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Posts posted by Lerian

  1. Spoilerd because frickin' brony fanboi! Mind vent ahead....

    Celestia and Luuuuuuna!

    Twilight likes big books and she cannot lie!

    Implied Alicorn Twilight is best Twilight!

    Crystal fillies!

    Liking the evil music for Sombra and the idea that he kept slaves (I think it was Flutterscotch who posted a comic about crystal pony slaves in another thread), also spreading dark crystals is a fantastic ability for a computer game or timed RPG!

    Evil Celestia! (Well evil looking but...)

    Post-apocalyptic Shiny is best Shiny! (Also, now infected by evil?) :-|

    Crystal kingdom is sooooo pretty, loving Rarity's reaction to it!

    As per S1E2 spies are a thing! Who has been an enemy of the various nations that were sending spies?

    Crystal Rarity! Flutterpinkie!

    DAT LIBRARY! (Also entire library of books lost for 1000 years! Curiosity's family might be getting a new job/assignment!)

    Griffin statues, previous knowledge, (conquest or alliance?), with the Griffin kingdoms?

    Last page torn from book! Who does that!?!?

    Maybe the fair but the crystal ponies seem to have a lot more mane and tail decorations than we've seen.

    Another reason not to have negative emotions, (staying happy keeps the evil gribblies away), another evolutionary advantage to co-operation and friendship!

    Dark magic is canon! ERMERGERD!

    Down then up stairs, best FPS head mess evar!

    Evil Celestia again! Noooooo, Twilight....

    Two 'cornhusk' sisters as BG ponies during the joust.

    Gravity spells...

    Check for traps Twilight! First level mistake!

    Anti magic spell/material is canon?

    Northern crystal lights, so pretty!

    Mysterious book teleported in by Luna! :?:

    Absolutely my best kind of episodes, new world and society information, epic style quests, reminders of tabletop gaming and all wrapped up in a nice internally consistent bundle. One happy brony right here!

  2. Nightmares and chaos and changelings, oh my!

    This night wasn't going so well for Curiosity and his plans to scare the younger ones! Maybe he wasn't as grown up as he thought he was, considering he was again bolting from what was doubtless another costumed pony. He slowed to a more comfortable trot and considered that last thought. Psmith had told him that if something seemed impossible to look at the possible first. Is that what he had said? Something like that, he would have to track the older pony down another time and ask.

    So, although changelings had certainly come to Canterlot on the day of the royal wedding, they had been banished by Princess Cadence and her husband. What was his name again, he was the Captain of the Royal guard but...

    Where was he even? He stopped to take a look, there were plenty of ponies around chattering and making background noise. Ah, the town square of Ponyville, a convenient place to decide his next visit.

    He would go to see the Moon castle, as Luna had lit the way through the forest. Hers had been the only event with a nice outcome so far, the least he could do was to visit her old castle.

    Curiosity hurried down the path, partly to catch up with one of the larger groups and partly because he knew he was leaving it a bit late to visit all of the attractions tonight. The Everfree forest certainly did not seem as scary with a chattering group around him and he exchanged compliments and jokes about everyponies costumes until they took a collective gasp and looked up.

    An obviously restored bridge stretched over a chasm before a mist shrouded path led to huge double doors set in a crumbling wall. Ruined towers still loomed over the main body of the building and glassless windows, many times as tall as a pony, made strange sounds as the wind passed.

    The group approached the double doors in silence, whether in awe or reverence of the still overgrown castle. Opening the doors Curiosity stood in the main entrance, taller and less ruined buildings in the background vied for his attention but he could not draw his gaze from the cracked and overgrown monument that had once held the elements of harmony.


    How could you not feel sad about your history?

  3. 'Stock in the Pawtucket-based toymaker (HAS:Nasdaq) spiked 6.8 percent to $38.66 at the opening bell amid speculation that Disney (DIS:NYSE) was preparing a multi-billion dollar bid for Hasbro. '

    Underscore added by myself. Also, did you guys hear that, uh, Hasbro have got Steven Spielberg to work on their upcoming big production?* Totally legit!

    *In case it wasn't obvious just made that up, before I get a warning point for trying to manipulate the stock market :razz:

  4. Well, the FlimFlam brothers DID have evil green eyes, not sure about fake Cadence though. If everyone can see it maybe a case of 'don't question the physical goddess/princess?

    Having played Shadowrun on and off since it came out, and with all this talk about magical drain bringing it to the forefront of my mind, maybe unicorn magic can only be seen by magically active ponies or creatures? (i.e. Alicorns, other unicorns, changelings and maybe Zecora?)

    Also, nipping through 'A Canterlot wedding' and others to have a look at the magical aura's I saw the scene where Shining Armour says that Cadence has been using her magic to heal him. Nopony bats an eyelid so is it an established ability for Cadence, an act of love for the Alicorn of love or.... is general 'magical healing' canon?

    "You'll have to stay off that broken limb for a few days"

  5. [colour=#0000cd]'Hello Wordsworth, sorry Psmith, I am pleased to meet you!', [/colour]the colt stood and took the proffered hoof, shaking it warmly. [colour=#0000cd] 'Shall we get underway with the maze?' [/colour] He started towards the entrance with the purple stallion following.

    [colour=#0000cd]'So, there is a silent p in your family name? Not like in terror, tarpaulin or, um, sign then?'[/colour] Although his face was invisible under his Nightmare moon mask, there seemed to be a smile in his voice as he spoke.

    [colour=#0000cd]'I'm called Curiosity which is a bit of a mouthful for such a short word, I think mum and dad did it on purpose.'[/colour]

    Chattering away his mask deformed suddenly when he struck a mirror, [colour=#0000cd]'Ow, maybe I should pay attention for now.'[/colour] He listened to the stallion for a while as they wound their way through the maze then with that same happy tone of voice began to quietly sing out of tune

    [colour=#0000cd]'Did the cows and crows in field[/colour]

    [colour=#0000cd]make your brow bow as you kneeled[/colour]

    [colour=#0000cd]when... you went to see the princess[/colour]

    [colour=#0000cd]I hope you took a bow when you saw her[/colour]

    [colour=#0000cd]but you didn't take a bow or saw her[/colour]

    [colour=#0000cd]when.... you went to see the princess.'[/colour]

  6. Ah! In that case, any fanfic that banked on Equestria resembling the North American continent would have more or less actually bet the right way. :razz:

    So does that mean I could make a fan-fiction aboot them things to the north, eh?

    (I know, I know, banish me now :blush: )

    EDIT: With grovelling apologies for the pre-edit

  7. Curiosity raised his head as the dark purple unicorn approached him.

    "[colour=#996699]Pardon me, but I could not help but seem to recognize you. Did I not just see you in the Changeling Hive exhibit? The area was dark, and I could only make out the silhouette of you costume, but it seems distinctive enough.[/colour]"

    Curiosity shook his head saying,

    [colour=#0000cd]"Sorry but I was just at the house of Tartarus and before that I was scaring ponies at the Nightmare moon monument. I haven't even been to the hive yet. Is it interesting? Does it look like a bee hive or an ant nest? Oh wait, does that mean somepony else is dressed as Nightmare moon?"[/colour]

    A look of genuine relief passed across his eyes as he asked the last question and he offered the older unicorn some of his candies. [colour=#0000cd]"You're dressed as a cricket player, yes? I remember one of my father's friends from Trottingham talking about the game but I haven't seen it played. Does that mean you are here to try the maze as well?"[/colour]

  8. Please wait a bit until I have power at home and finish some up.

    Sorry. I skipped over and didn't see your request. Not that I'm far on them anyway :razz: it will be done though!

    Guys just a heads up. Hurricane Sandy devastated my area. Won't have power until Maybe Wednesday and I have barely worked on them since Monday. LM, Quicklime, Tales, and SonicRainboomGirl are lined and partly colored. I still have high motivation to get them done so that's good! Sorry for the delay. I'm on the schools wifi so I can send messages.

    With all that's going on there, lowest of the low priorities. Thank you for taking the time to communicate and keep in touch!

    Stay safe and my best wishes :)

  9. Curiosity was bolting hard, with fake wings bouncing and costume head trailing behind him on its ties. It was a night for scares but this was geting too serious! As his breath began to come in heavier gasps he risked a glance over his shoulder. No pursuit... He hoped the other ponies were okay, Discord had disappeared after all. Now he felt even more terrible! No, this was Nightmare Night. It was sure to be pranks and jokes, like his own costume.

    He sighed and headed for Celestia's House of Mirrors. If he made himself known to both sisters he was sure to be safe, she had already watched over the kingdom for most of his life, and his parents and their parents and... It must be amazing to live for so long! He began thinking through his history lessons and marvelling at all the wonderful changes Celestia must have experienced, until he reached the entrance.

    Now he was a lot calmer he could get back into the spirit of the night. He shifted the costume head back over his own and folded the wings so he could move more easily before heading to the maze itself.

    [colour=#0000cd]'I'll take some time off from scaring and see if I can make my way through here. Yes, that will get me thinking sensibly again. Maybe I'll wait and see if anypony would like to join me first though.'[/colour]

    Curiosity sat near the entrance to the maze chewing candy and trying to look un-scary for the next pony or ponies to come along.

  10. Curiosity was taken aback by the sudden appearance of the orange unicorn and hoped she was genuinely nothing to do with the real Nightmare Moon.


    He was interrupted by the young colt,

    [colour=#ff8c00]“Say... why would you want the candy taken to your monument, instead of just taking it now? And I thought you preferred foals?”[/colour]


    He was interrupted again as a small ball of sparkling green light gently floated out of a nearby hedge hovering briefly between them. Was he about to meet Iron Will? He could ask the unicorn about the wonderful decorations and illusions! His anticipation built as beams of light erupted from the now expanding ball and suddenly,


    He knew that hideous amalgam of creatures from the stained glass windows in Canterlot! He cowered in fear as every story and history his father had shown him came unbidden to his mind. Was he going to be sent to another land? Under the sea? Would he have his newfound magic taken away with his horn or be dangled forever over a pit of fire?

    He blinked a couple of times as his special candies were swapped with those of a young purple maned filly before the strange creature disappeared with a

    pirouette and a pop of in-rushing air. This wasn't so bad! It was bad that he had lost the candies from Princess Luna but if that was the lengths Discord was going to tonight maybe Luna was looking out for him!

    Then a thought dawned. He still owed a candy to Nightmare moon! The enemies of Equestria were working together! He was going to be worrying about this all night!

    'OH, THIS IS [colour=#0000cd]terrible![/colour]'

    With a crackle and squeak the magic powering his voicebox gave out.

  11. Two pieces of candy! One of which he still had to give to Nightmare Moon somehow. Waiting around the monument to the fearsome childhood villain was obviously going to be too emotional for him, regardless of how nice Princess Luna had been. A real princess being nice to him! He still couldn't believe it! It must be unreal, somepony dressing up for the occasion like Nightmare Moon the night before.

    Now was not the time for worrying about such things as he was here, at Iron Wills house of Tartarus! He found a place to hide amongst the undergrowth and hellish looking architecture of the grounds and had a little rest while checking the costume over. This thing was heavy, even with the weight of it spread across his saddlebags. It was a good job the voicebox wasn't charged or ponies would hear his breathing a mile away!

    Nightmare Moons head glowed blue briefly as he used his magic to remove it and pulled some apple juice and treats out from under the wing struts. Not the special candies! Where would be the best place around here to give a scare? Ponies approaching this place looked as if they were already steeling themselves for the frights that this 'Iron Will' was going to throw at them, so no point doing it on the approach. How did he get those flames to look so real? Was 'Iron Will' a reference to strong unicorn magic perhaps? A thought occurred to him; around the back! Just when everypony thinks they have finished and are safe!

    Curiosity put his rubbish in the saddlebags for home and levitated the dark Alicorn head back onto his own. A quick check to ensure he could see and he began creeping around the building, looking for where the exit could be. He heard the location before seeing it, as a mixed group of older and young ponies were laughing amongst themselves about how scared 'all the others' had been going through the house.

    A furtive glance around gave Curiosity his spot, a hole in the fence surrounded by Tartarusian blue and green flames. He stopped a moment as he became distracted, muttering

    [colour=#0000cd]'Tartaran? Tartarusan? Tartarian? Sweet Luna don't confuse yourself...'[/colour]

    He moved toward the hole surrounded by the blue-green flames of Tartarus, putting a charge on the voicebox and giving the wings a quick test-flex to ensure they were still free and arrived just as the group were approaching, still distracted by taunting each other.

    'Nightmare Moon' leapt from the darkness, her rearing, wing spread form silhouetted by the eldritch flames of Tatrtarus!


  12. Moonlight filtered through the clouds as the colt stood waiting, casting strange patterns of light and shadow amongst the trees and bushes. A short distance away he could see another group of young ponies drop candy at the foot of the Nightmare moon statue and he moved back into concealment. With his yellow mane and grey-blue coat he was entirely the wrong colour for this 'hiding in the night' game, so he once again considered putting on the costume before the others got here. If they got here at all. That decided it. Time and pranks wait for no pony, he could always rearrange things later.

    He waited until this latest group left, giggling and planning their visit to somepony called Cheerilee, and began to drape the dark cloth over his body. Then he stopped and drew a scroll from his saddlebag, muttering about 'doing it properly'.

    Working down the list, the list for one pony...

    Fix the back part on first, align the cutie marks and fix it to your saddlebags to stop it moving.

    Rest the wing struts on a non pegasus back, with the wing bases resting on the saddlebags.

    Place the fore piece over your head, forelegs in and smooth the rest over the wing struts, making sure they are free to move.

    A breaking twig alerted Curiosity to somepony approaching and he clumsily dodged behind a bush at the same time hoping it was one of his co-conspirators. It was not, instead a pretty looking yellow pony dressed as a pirate was showing a younger pony in a cardboard diving helmet some fireflies that hovered near the path to the statue. Cardboard fish seemed to peer over the little ones shoulder from where they were mounted on their back with sticks.

    Curiosity hunkered down as best he could, freezing when the wing struts rustled through some leaves. The yellow pony glanced his way but quickly returned her attention to the young ones questions about how fireflies glow before they both trotted away to the statue, cardboard fish bouncing merrily in time with the young ones movements.

    A few moments to drop off the candy and they left, with a possible backward glance from the yellow pony.

    Returning to the list;

    Voicebox on so it stays under the costume but don't charge it yet.

    Affix the wings to the wing struts and double check they can be moved. That went well although the light blue glow from his magic might give things away.

    Head on and fixed, making sure you can see. End of list because there was no jewellery and nopony to make the mane look more magical.

    The unicorn briefly considered using his magic on the mane while allowing the wings to be static then changed his mind. The wings were just too good and made the right impression when rearing up.

    A quick charge on the voicebox and he was ready to scare!

    He didn't have too long to wait before a group of three came along, a bee, a rabbit and a wolf. The wolf was making growling noises and joking about eating the rabbit up...Too perfect!

    Leaping from the bushes and rearing onto his hind legs, Curiosity's horn glowed blue as dark feathered wings spread around him. Moonlight shone reflected from the Royal Cutie mark buried in the pitch blackness of an Alicorns coat!



    Candy scattered as bags and buckets were dropped, three little ponies galloping down the path back to town, calling for their friends or family. Oh, how he remembered that! He picked up the scattered candies but could not resist having a chocolate before depositing it at the base of the statue. As he walked away he glanced guiltily over his shoulder. Why did it feel as if a statue were watching him...

    No time for such thoughts though! Was this somepony else approaching?

  13. Alright, everypony, I believe everyone's already in the group 'Friends of Canterlot', right?

    How about we organize a time in one day where we all play TF2 together?

    Although I am running on GMT, for me the timing is perfect as I have six days off! Give me a time, I'll work it around...

  14. Curiosity giggled to himself as he moved around his cluttered bedroom packing the costume parts into his saddlebags. After years of being scared out of his wits by ponies jumping out, making spooky noises and frightening him as a young colt, he was now old enough to be doing some of the scaring! He hoped some of the others showed up with their pieces of the costume. There was enough here to make a passable Nightmare Moon but the jewellery would make it much better and if that pony who said they were good at illusions showed up, perfect!

    He trotted to the chest of drawers which contained his current masterpiece and with playful reverence lifted it above his head....

    The variable voicebox volumiser!

    He settled the small meshwork box around his neck and gave it a little charge of magic, making it rustle and squeak before settling into silence. A slight drawing of breath and,


    'Curiosty! What is that noise up there, are you still not ready?' His mother's voice drifted up the stairs, carrying more weight for him than any shouting.


    More rustling and squeaking emanated from the box as he removed it from his neck and went downstairs.

    'I'm going to meet the others at the uh, place for Nightmare night.'

    'Okay dear, have fun and don't be too scary for the little ones... Remember what you were like?'

    The teenager blushed through his blue-grey coat and mumbled an agreement before dodging a mane tousle on his way out of the door.

    Apologies if this is private or invite only, feel free to delete if I missed that part. On my way to work and wanted to try to get in on this before I let my shifts kill ANOTHER RP for me. :)

  15. Just thought of a possible plot hole in this premier:

    IF, as one of the Crystal Ponies claims, "we've been away for a thousand years," this would have a major clash with established Equestria history. Think about it. The 'magical disappearance' of the Crystal Kingdom took place BEFORE Princess Luna became Nightmare Moon (since she AND Celestia worked together to defeat the evil unicorn king). Since it was after this incident (who knows how long) that Luna changed to NMM, how could NMM been 'exiled' for EXACTLY a thousand years and the Crystal Empire (also not to return for 1000 years) comes back AFTER NMM is freed? I know this is a minor 'plothole' but I'll bet there will those in the fandom that will pounce on this!

    Also, did you notice in the clip that 'grown up' Princess Luna was the one working with Princess Celestia to defeat the unicorn King. Yet, after NMM is defeated, 'Luna' is a much smaller (and younger) alicorn in Season 1 Episode 2. Of course, THIS could be explained by saying that the Elements of Harmony both defeated NMM AND ALSO reverted Luna to a 'younger' form to give her a 'new start' as a royal princess. Still, betcha some geeks in the fandom will catch THIS apparent 'blooper' too.


    They are reinforcing the idea of adult Luna in our minds so when they present the surprise 'canon filly Tia and Wuna' they drain our last remaining Hnnnng and bring about the D'aaaaw-pocalypse!

    Ermergerd! 2012 is back on folks! :-o:-|:oops::scream:

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  16. I don't know why you're all complaining about Luna not getting enough screen time, because this is a major improvement over her being effectively non-existent. Here, we are given some dialogue between her and her sister and a rather contrasting attitude compared to Celestia as well, offering us some personality to indulge ourselves upon.

    Compare to Return of Harmony, where Celestia mentioned her about once or twice in passing.

    Shoving Twilight's mentor aside for more Luna would be a telltale sign of favoritism getting out of hand.

    :Luna: : "Favourtism getting out of hand? So, we are...favoured? Hmmm....Shoving Twilight's mentor 'aside'....."


    Blaming you for the next Nightmare moon Whitehawke!

    Just thought of a possible plot hole in this premier:

    IF, as one of the Crystal Ponies claims, "we've been away for a thousand years," this would have a major clash with established Equestria history. Think about it. The 'magical disappearance' of the Crystal Kingdom took place BEFORE Princess Luna became Nightmare Moon (since she AND Celestia worked together to defeat the evil unicorn king). Since it was after this incident (who knows how long) that Luna changed to NMM, how could NMM been 'exiled' for EXACTLY a thousand years and the Crystal Empire (also not to return for 1000 years) comes back AFTER NMM is freed? I know this is a minor 'plothole' but I'll bet there will those in the fandom that will pounce on this!

    Also, did you notice in the clip that 'grown up' Princess Luna was the one working with Princess Celestia to defeat the unicorn King. Yet, after NMM is defeated, 'Luna' is a much smaller (and younger) alicorn in Season 1 Episode 2. Of course, THIS could be explained by saying that the Elements of Harmony both defeated NMM AND ALSO reverted Luna to a 'younger' form to give her a 'new start' as a royal princess. Still, betcha some geeks in the fandom will catch THIS apparent 'blooper' too.


    The measurement of 1000 years is not exact and NMM came shortly after the defeat of the Unicorn king (e.g. the evil entity that was part of him jumped to/'infected' Luna?) NMM came about, was defeated and banished for 1000 years but crystal kingdom was missing for 1000 years and 9 months (or similar negligible additional time).

    Canon denying aside: As crystal kingdom never knew NMM, Luna doesn't have any stigma attached to her and is loved and accepted there so it is her who goes to rule rather than Cadence. Luna now has a kingdom where she is on equal footing to Celestia, show writers can freely move between Celestial and Luna kingdoms for the purposes of story (or fanservice) and toymakers are happy because you can have a new 'Crystal mane six' and parallel toyline setup without going through a transformers style killing spree and losing the existing mane six and BG ponies!

    That'll be 1% of sales profit from this new idea please Hasbro! :razz:

  17. If you are still taking requests and have the time:

    Twilight and Rainbow sitting next to each other. Twilight is wearing a Rainbow themed baseball cap* with her nice smile (Like this :) ), Rainbow is having trouble with Twilights (Trixie style/stereotypical) wizards hat and has a confused/'I don't get it' look on her face.

    Not after a shipping pic, a couple of friends trying on each others hats.

    Thank you in advance ;)

    *Or another style of hat that you think says speed/athleticism if you prefer.

  18. PC fo' life, yo.

    I think I've just gotten too used to keyboard playing to make the switch to console controllers. Didn't even get into joysticks when they were all the rage on home computers. My system progression went: (a list!)


    ZX Spectrum





    So, always keyboard with mouse added later. It is a source of amusement to a couple of my friends to see me have massive troubles when trying to play a game with a controller!

  19. Big Mac!

    Just been watching Hearts and Hooves day again and despite having the 'Mac is friendzoned' thing in my mind I noticed this exchange (and put this interpretation on it)

    Cheerilee: I'm very sorry about this. I mentioned to the girls that I don't have a very special somepony and I believe they're putting us in these awkward situations because they've decided it should be you...

    She stands there, looking up at him with her heart on her sleeve and hope in her eyes.... and Mac laughs in her face! She joins him with a forced laugh but she is dying inside!

    (I know, they both laugh at the same time and both seem okay with it but still...)

    Big Mac you're a colossal jerk! :)

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