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Posts posted by BlindJester

  1. Disclaimer, this is not aimed at everyone younger than me. Just people who think they can be experts on someone else's childhood when they weren't even born yet.

    I am tired, just completely freaking tired, of people calling me a liar (and it always tends to be people significantly younger than me, typically kind of spoiled kids who are just now out of college and into their first jobs) for talking about things I did when I was a kid.

    Times were different in the 80s. Parents were a HELL of a lot more permissive overall then they are now. Plus my particular parents had me when they were teenagers.

    I've been called a liar, or accused of "making stuff up" for the most ridiculous things too. Most recently I was innocently discussing Halloween costumes from the past with a co-worker.

    I dressed up as a punk fairy for Halloween in 2nd grade (pink hair, gold lamé and leather costume, and gold wings. My mom and I made the costume). Their response was "there is no way you were sophisticated enough in second grade to know what punk was" (and this is at least the 5th time this has happened to me). EXCUSE ME? In 1986? I couldn't imagine NOT knowing what punk was, when you had MTV, and about every single commercial aimed at kids included some kind of *******sized reference to punk. Punky Brewster? The Misfits (from Jem and the Holograms)? The freaking CHIPMUNKS, with mohawks? SOPHISTICATED? I don't freaking think so.

    Sure it might not have been accurate to the "authentic 70's scene" that people try so hard to emulate , but just because it wasn't prevalent in your childhood doesn't mean it wasn't for a long long time during someone else's. Especially when there are several years between you. Those three years you spent not really forming long term memories as an infant/toddler might have been the same years when another person is in the midst of the time of their childhood where if they miss their favorite cartoon they get upset, while kids even just 2 years older didn't even watch those baby cartoons. When you are that age, even a year is a HUGE difference.

    I know what you mean, I mean I'm not as old as you are since I was born in the 90's but my cousin (who his 30) tells me stories about when he was younger and all the stuff he use to do and it's cool to hear about it because it's so different from how things are now. I probably would of said like "What? No wait a punk fairy?" in sort of disbelief and amazed way if you know what I mean but I would of believed you because things were pretty cool back then. -hugs- Don't worry 'bout them they just can't handle how cool you were when you were younger.

  2. Name: CookieSweets

    Sex: Female

    Age: Mare

    Species: Unicorn

    Pelt Color: Ivory

    Mane/Tail Color & Style: Chocolate brown at the base, darkening into black further down. She usually keeps her mane in a loose bun.

    Eye Color: Medium blue.

    Cutie Mark: A partially eaten cookie.

    Physique: She is slightly pudgy. Her hoofs are a sandy color.

    Residence: Manehattan.

    Occupation: She is a baker who specializes in cookies, making all kinds for different occasions, she even makes cookie cake in her own shop called Sweet Cookies

    Motivation: Her motivation is to discover the best possible cookie recipes out there and share them with other ponies. She also hopes that she'll get a little protege---the little sibling she's never had.

    Likes: Baking, cookies, MelodySpark, singing, walks, jewelry, and having fun.

    Dislikes: Being confined, bullies, dressing up, reading much.

    Character Summary: CookieSweets lived a fairly typical Manehattan life. She had a good education and wanted for nothing, but because her parents traveled often, she had to fend for herself. Everything was nice and tidy and in its place. Cookie hated that about home: nothing was too surprising. CookieSweets wanted to do more, but wasn't sure what. So she put on her favorite bracelet, given to her by her mom, and went for a walk by the lake. Once she arrived there, she decided to go for a swim just to be spontaneous. After she was done frolicking through the waters, she sat on the ground to dry off, but noticed that her favorite bracelet was missing. She looked everywhere for it with no luck. Feeling defeated, she sat at the edge of the lake and cried. She wondered if having fun meant losing things she held dear. If that were true, she thought, then she didn't want to try to have fun anymore. Suddenly, she heard someone coming up behind her---another filly. Cookie said nothing and ignored her. But the filly asked what was wrong, and CookieSweets told her about losing her bracelet. The filly said she'd get her a new one, but Cookie declined. It could never replace the one she had lost.

    Then the filly started to sing. Cookie thought it was stupid of her to be singing such a happy tune when nothing good happens from acting silly, but she couldn't help but tap her hoof along. Soon she started to dance with the other filly. They sang and danced until Cookie forgot about her lost bracelet. As the two headed home, the other filly told Cookie that her name was MelodySpark. CookieSweets thought it was a fitting name for her and asked her new friend if she could learn how to sing too. MelodySpark agreed happily.

    When Melody got her cutie mark, Cookie told Melody to come over to her house so that they could properly celebrate. After some deliberation, Cookie decided to celebrate Melody's discovery of her special talent by baking her something extra-special: a cookie cake. When Melody returned, CookieSweets brought out the nicely made cookie cake. Melody was delighted. This was the nicest thing anypony had ever done for her.

    Glad to have done something good with her own hooves, Cookie discovered her own cutie mark. It was a partially-eaten cookie. Smiling to herself, Cookie thought this was the best day ever.

    CookieSweets is a shy pony. She hates conflicts and is often afraid to speak her mind, but when she feels confident about something, Cookie is far more talkative and happy-go-lucky. CookieSweets was often left home alone because her parents always liked to travel to all the different places in Equestria they invited Cookie to come with them, but she preferred to stay in one spot rather than living somewhere else every other month. CookieSweets always liked to have things stay constant instead of always changing. Since CookieSweet's parents didn't want to leave her unattended during their travels they had hired a nanny to check up on her twice a week. Her parents often worried about Cookie despite being the free spirits they are so they call constantly to make sure she's okay and come home every month to give her gifts that they got on their travels. CookieSweets never had anything real noticeable about her she always stayed quiet and did as she was told. Her only real achievements was making a true friend and earning her cutie-mark, which her parents were ecstatic about when she told them but sad that they missed such a milestone in their daughters life, CookieSweets hopes to make a bigger name for herself so everypony will recognize and remember her before she can't do anything else. CookieSweets has a deliverypony named PaintedWings who works for her in exchange for rooming and food. Cookie is PaintedWings legal guardian since Painted is to young to be out on her own yet.



    Art done by the ever so talented ChelseaGold<3


    Art by me.


    • Like 1
  3. Dye - Liquid used to change the color of things.

    Die - Reference to death, or dying. Also: commonly a square six sided object used for gameplay. The numbers 1,2,3,4,5, and 6 are represented by dots. Each side contains a different number.

    Dice - Plural die used in gameplay.

    FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF What am I doing with my life if I don't know simple words! ;^;

    -goes to her corner and stays quiet-

  4. He's right on the "die". Correct usage/spelling, and pluralization since he is describing each of the pair of dice singularly.

    Sorry ;^;

    -didn't know dye was die plural-

    so many things to catch up on.....

  5. Welcome to the herd Rannil!

    Hope you have a great time here among our forums I know I have and I've only been here for about a week.

    I discovered MLP:FiM through a friend on a chat who was like "OMG PONIES WATCH!" and I watched and fell in love instantly. (Was never like MLP before then so was a bit skeptic)

    I also enjoy playing MineCraft it's a fun game.

    Do you read?

    If so what do you like to read?

    I'm a girl =D -random- I have my moments excuse me.

    Do your RP?

    Do you play to join in the RPing goodness? =D

    If so can't wait to see ya there!

  6. Hi Daft I think what Kalpira meant was Die=Dye because one would think you're referring to death.

    Also this in a very interesting character maybe you can describe more about how he got his cutie-mark as I recall before from another app Ponies don't get their cutie-mark from doing something that they like. they get their cutie-mark when they find their special talent unless you mean that Re-Roll enjoys making games LIKE Forest and Fillies for other ponies to enjoy. Also you should move the cutie-mark story down to the character summery and what they mean is what motivates your pony to love what they do? Like one of my ponies motivations is that they want to spread joy to other ponies thanks to her special talent. Maybe you can move your pony somewhere else out of Ponyville because it's getting a little over populated and it would be nice if we could give more attention to the other less noticed places like Applelousa or Fillydelphia and your pony makes trips and likes to stay at Ponyville but not live there.(You don't have to it's just a suggestion) Other than that I like the concept of "Forests and Fillies" as a play on "Dungeons and Dragons"

    Hope to see your character approved soon! :)

  7. It's NOT my moms fault that she has LUPUS and has to go to the doctors' for various tests to help her. .

    My sister-in-law's mother has Lupus too. It's such a heartbearking, horrible disease and I am sorry you and your mom have to deal with that. I want to *****slap the woman in the home teaching office on your behalf.

    Thanks :) and it really is. It hurts to see how much she does and that no one really tries to help her besides me. :'(

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