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Posts posted by BlindJester

  1. Okay, so I'm going to start from the top. :)

    For the Roleplay type it's either Crossovers or Mane RP/World of Equestria RP

    His name seems a bit odd for a pony, it would be fine as a well earned nickname, but he needs a real name if you know what I mean.

    His age needs to be fixed instead of it saying 18-49ish(?) just change it to stallion. Is he a Young Stallion, a regular stallion or a Older Stallion and if you still feel the need to add the number you can put it in parenthesis.

    Child should be foal.

    People should be ponies

    Manely should be Mainly

    Also the RP example isn't necessary <3

    Other than that this is a pretty darn good app!

  2. Sorry if this post is more worthy of an edit than a second post, but I've decided I'm going to have my character a work in progress again. I think there's plenty of criticism and feedback to be taken before I decide that my character is finished.

    That's fine<3

    I look forward to your new revisions :)

  3. Don't mean to be a downer, but you're really using everypony and calling me a pony? *Sigh* guess that's how it is here then. Can't say I never did that myself, but that was like... back in may when I first became a Brony. It got old fast.

    Anyway, thanks for the welcome.

    1 Post to go.

    Pony hipster?

    Anyway, welcome to canterlot~ I hope you enjoy your stay here.

  4. Don't forget that the construction machines were made of wood, so it might just be a series of levers and pulleys

    The little foal was something to be expected in the FiM universe, as for some shows show the correct thing in kids shows well they /do/ 99.9 percent of the time just /1/ appearance shouldn't make it terrible. I agree with what Phil said about Pinkie being scared about the ghosts I think she was doing it because A. She's Pinkie and B. It makes it funny(to the kids)

    I enjoyed the aspects of the show, but I think it's starting to get to everypony seeing as we're older and can spot the lesson before the episodes over. I think a lot are expecting a little /too/ much from the show now for some odd reason or another, this is a kids show so there will be times when things become painfully obvious to us but not to some kids. Remember this is a show aimed at kids, but is made so that adults can enjoy it too.

    I'm starting to ramble, anyway I loved this episode my favourite part was AJ stopping that carriage with her beautifully named hooves, Twilight fixing the dam, Fluttershy being excited about being included by just being a pegasus and the return of Pinkie Sense.

  5. ^I'll edit it. I didn't really notice because I have a ponify filter on. Lemme fix.

    And to answer those questions, Most of his personal traits and the way he acts comes out of mostly a lack of socialization and being used to saying the wrong thing. He was born awkward, but It's uncertain whether It's a mental condition or not. Having little to no interaction doesn't help either.

    He dreams to get out of the house he is always in and make use of the skills he's learned (cooking, crafting, writing .etc). He also wants there to be a close friend with him that doesn't make him feel uncomfortable, but he's pretty much given up on that ever happening.

    He enjoys cooking and crafting because It's something that benefits him as soon as he finishes each meal or item. Cutesy Blue never liked having to work hard only to be benefited long after doing the deed. Drawing and writing is something he does occasionally and enjoys it very much when he gets into it because it puts all the temporary ideas gotten from walking alone in wilderness around Solstice Heights on paper.

    Cutesy Blue does practice and study magic, but not excessively. He believes he might even be behind from the other unicorns who are in school. He can lift objects up to twelve pounds currently, start a fire, and shatter glass and clay, which he accidentally discovered he could do when he was practicing lifting objects when he was younger.

    Be sure to add that to your app ;)

  6. However, on the night of the big concert that was certain to cement her place in the world of music, a unicorn who had been scorned by the Andantino family cursed Celia to have a terrible singing voice. The curse made it so that she would be forced to sing rather than talk from that day forth.

    This part confuses me a bit, so does she still sing terrible instead of regularly talking or has that part of the curse worn off?

    Does she have any goals? How did she end up working at a baiting shop? Has she tried to figure out how to break her curse? Does she /want/ to break her curse? How does she feel towards the unicorn who cursed her? (i.e. Somewhat grateful that because of him she learned to see life from a new view or resentment because he destroyed her glamours life? etc.) All in all I think this is a wonderful app :)

  7. Okay, I would wish to add to what Dunes said;

    Why was being blind a problem to her being a singer?

    Please remove the age sixteen and replace it with older filly.

    Does she have any hopes for herself?

    Why exactly does bullying rub her the wrong way? Was it a personal experience or does she just not like others who pick on ponies who don't deserve it?

  8. Just a few pointers:

    1. In the mane style and colour section you accidentally put name instead of mane

    2. People should be changed to ponies

    3. Child should be changed to foal

    4. Sore thumb should be sore hoof

    5: Hands should be changed to hooves

    Now I do have a few question as well such as, why does he act out the way he does? Was it an experience? Or just the way he is?

    Does he have any hopes or dreams? Why does he enjoying crafts and cooking? Does he practice his magic a lot?

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