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Posts posted by BlindJester

  1. This is a good start to your character but I think there could be more of him to be developed. Such as, how did he gain his cutie-mark? Who were his parents and did they serve a huge part in his foalhood? Do they still keep in contact? Are there any future goals he wishes to meet? What are his hobbies? Does he miss his wife and child? Does he plan on getting back together with them someday? What happened to the previous hotel after he moved away? Has he tried to become a more social pony or plans to? Also you put people instead of ponies. :)

  2. Just thought about having a little fun with more ponies and take on some requests. Mainly OCs right now because I want all of Canterlot to have reference pictures! Also please give me some direction of what you want your request to be like. Thank you <3

    1. Monochrome's Ponysona

    2. Bellosh101's Barley Mayberry


    Sketched - :Rarity:

    Lined - :Rarity: :Rarity:

    Coloured - :Rarity: :Rarity: :Rarity:

    Here are some examples of my current works(If you haven't seen em XD)





    Spoiler due to large pictures.

  3. This is quite the interesting app you have here! Just a few questions come to mind as I read this app;

    One was how does she speak when the situation calls for it? Since not a lot of ponies can understand backwards does she have some sort of way to communicate?

    Does she have any other hobbies? Or what goals for herself once she finds the 'Undo Spell'?

  4. I like many of his movies, but I think Spirited Away stands head and sholders above the rest.

    This "up on poppy hill" movie got completely past me though. I had not even heard of it until today. Hayao did not direct it, though he did write the screenplay. The Director is Goro Miyazaki? Is that his son?

    I must of read Wiki wrong

    I have no idea who Goro Miyazaki was for some reason I thought it was his dad, but then I doubt that so son is possible.

  5. This is a very intriguing application you have here.

    There are just a few things that need to be addressed first.

    So, the first thing that pops out at me is how he got his cutie-mark albeit it interesting I'm afraid it won't fly in the Mane RP.

    I doubt he could draw energy from a lightning bolt that grazed the tip of his tail.

    I also noticed you don't have this colt in school, is there any particular reason why he doesn't want to go to school and go straight to working?

    I'd also like to point out that he's only a young pony so I doubt he'd be able to fly fast enough to have a small trail of flames behind him.

    My last question is does he have any hobbies that he enjoys?

  6. Taking a trip down to Georgia for some legal business/vacation(who the heck combines both?) with my sister and mother.

    I'll be gone from tonight till Sunday evening/Monday morning I'll check in every now and again, but I don't think I'll be on a lot.

    Don't miss me too much Canterlot~

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