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Posts posted by Lerian

  1. Mi Amore

    zap apple or apple zap

    Bananas? (Don't know if you can get non alphanumerics?)


    Oorah (russian fluttershy)

    Spitfire (is it a pony or is it a plane?)

    Blnk Flnk


    Iron Will

    Two bits!

    One bit!



    Run leaf or runleaves

    Tiny seed or Tinyseeds

    Best pet (no pressure to win...)









  2. Lerian Shamaer was an Elven 1st ed AD&D character I created and used for a long running campaign. I often re-use his name on forums and MMORPGs etc. (However as names get 'lifted' in many situations please don't assume the Lerian you run into on your favourite MMORPG is always going to be me....)

  3. Apologies if this idea has already been put forward in another thread but I've just checked 27 pages here so....

    Regarding the changelings being alternative alicorns, rather they may be alternative Windigo's.

    Explanation. Alicorns are the embodiment of the three standard ponies and are still rooted in the physical. They still eat and drink for example.

    Windigo's are the only emotion eaters we had met before the changelings, and changing/evolving to eat a different emotion seems less of a 'jump' than changing from physical sustenance to emotion drainng.

    Windigo's existed a long time ago (more than a thousand years/pre Celestia and Luna). Back when ponies were hateful, these negative emotions would attract Windigo's to feed, however the Windigo's feeding also froze and killed the ponies they were feeding on. The ponies therefore had to go through some very fast evolution (social as well as physical). Hateful ponies attract widespread winter which wipes out anyone in the area, hateful or not. Groups of kind and fluffy ponies survive. (If you want a further imagination game, imagine if every battle or conflict in the real world had attracted unseasonable winter).

    Windigos then are left in a pretty sorry state, the ponies they can feed from are dying because of the winter and they can't feed on the surviving ponies who are friendly and loving. Then you have a mutation/choice/magical alteration that allows Windigo's/protochangelings to feed on positive emotions. The same thing begins to happen, with communities of ponies being wiped out by the protochangeling presence, so by necessity the 'negative effects' of their presence becomes smaller. Wipe out your food source-starve, live 'in harmony' with your food source-survive.**

    Or changelings and Windigo's are entirely different species* and they wax and wane in tune with the amount of love and hate in the world.

    Warring ponies=many Windigo's, few changelings. Loving ponies=Many changelings, few Windigo's

    Obviously massive speculation+headcanon+magic affecting genes in weird ways = make your own mind up. Was an interesting thought pattern for me though :)

    *Windigo's are spiritual/pure magical beings whereas changelings are physical creatures(?) who use magic so maybe this is better explanation.

    **Doesn't explain why changelings evolve but Windigos don't. Physical changelings evolve but spirits cannot? Ooh both positive and negative eaters were originally physical beings but as pony society changed to a more co-operative one, (co-operative ponies survive winter more readily than warring ponies), the negative emotion eaters died out leaving their spirits in their mass destructive state. As spirits they can come and go when there are not enough negative emotions to sustain them. The surviving positive emotion eaters are still physical beings so can change/evolve in response to their changing food source.

    Hurrah for trains of thought passing through Clapham junction!

  4. Like many things, they can all be hit and miss. In with the "Equestria girls" you also have your "EHT'S TWALAHT SPORKLES BAHLEWN's". I'm also a great believer in 'anti-advertising' of products. If an ad annoys you so much you vow never to buy one of the company's products ever.

    • Like 1
  5. Right at the end as a wingless Rarity is being held up by two pegasi and everypony is cheering there is Lyra doing her thing in the background, twice even. It's nice to know that it's not only Twilight that has access to cloudwalking spells.

    While looking for that bit, (to make sure I hadn't imagined/wished it), I paused as winged Rarity was doing a spin for her presentation and suddenly 6 Ditzy/Derpys!

    Bask in her grey and blonde glory!

    Pinkie saying 'We still love you' to Rarity at the end, D'aaaw.

  6. 'I'll see you tomorrow then dad!'

    Curiosity smiled at his father as the older stallion turned back to his work. Sparing a quick glance at the neat script creeping across the clean page he felt a sense of pride that Equestrian history was being preserved so diligently before turning to leave himself. He nodded to a unicorn gently levitating another dried and cracking scroll as he trotted from the work room and back into the library proper then began making his way through the shelves toward the exit.

    The main library was busy today and he had to avoid a group of five pegasi who were blocking one of the weather aisles, although seeing an excited filly trying to keep her voice down as she told her mother all about Daring-Do raised a smile. It looked as if the librarian checking out the book was torn between asking the little one to quieten down or just leave her be as she was on the way out. It seemed that she was given the leeway though and Curiosity held the door open for the pair, the filly happily explaining how important a 'sapphire statue' was.

    Curiosity trotted down the street, thinking about what he would be doing next. He had a good amount of time before he had to decide whether to stay in education or attempt to gain some sort of apprenticeship with energy generation. It all still seemed so final, there were still so many options. What if he committed to working on a wind farm but missed out on some new and exciting magics? What if he entered college and missed a place at the Ponyville hydro dam? Sighing, he stopped to watch a construction team doing renovations. A pegasus pony was hovering above the building and guiding a unicorn who fine tuned one end of a facade. Below them three Earth ponies seemed to be discussing the layout for the rest of the pieces. They looked competent and orderly, confident in their work as a team. Finding your cutie mark was supposed to make things clearer but he was more confused now than ever.

    Getting something to eat would probably help clear his head, at the very least he could listen in to some conversations while he ate. He turned away from the site and headed down the street again looking for a cafe or similar. He hadn't travelled far before he spotted a group of ponies moving with a purpose and overhearing one of them mention a restaurant, he decided to follow at a little distance. As the group travelled, Curiosity heard snatches of conversation drift backwards; something about an airship, a joke about the food in Manehatten, how ponies passed the time by the sea... He smiled as he paused along the street from 'LaFleur Canterlot' anticipating some interesting stories and even some new friends. A few minutes after the last of the group had entered he approached the door himself, taking a deep breath before passing through. He looked around the now bustling restaurant at the groups settling in and then dithered by the doorway, trying to decide if he should seat himself or wait....

  7. Just received my 'Friendship is coming' (Lyra) t-shirt, 'All shall love me and despair' (Luna) t-shirt and Derpy mail bag by international shipping today. Huzzah!

    EDIT: Also the free gubbins that came with, Derpy poster, huge canvas bag as illustarted by others and muffin+derpy cutie mark badges :)

    • Like 1
  8. Oh S3 is *confirmed* but there are a lot of questions regarding it... (including if it will be 13 or 26 epps and if it really *will* be the Series Finale) I for one am suspicious that this Candice is going to be used as a "I'm from another land, come with me next season to my land and meet our ponies, leaving equestria behind" (i.e. G4.5/G5) Though that is likely a silly worry (as many threads on here hae stated, unless popularity goes all swirly over the summer, there is *NO* reason to end G4 yet)

    'I am Cadence, princess of the sea-ponies..... SHOO-BE-DOO, SHOOP-SHOO-BE DOO!'


    • Like 1
  9. If our society seems more nihilistic than that of previous eras, perhaps this is simply a sign of our maturity as a sentient species. As our collective consciousness expands beyond a crucial point, we are at last ready to accept life's fundamental truth: that life's only purpose is life itself.

    Chairman Sheng-ji Yang

    "Looking God in the Eye"

  10. Curiosity slowed his gallop as he approached the village before looking around, perplexed. It certainly appeared alright, there were ponies cheerfully making arts and crafts, some looked as if they were out with their pets. (Wait, was that a BEAR?). At least the pegasi looked busy in the skies but what was happening?

    He spotted a group that didn't look too busy and trotted up to them before asking awkwardly, 'Is everything okay here? I noticed the snow still and...' He circled his hoof in confusion as he trailed off.

    OOC: Not sure if this counts as a double post and apologies if it does. I wasn't sure how to get myself met as an outsider

  11. Every time Sweetie Belle (Claire Clorett) cracks her voice.

    I put this as one of the reasons I like the show in the recent survey that was posted!

    Also the end of Elements of harmony when Twilight has seen the elements destroyed but hears the others coming.

    As others have said, CMC skipping.

    Anything fillyshy does.

    I still cannot watch sisterhooves social without welling up,..

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