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Everything posted by NeilWacaster

  1. I favorited a @YouTube video http://t.co/TnAc4Qcc Introducing...Jeshua Alexander Micah Nathanael Stewart 02.0

  2. Newsworthy slowly stepped forward slowly toward the masked human. "I was guiding the noble messenger Partheus through the forest on his royal mission from Princess Celestia herself. Now he has been captured by the Dwellers, and I must make haste to save him." The snow began to blanket his fur, and he shook it off in disgust. The last thing he needed was to catch a cold out here.
  3. "Excellent. I believe that the good doctor's mansion is a few blocks away in the residential district." Newsworthy began to trot out the door. "Just wait till you see it. It makes me think I should have gone into medical practice."
  4. "Irregardless, you saved my life. I hope to one day be able to return the favor. And considering the dangers of this forest, that day may be today," Newsworthy grinned. "Partheus is a messenger from the land of the humans, called Hominopolis, I believe. He is carrying some type of important message, the nature of which he refuses to reveal. As you saw, he was just taken by the Dwellers, I know not where ..." A small, shiny object whisked through the air and broke at his feet. A small explosion caused a pink cloud to erupt from the ground, enveloping the four ponies. Newsworthy felt himself begin to laugh, but this laughter was terrifying, as he could not control it. He felt as if the humor was strangling him. Quickly, he stepped back out of the cloud and took a few gasps of the fresh air. Soon, the laughter subsided into a chuckle, and then just a headache. Flaring his wings in aggression, he pawed the ground in the direction the laughter bomb had come from. "Alright, Dweller, I see that you can't take a hint. We are much stronger than you. Either run like the coward you are, or surrender."
  5. Pinkie Pie impulsively hugged the pony. "These will be the best cupcakes for the best party ever!" Grabbing the ingredients from his hooves, she rushed back toward the kitchen. On the way, she swallowed the ruined cake in one large gulp. She began baking thunderously, singing her song about cupcakes at the top of her lungs. ---- Newsworthy was still confused by the encounter. He had heard the rumors about Pinkie Pie sense, but had never seen it for himself. How uncanny. And how odd that an earth pony would have such an ability. He sat down again next to Silver Note with a sigh. "Well, that was strange. It's not every day that you're knocked to the ground by a flying mare. So, are you ready to go to the doctor's place? Those dinky little muffins just whet my appetite."
  6. Newsworthy landed lightly in the clearing next to the strangers. "I am in your debt, as you saved my life. Who are you? And can you help me save Partheus from the clutches of the Dwellers?"
  7. As the cloud floated over, Newsworthy looked up in surprise. He was even more astonished when it shocked the Great and Powerful Trixie into stunned submission. Not losing a moment, Newsworthy spread his wings and leapt into the air, expecting to see his friend Rainbow Dash sitting atop the cloud with that smug grin of hers. However, nopony appeared to be controlling the cloud from above. Strange, he thought. That couldn't have been a coincidence. Now that he wasn't restricted by that earthbound human, he was able to use his wings to their full advantage. He began to dart back and forth, looking for whoever or whatever had been so helpful. Perhaps they would be able to save Partheus as well. "Hello? Is anypony there? Show yourself!" he called out as he searched.
  8. "That sounds like what happened to Rainbow Dash that one time. She disappeared for a couple weeks and came back with some weird stories. Oooh! I'll make your party at the same time as that other new guy! We'll have twice as much fun! And we'll have balloons, and games, and music, and cupcakes!"
  9. His eyes wide with fear, Newsworthy tried to reason with the magician. "Trixie, heh, you aren't still angry about what I said in my paper about your show, are you? It was a ... misunderstanding. The sources I had were unreliable, and you were unavailable for an interview." As the sword floated closer, he began to sweat. "Please, Trixie ... I'm sorry ..." He glanced up, noticing a small gap in the trees above. A desperate plan formed in his mind, but he hoped he wouldn't have to put it into action.
  10. Pinkie Pie hopped up and bounced over to Bowie. "Hi there! I'm Pinkie Pie! Are you new here? If you are, then I need to plan another party! I love parties!"
  11. I knew this was a bad idea ... I just knew it. Newsworthy looked around at the Dwellers with his best fearsome glare. It came out more as a squint. Reaching under his reporter's cap, he drew out his fountain pen, and held out the sharp point toward the closest assailant. "We are peaceful travelers through your wood. State your business with us."
  12. Bowing courteously to Silver Wish, Newsworthy bid her adieu and trotted over to the professor who had brought the students. He was surprised to see that it was his friend, Leo Constellation. "Leo? What brings you to the art world?" The stallion smiled. "Dr. Prismacolor is sick, and asked me to substitute for her at the last minute. Besides, it gives me the chance to catch up with my little buddy." Palétte brushed off this jab at his short stature. "Well, my friend, I'm glad that you were able to come. If the students are ready, then I'll start my presentation." "They were born ready," Leo said. Stomping a hoof to get the attention of the students, he called out in his deep voice, "Quiet please! Palétte, the talented artist who created these masterpieces, has a few words for us. Let us give heed." Stepping up to a huge canvas covered with an abstract splash of colors, Palétte merely looked at it. After about half a minute, the students began to murmur among themselves. As if on cue, he turned to face them. "You dare interrupt my appreciation of this piece of artwork?" They shifted their hooves nervously. What was this kooky artist getting at? "Art is not something to be gulped down like a basket of hay fries. It is a full, multi-course meal. And it starts with taking the time to understand it." He looked around at them, sternly. "Now, as I'm sure you know, what makes something a work of art is only the mind of the observer. As unenlightened ponies are commonly heard to say regarding abstract pieces, 'this could have been made by my filly!' And it is partially true, although mature artists take much more time and are much more subtle with their works. But disregarding that, the filly's artwork would be worth little or nothing, while a famous artist receives millions for a similar work. Why is that? "It's all in your head. The prestige of the artist, the feelings that the painting evokes, the intrinsic pleasure of owning a creative work." He looked at each student, one after another. "But where do you come in? You glance for a few brief seconds at these pieces that took me weeks, or months, to create. 'Meh, that's rather garish.' 'The shading is off.' 'I like the bunny.' After less than a minute, you walk away. What presumption. "How do you expect to understand the feelings, the blood, the sweat, the tears that went into creating this piece in a few seconds of surface level contemplation? There are hundreds of levels of meaning in this work. Now, I want to know how many you can unveil. Tell me, what do you see." A student raised a hoof. Palétte glared. "Were you even listening to me? You couldn't possibly be ready to give an answer. Now, gaze upon this canvas. Look into its soul. And tell me ... what do you see?"
  13. Oh ... my. This poor mare. "You are most certainly right," Newsworthy said, tenderly. "The choice is very important. We only have one life, and we must strive to make it the best it can be." He tried to hide from it. He tried so hard. But her words, 'make sure that it is your special somepony' made him think of his former fiancee. The pain, dulled and suppressed, was still great. The only thing that betrayed his true feelings were his eyes, moist and despairing. The rest was steeled against these memories. Pinkie Pie interrupted his train of thought. "Oh no! Twitchy tail! Look out!" The pink mare slammed into him, knocking him off his chair. "What the hay, Pinkie?" "Twitchy tail! Something was going to fall on you!" "Yeah, you, apparently." Just then, a large cake toppled from a high shelf and landed directly where the news pony had been seated. He looked at Pinkie with astonishment. "What ... how did you ... eh?"
  14. "A mandate from the Princess herself?" Newsworthy was aghast. "Well that changes things. I will certainly aid you on your quest, for both your sake and hers, although I can't fathom why you would need to train to meet Fluttershy. She's the nicest, most soft spoken pony you will ever meet. Perhaps she was using Fluttershy as a euphemism for something else ... I know not. However, the Forest Dwellers are a very mysterious clan of ponies that haunts the Everfree. "Some say that the Forest Dwellers are a peaceful race, who live quietly, minding their own business. However, most ponies think that they are a band of ruffians who defend their territory from intruders. It is said that on the darkest nights they steal into Ponyville and take whatever they can find. Considering their craftiness, it's been difficult to determine what is fact and what is fiction." He stepped up to the mouth of the trail. "The precious moments of daylight are slipping from our grasp. We must complete our journey before nightfall if we have any chance of making it out safely."
  15. Newsworthy smirked. He knew that he had the upper hand, as this poor soul needed a guide, and would be hard pressed to find anypony else who would travel through Everfree willingly. All of a sudden, he was thrown off his hooves by a earthquake and gust of wind, seeming to emanate outward from Partheus. This was a surprising turn of events. The human clearly didn't have a horn ... was there some other way that he could channel magic? "Now, now," he said, standing and dusting himself off, "let's not get too hasty. Yes, I am a reporter, and I would still like to publish an article about you. But what do you take my paper for? A tabloid? Far from it, sir. I always give sensitive personalities like yourself the option of reviewing the story before publication to ensure that your privacy is protected." He glared at Partheus coolly. "Now, if you don't answer my questions, then this conversation is over. You will be wandering through the Everfree alone, to almost certain death. I am not asking as a reporter, I am asking as your friend and your guide. What the hay is so important that you would face the monsters of the Everfree and a pack of angry bandits to accomplish it? And what happened with that earthquake just now? Are you some kind of sorcerer?"
  16. Newsworthy looked skeptical. "So you're telling me that you want to enter this forest to 'learn.' To 'learn,' after receiving a death threat from some of Equestria's most dangerous criminals? I may not be a human, but I wasn't born yesterday. There's something you're not telling me. And I refuse to enter that forest unless you disclose the real reason for this little hike."
  17. "There must be some reason that these ruffians have a quarrel with you ..." Newsworthy squinted at the stranger. "You never told me why you wanted to enter the Everfree. The forest is dangerous enough without a pack of bandits hunting you down ... unless you have a darn good explanation, I'm going back to Ponyville."
  18. Newsworthy frowned. "No, most certainly not. What in Equestria could a Forest Dweller want with us? Let's see what's in that letter, it may give us a clue."
  19. OOC: Partheus and I are beginning an epic adventure in the Everfree Forest. Anypony is welcome to join, as long as it fits with the story. Also, if you would like, feel free to jump in as a character other than your standard. For example, there are a lot of monsters in the Everfree Forest, so if you want to play as a manticore, troll, cyclops, or some other fantastical foe, please do. Also, note that in this version of Equestria, humans and ponies live in neighboring countries. RP starts below. Newsworthy wasn't sure what to make of this human. The creature had appeared in Ponyville a week ago, badly wounded. The hospital was able to treat his injuries, but nopony could make sense of the stories he told. Only Twilight had heard of this nation of humans, and even she had thought it was just a legend until meeting the stranger. However, being a journalist and author, Newsworthy saw the stranger's arrival as a golden opportunity to write a sensational story. Everypony wanted information about the newcomer, and he would be the one to sate the rumor mill. When Partheus mentioned that he wished somepony could show him around the Everfree Forest, Newsworthy jumped at the chance. It was the perfect opportunity to interview him discreetly. Being a lover of science and nature, Newsworthy knew the woods around Ponyville well. Despite the rumors, there were a few paths near the edge of the Everfree that were relatively safe, and it was to the trailhead of one of these that he guided his new friend. They looked up at the forbidding, towering trees. A mysterious chill emanated from the gap between the two ancient oaks guarding the entrance. The stale breeze smelled of musty, rotting leaves. "Here it is, Partheus. The Everfree Forest." He looked back at the human following him. "Are you sure you want to go in this accursed place? There are many dangers, only some of which I can predict and protect us from. We risk our lives even stepping one hoof ..." He caught himself. "Or in your case, foot, within the Everfree." Before Partheus had a chance to reply, a hooded pony appeared from the thicket and gave them a letter before disappearing again into the bushes.
  20. As Newsworthy walked to the theater to help Persnickety with the dress rehearsal of her latest production, his mind began to wander. He had traversed the sidewalks between the house and the theater so often that his mind was fully free to think. For some reason, his thoughts turned to that little café where his life had finally taken a turn for the better. For, you see, that was where he had finally found love after so many years of heartbreak. Where a new chapter in his life had begun, and one which they were still writing. Where he had found the reason for him to live, for him to try, for him to find lasting success. It had taken many weeks for his wing to heal sufficiently for him to be able to go back to Ponyville. Although, by the time the first month was over, he had decided that he never wanted to leave. He continued to publish his gazette in Ponyville, hiring a few local students to take care of the day to day operations of the paper. Applying all he had learned about starting a newspaper, he founded several more gazettes in the great cities of Equestria as he traveled with his wife's acting troupe, and was now running a journalism empire from his penthouse office in the tallest building of Stalliongrad. This was all he had ever wanted. A flourishing newspaper business, reaching many hundreds of thousands of ponies each day. A loving family. All the money he could ever spend. A place in high society. But something was missing. During the past year, he had realized how little time he had left. Even though he was still in middle age, he felt the weight of his coming end pressing down upon him like a ton of bricks. But even more disheartening to him was the strain that his job placed on his family life. During busy weeks, he often worked more than 70 hours, leaving the house before the sun rose, and coming back long after it set. He knew that Persnickety was very understanding of the amount of time that he had to spend in the office, but he felt that if he peeled away the tragicomic mask that she was yearning for more time with him. Their oldest, a pair of twins, were fillies no longer, but nearly ready for post-secondary education, and he felt like he had missed so much of their short lives. Their youngest two, a filly and a colt, three years apart, were still in primary school, and he wanted to be sure that he was able to be more involved in their development. Also, he hadn't published one of his guides to science in over a decade, and he desperately wanted to make the time to be able to return to his passion. He had tried to cut back on his amount of work several times before, but each time was met with falling profits and enraged stockholders. He was determined that this time it would be different. For the past three years, he had been training a brilliant executive. The stallion, Headline, had risen quickly through the ranks of Newsworthy Publishing Corporation and now held the position of Vice President of Operations. At the stockholder's meeting tomorrow, the board of directors was going to vote to decide whether to appoint Headline as the new CEO and Chairman of the Board. He was trying to decide whether he should mention this to Persnickety tonight. On the one hoof, he knew that she would be overjoyed if he was stepping down from his position. However, if the vote didn't go as planned, she would be heartbroken that he would be continuing to work long hours until the board finally got their act together. As he approached the theater, his mind snapped back to reality. There was much to consider, but at the moment, he needed to focus on the tasks he would have at hoof. It was very fortunate that he had been able to clear his schedule for the afternoon and evening to help his wife with the rehearsal. He hoped that it would be a pleasant surprise for her. She was the expert as far as the theater was concerned, so he wasn't sure if he would be able to do anything of use. If nothing else, he would at least be there for moral support during her stressful day of last-minute preparations. Outside the establishment, a long line of ponies stretched around the block. All were waiting to get tickets to the upcoming show. He smiled, glad that "Manespray" was already shaping up to be a huge hit. He also noticed two pegasi hanging a huge banner with the name of the show in an ornate typeface. It looked like they were having a little bit of trouble getting it straight, and were bickering with each other about who was to blame. As Newsworthy approached the entrance, he nodded to the attendant, who swung open the large glass door of the theater. He entered the huge atrium, and trotted through and into the auditorium. His heart nearly stopped when he heard a series of thuds and a crash from stage left. He began to gallop toward the accident, praying to the sun goddess that his wife wasn't injured. However, as he approached, he heard her talking with Soliloquy, and realized that it was the young actor who had fallen. That klutzy colt, he really needs to learn how to avoid tripping over his own hooves. As Persnickety finished talking with the colt, Newsworthy peeked around the stage curtain. He saw a familiar brown flank and cerulean tail disappearing through the door leaving the stage. He cantered after her, trying to catch up as she exited the side door to the theater. "Honey, wait up! Your gallop is still too fast for these old bones," he called after her, panting.
  21. Newsworthy nodded in agreement. The muffins were especially good. Turning towards the mare, Newsworthy remarked, "Sorry that I neglected to return your kind introduction. I'm Newsworthy, journalist and author." He looked down at her foal, and his eyes softened. "You have a strapping little colt, there. I look forward with joy to the day when I will have a son of my own." He sighed, and looked at nothing in particular. "But I suppose that I have to find my special somepony, first."
  22. Newsworthy finished off his second muffin with a huge bite. "Mmmph, ifff inth goodnth, ininth ig?" Which, when translated from conversational muffin, can be taken to mean, "Mmmm, it is good, isn't it?"
  23. Palétte smiled broadly, eternally thankful that the little squall had subsided. He detested children. There was nothing poetic or artistic about them. All they ever did was make messes and distract clients from their appreciation of his art. He had held a grudge against them ever since a young colt ruined a canvas he had been working on for four months. The little snot had been a little too curious in his studio, and his mother had refused to pay a fair price for the wrecked work. That one accident had nearly bankrupted him. He had had to subsist on instant hay noodles for months as he completely redid the canvas, and finally delivered it to an embittered patron far behind schedule. The only use children ever were was when ponies had him paint portraits of their families, and even then the little boogers were constantly moving and making a fuss. Usually, he was able to convince the subject to let him paint the child from a favored family photograph. He much preferred these pictures to the real thing. Clearing his mind of such thoughts, he replied, "I was just about to make my presentation to this group of students. You are more than welcome to watch, if you would like."
  24. "I'm so glad! I never like being sick. You should have seen how I felt after Applejack helped me make cupcakes that one time! I was so sick, I even had to go to the hospital! But it was OK, because after I got to feeling better, the nurse gave me ice cream." Pinkie had to gasp for breath. "Do you like narwhals? Twilight was just telling me about how they look like unicorns, but they swim in the ocean. Isn't that silly? A unicorn in the sea!"
  25. "No. This is one of her good days. You should see her after she's had a few martinis and a pound cake. Now THAT was hyper." He shook his head, remembering the unfortunate incident.
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