - Two

    Tap rear right - Three

    Tap rear left - Four

    So far they are happily trading and talking in fives until somepony comes up with the idea of using bits of metal to indicate value, beyond the basic value of the metal itself. (Currency). Two types of coin are minted in whatever metal(s) are considered valuable at the time, hooves, taps or bits (of metal) (1 unit) and heads or nods (5 units). **

    Before/during/after this the two princesses start their rule, and as they are accepted, the currency undergoes a slight change. We now have hooves, taps or bits (1 unit), 'crowns' as a princess head or nod (5 units) and 'royals', two princess heads or two crowns (10 units). In honour of the two sisters the coins are now only produced in gold and silver+ but as silver is less valuable (true in Equestria?) it is a further snub to Luna. ++

    Time passes with this way of measuring and counting being used until the time of nightmare moon and with NMM/Luna's banishment silver stops being used for coinage and falls out of favour in fashion. Another thousand years passes with this method of measurement using only gold coins until we get to the modern world (Season one) with the idea of ones, fives and tens all being a tangible 'thing' that is used for counting/measuring and currency.

    Will silver+ start making a comeback with Luna's return?

    *I chose this leg as the 'basic unit' on the unfounded assumption that most ponies are 'right hoofed'

    ** Basic coins have the lord or local rulers crest, racism causes value to fluctate between tribes where trade exists at all.

    + Or possibly the black material (obsidian, onyx?) that Luna uses in her jewellery.

    ++ Coins have the cutie mark of the relevant princess as the 'head'. Depending on the society of the time could wilful damage of the coins be considered harm to the royal (treason) as it was in the real world?

    • Like 1
  11. Progress, what progress? The nation is in a state of technologic-schizophrenia. We have advanced luxury items such as mechanical stereos and wireless microphones, and other pieces of technology such as hydroelectric dams.

    Why does ponyville have a hydroelectric dam and no power grid?

    Why has transportation not evolved past manually powered carriages and steam engines?

    Progress, maybe in Canterlot...

    Technological advancement is based on a combination of desire and need, we have the luxury items you state as they are desired by the population. The power grid is predominantly underground but to date only certain buildings such as the hospital have requested a large supply. (Oh, and that new librarian too! Apparently she has a lab arrangement in her basement. Is she still 'new' if she's been here about two years....)

    I digress. The transportation provided fulfills the need. Steam engines for large distances and freight and pony-drawn carriages for those times you don't feel like trotting yourself. (I suppose if you were some kind of two-legged critter with an average speed of 4-5 mph you might come up with a type of 'medium-long distance' method of transport but most ponies I know just trot around town.)

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