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Everything posted by NeilWacaster

  1. "I wouldn't say that," Newsworthy said. "For one thing, I haven't been able to get your song out of my head all day." He bobbed his head from side to side, and hummed the first line of the chorus of "One More Time with Feeling." He finished, smiling. "Who knows? Maybe you have the next Pony Award winning musical? You'll never know if you don't complete it."
  2. Newsworthy looked pleased. "I'm so glad that you like it. I don't usually show my work around, it's mainly just a side hobby. A little secret of mine." Stuffing the papers back in his briefcase, he asked, "So, now it's your turn. I know that you write plays, but about what, specifically?"
  3. I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/xnLPvNjg Bronies React: Season 2 Finale

  4. He grinned. "I love adventure novels. I think I mentioned that I used to want to write them for a living. Well, of course, that was before I figured out that what I was actually good at was nonfiction. But that doesn't stop me from penning a little story every now and again." He pulled a stack of about a dozen pages from his briefcase, and set them before her, a little sheepishly. "If you'll believe it, I actually am writing something about Daring Do at the moment. I don't know if you've read her books, but you might enjoy it, regardless." (And that gives me the perfect chance to show you my little Daring Do fanfic, if you're interested. http://www.fimfiction.net/story/28819/Daring-Do-and-the-Race-to-the-King%27s-Treasure)
  5. "Oh, absolutely. I'm most often inspired by a well-written book. When I finish a good story, I'm just itching to write something of my own." He took a sip of his cider. It was quite good, and had a strong cinnamon flavor. "Speaking of which, weren't you working on a manuscript yesterday? How is that coming?"
  6. "Syd is an incredible musician and performer," Newsworthy said, his fanboy side coming out. "I especially enjoyed 'Eternal Nights of Love.' It must be a new one, I haven't heard it on the radio yet. As busy as I'm used to being in the news business, I don't think I could handle performing on stage every day or two. So much pressure. Give me my quill and a quiet study any day." He looked at her questioningly. "I hope that you enjoyed the concert. You seemed to think it was a little loud."
  7. "I am Newsworthy, kind sir," he said, returning the smile and taking his seat. "Charming establishment you have here; I'm just hoping your cider is as good as the hospitality. Could you pour us two mugs?"
  8. "Lead the way," he said, simply. It was a beautiful night, Luna's moon and stars shining brightly overhead. The city was alive, the streets bustling with shoppers, vacationing families, and couples.
  9. OOC: This is a private RP between Twimsy and NeilWacaster, in which their OCs, Persnickety and Newsworthy, are going on their first date. For anyone who is interested, this is happening the day after the "It all started in a little Café in Stalliongrad ..." RP. Edit: we decided to continue the RP, now they're going to see a play too. Edit: The side story linked here might or might not be canon RP starts below. Newsworthy walked with Persnickety out through the door of the concert hall, jostled by the loud crowd of other ponies. He had been to many of the musician's concerts before, but he had enjoyed this one even more than the others. For one thing, it was the first time he had seen this concert tour, and Syd had played several new songs. For another, this was the first chance that he and Persnickety had gotten to have some time to themselves after the excitement of the previous day. Once they were a few steps away from the concert goers, he turned to Persnickety and smiled. "Where would you like to go from here? I'm pretty new to Stalliongrad, but I'm sure you know a good place we can go."
  10. Interesting to get to see an image of the pony from the RP!
  11. Clairvoyance's daughter had been hiding throughout all that had happened, especially frightened of the ponies that seemed odd in the head. Seeing her chance to get away from all the visitors, she tugged at her mother's mane. "Mum, want me to go fetch some water for the tea?"
  12. I'm so glad you're back! I can't wait to introduce you to all the new friends I've made here
  13. I favorited a @YouTube video http://t.co/QiwmgFKG Hello from the Draw Ponies!

  14. I added a video to a @YouTube playlist http://t.co/xurGB5bM Best of Philip Glass - Metamorphosis III

  15. I favorited a @YouTube video http://t.co/8orwCfSG Party of One -- Theatrical Trailer

  16. I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/nsQVQfqY Epic Pony Battle of History- Rainbow Dash vs. Fluttershy.wmv

  17. Hello! Welcome to the site. I hope that you SleepyChibiTobi and I can do an awesome adventure RP soon!
  18. I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/lQZLYDdm The Parts of a Pony

  19. I added a video to a @YouTube playlist http://t.co/2IiYb3fN Philip Glass - I'm Going To Make A Cake

  20. I favorited a @YouTube video http://t.co/hdlsv0zF Philip Glass - The Grid

  21. I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/J6qB3hG9 Dash's Determination

  22. All of my friends are joining Canterlot! I'm so happy You, Squallmane, Partheus and I should start an RP. Ideas?
  23. I am so glad to see you here, friend! Can't wait to start our first online RP!
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