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Posts posted by Lerian

  1. Hm, I never really thought of those possibilities before. But I guess anyone's speculation is as good as anyone else's at this pont. The reference to "Sleepless in Seattle" may be the most likely, but how hilarious would it be if was about Twi's insomia?

    But I'm banking on Spike x Rarity, nevertheless.

    Depending on how much they reference the film, could it be about a filly/CMC trying to find a partner for a parent? May be a bit too similar to Hearts and Hooves though....

    Finding a partner for Celestia and/or Luna? How long have they been single? Wouldn't anypony squee at the thought of their beloved ruler(s) in Love?

    *Gets banished to the desert of terrible ship-fics*

  2. I always go with, (ie headcanon), necessity and desire drive invention. So for example trains are used for freight (too large/heavy for ponies) and long distance travel but there are no cars as ponies are happy to walk/trot/gallop for longer distances than humies. Electronics exist to a degree but are less developed than IRL, either due to a different social outlook (ponies are even more social than humies so less personal/family unit entertainment e.g. TV's and videogames). They are used however for science SCIENCE, (Twilights lab), and information/education (look at the style of TV programming 30,40 or 50 years ago).

    Just my 2 bits. :)

    Also magic, we don't know exactly what things can be covered by it. Apple picking machinery? Twilight de-apples a huge number of trees with (specialist level?) TK in SSCS 6000....

  3. I realised towards the end of S1 Ep2* at the part where Twilight is alone, she hears her friends coming and gets 'the spark'.

    I can't remember my exact thought process but something along the lines of:


    I was just watching this to see what the fuss was about... Why the 'frick' am I tearing up?

    Happy ending

    I am gonna watch the HECK out of the other episodes!

    *I watched them in order, although others have said this may not be the best way to get into it. Turns out it was right for me, not just because of the above but because I'm an 'old-school' DnDer so the epic adventure part was already appealing to me before the deciding point.

  4. Remember that in Equestria (Mane RP), there is an unknown level of 'environmental response' to negative emotions. Windigoes ('s?) are attracted to something as simple as arguments and stay around if those arguments continue. Would they, or something worse, be attracted to long term 'low scale' crimes (theft, intimidation) or short term 'high scale' crimes (protracted violence, murder)?

    How epic would a war be if the environment itself is fighting against all sides?

    Obviously in free-form RP's anything goes

  5. Your average work-a-day Joe (ny)?


    (Have to start at the bottom as it's reverse order)

    Potter/glazer? Glazier? (Everfree) forester/ranger? Ski instructor?

    Disaster watch/crew/QRF? Somepony has to set off those sirens and hand out NBC suits...

    Tinker,Tailor, Soldier, Sailor?

    Butcher, Baker, candlestick maker?

    Ooh, miller. Seen a few windmills around.

    Yeah I'v never cared much for the pony stereotyping I'v seen done..

    "All Unicorns are dainty and don't want to get dirty"

    Also might have to make a unicorn coal miner or something...

    *Goes off to think of some filthy jobs*

  6. Feel free to make my request the lowest of the low priorities or knock it off. I don't wish for something that you are doing for fun (art practice) and that you have kindly opened to the community (by fulfilling requests) to suddenly become some sort of chore. :)

  7. EDIT: ALSO, i just realized that in that clip, the crystal ponies have hexagonal-shaped glare in their eyes. interesting. :!:

    Also also:

    Twilight: 'King Sombers spell must be why their coats aren't all..."crystally"..'

    Mineral based ponies!

    Liking the buildings seen in the clip there too.

    Two male ponies - Two Archery cutie marks!

    Fleur de Lis Cutie mark - Heraldry based that has gone through generations or is Fancy pants companion a crystal pony spy!?!?!?

  8. Also we have a teleportation, probably second most broken magic there is. However we have no data about limitations of teleportation.

    This is part of the 'specialist' problem. We just don't know how many ponies can use teleportation. If there is only one per generation/century or whatever then a martial art using teleportation, or a martial art factoring a response to teleportation, simply won't come into being. Obviously if it turns out that 1 in 10 can teleport then there could be enough for their use in the military and then a fighting style to come out of it. (Unless they are all kept behind lines for logistic purposes)

  9. When you said Celestia I could only think of...

    "Oh GOD, her mane! Her mane is the end of any artist!"

    Aaaaaargh, you have discovered my sinister plot to send all artists mad in a fit of jealousy! :razz:

    Truthfully it's because a question in another thread got me thinking that as a ruling (worshipped?) deity or fanon tyrant she doesn't get enough genuine affection. Hence, hugs for Celestia!

    As a non-understanding non-artist, if it is a headache then not to worry ;)

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