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Posts posted by BlindJester

  1. Dear Sonic fan who is my friend,

    I'm tired of RPing with you and your gary stu character who can die COME BACK TO LIFE die again and so on. He is not jesus, he is not more powerful then sonic and is not the entire Sonic X casts best friend. He is NOT mister popular and can NOT kill people and get away with it! I'm SICK of you asking me 24/7 if I want to RP when I told you HALF AND HOUR AGO I don't want to! TAKE A GOD DAMN HINT I need a break from the gary stuness. I'm sorry I hurt your feelings when I said I want to take a break and RP with someone WHOSE MORE REASONABLE. MAYBE if you put a little more EFFORT into your character I MIGHT want to RP with you again. Until then I will NOT accept your constant asking me if I want to RP EVERY HOUR OF THE HOUR FOR THE WHOLE WEEK/MONTHS. Learn that I'm human and need a break from all of your crap and NO I DON'T WANT TO WRITE ANYMORE STORIES FOR YOU or make pictures of YOUR characters. I am your friend NOT your personal servant. Keep this up and I won't be your friend anymore been dealing with this for 2 years now and I'm so done. Get it together or lose another friend to your selfishness your pick either way I'm fine with it.



    Oh and I have another letter.(didn't want to DP)

    Dear ***** at the home teaching office,

    I hate you so much. Each time we go to the meets you always seem to be attacking my mother and saying that she doesn't take my mental illnesses seriously. After My mom explained that she has a whole bunch of doctors appointments to make concerning her health and also her mental state. It's NOT my moms fault that she has LUPUS and has to go to the doctors' for various tests to help her. Just because she missed ONE lousy appointment for me DOES NOT MEAN she doesn't care about me. My mom has been there for me ever since this stuff with my mental health started to go down the toilet. With none of our other family members to help her she now has to deal with my mental health, her mental health, her DISEASE, AND her physical health. We're sorry that the person above you is betting on your nerves but my mom is only ONE person and in order to help me she has to help herself first. MY MOM IS IN A LOT OF PAIN EVERY DAY YOU ****ING *****. Calling her a bad parent just because she didn't take me to my therapist once or twice is nothing to serious I can handle 2 months without therapy but my mom? She goes to the doctors EVERY WEEK and goes to the hospital almost EVERY OTHER WEEK BECAUSE SHE'S IN SO MUCH PAIN. You putting even more stress on her is ****ing terrible. You need to grasp the situation at hand first before you open your mouth and accusing my mother isn't doing her job. I love my mom. I love her more than anything else in the world, she is my stone and if I loose her I loose myself and all motivation to continue anything. So the fact that my mom is trying to get her health in check before she can put her full attention on me is what a parent in her position should do. She is a wonderful parent, she is my mom, you it again then things are going to get ugly.

    Yours truly


    I feel much better c:

  2. @ManeStream <3

    @Dubstep I've never tried passion fruit :) Is it good?

    @Tales How could I have forgotten such an awesome fruit! D:

    @Diego Havoc I hear ya to many to many I love them all Grapefruit, lemons, pineapples. All fruity goodness!

    @Dubstep Hello again Apples are good! And sorry that you don't like Apples DC but they be yummeh in mah tummeh.

  3. @ManeStream your story means so much to me. It really does just reading it makes me feel like you read my mind and thoughts pretty much. I mean its so close to how life has been for me I was close to tears(Don't like to cry in public). If I was home chances are I would of start crying how similar our stories are and that I'm not alone dealing with all this nonsense. I have problems like anxiety and such so I'm to scared to leave my house(I'm now being homeschooled because of my anxiety and depression) or my mom for a long period of time(She's really sick and me being mentally sick just makes her sicker and then I get sicker and it's a huge circle) anyway I'll try to be more open and do more activities as much as it scares the bejezus out of me. Your story was very touching and helpful and I'll remember it and try to learn from it. Because let's face it I'm to young to have all this unwanted and not need stress on me. Thanks so much for sharing :D

    @Kalpira yea most of the friends I have managed to find and keep are online also. Which is about 5 or so one of which is my boyfriend who lives in another country but he's my best friend also who helps me when I'm just about ready to give up. I hope I can raise the number of friends I have online thanks to these forums :o -pony hugs back-

    Thanks Everypony.

  4. Just feeling like venting a little so yea. . .

    I feel ignored not by just people on online communities who I thought were my friends but by the people in my life too. It's like whatever I say just falls on deaf ears, so to speak, and it's really just getting to me. I don't have much of a social life due to some personal issues so I don't go to many place and don't have any real close friends since I moved away from Georgia. I'm just lonely and I just wish I had someone to talk to. Like someone I know who cares about me and what I feel instead of just using me to get what they want. Used as in getting money from me and other stuff.(I'm very generous) So yea just ranting a little bit don't want to be to much of a bother so I'm just gonna stop here.

    Have a good day :D

  5. Roleplay Type: World of Equestria
    Name: Melody Spark
    Gender: Female
    Age: Mare
    Species: Unicorn
    Eye color: Green
    Coat: Orchid
    Mane/Tail: Cyan, Dodger Blue, Dark Blue, and Blue her mane and tail are long and styled to be slightly curly the colours are in no particular order
    Physique: Typical Build for a Mare
    Residence: Ponyville
    Occupation: Voice/Singing Coach
    Cutie Mark: A heart with a single music note in it
    Unique Traits:

    Baker- Due to her close friendship with CookieSweets she learned how to make a few great baked treats!

    Trinket Collector- Thanks to her job she's travelled to some other places in Equestria and always brings back a trinket or memento from her visit. Leading to her having a room dedicated to her collection!

    Swimmer- MelodySparks loves swimming in water almost as much as a hippocamp! She just always enjoyed the feeling of weightlessness and swimming in general which has lead her to be a pretty great swimmer.


    History: Ever since MelodySparks was a filly she has always been obsessed with sounds. How a glass of water sounds when you touch the rim and swirl your hoof, or taking a fork and gently hitting the side. Wind chimes were another favorite of hers the gentle tinkle of the different metals clinking together to make a hushed melody. Even the rhythmic chewing of ponies fascinated her ears. Due to this when she was a filly her mother and father would always have to pull her away from something that had caught her ears. You would often find her in the middle of a plaza or even the middle of a field with her eyes closed swaying gently to the imaginary symphony she has in her mind. One day in school it was music class, her favorite class, 


    Character Personality:

    Character Summary:


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