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Posts posted by CrescentBlaze

  1. definitely pokemon. Once my older cousin came over when I was five and popped it in the vcr and I was instantly brainwashed by the pretty flashy lights @_@

    then their was DBZ in second grade and then after that I didnt watch any anime for a LONG time. around 15 I started watching DBZ again.

    Still never really got super into it like a lot of the nerd community. Kept up with some of the first season of naruto when it was on toonami, and recently started watching tri-gun. Not the greatest anime but the silliness keeps me entertained

  2. ((I would like to apologize for slightly gary stewing crescent Im gonna dial it back a bit :blush:. However Im gonna allow this thread to be a lot less realistic then when it started so if you want you're character to be a pinnacle of bad***ery then go for it. I'll only stop you if it 1. gets way out of hand, lets keep it to one thing they are really good at, and no god like powers. 2. if it interferes with the direction I am trying to take the story. have fun :) also the Storm V Crescent battle scene will not continue until dunder posts, [go slay a dragon or something, or help crescent he might need it... :P ]))

    Gale was furious. The pounding of his own wings had started to get to him and he could feel his mate starting to tire and slightly lag behind. There was no time for a break, Manehatten was in danger of being overrun by an army of wolves and as the elite soldiers of the imperial air force it was Gale's and Shadow's duty to warn and protect the city.

    Excited as Gale was to be able to see some action, deep down he was embarrassed for be outspoken by a filthy wolf, though he mainly expressed it through rage. Despite his manic pace and grim expression, he was sure Shadow must have known how he really felt. That mare always seemed to be able to read him like an open book, it was one of the reasons he loved her so; but they were on duty and there was no time for romance when there was a battle to fight. They both knew that equally well.

    The city was just coming over the horizon when Shadow spoke up.

    "Gale! I need to stop! Im too tired."

    "Just hang in there! see we're almost there. C'mon you can do it!"

    His encouragement was enough to spur her on. She knew he would never leave her behind but the prospect of looking weak even through such vigorous circumstances was deterrent enough to make her push.

    A n hour later they arrived at the command post that had been established within a huge tower that had been built to serve as a citadel for the militarized city. Nearing collapse the two mates leaned against each other for support as they made their way to the war room their condition drawing attention from the soldiers they passed. They entered the room abruptly all eyes darting to them.

    "Manehatten... *pant pant* in danger...wolf army coming...to slaughter the city."

    Shadow said nothing but collapse in exhaustion from their intense flight; Gale soon followed and the two were rushed off to the barracks hospital to be nourished back to health before the battle. The Manehatten council convened to decide on proper preparations on short notice.

  3. ((its fine Ty, it was all for the sake of bad***ery which is fine in my book, these guys arent the sharpest tools in the shed anyway, plus they are NPCs, abuse them how you will ;-) . They're more like a gang of punks and flashy fighters with some really awesome toys anyway.))

    Gale was taken aback. He stood there with a dumb look on his face as his brain tried and failed several times to assess the situation, while his team stood there shuffling awkwardly waiting for orders. Finally the thought of Storm Dragon tearing him apart for incompetence kicked his sputtering mind into gear. Thinking on his hooves Gale Fury quickly whipped up a plan. To avoid a massacre, as there was no way manehatten could be held from a wolf army of that magnitude in its current position, he would have to ensure the safety of these three illegal refugees. He was sure once Storm Dragon was informed of the situation he would understand his decision and hopefully not kill him.

    "Ok listen up team! Silver Thorn, Dagger Hoof, escort these three to Manehatten no questions asked. Got it."

    The two bulky, nearly identical in their black flight suits, saluted and took aerial positions on either side of the group of three.

    "Dark Bolt, Slip Stream, both of you report to the council in Las Pegasus. Inform them of the situation. Shadow Streak You and I will Fly for Manehatten to make sure the mares and little ones are protected and fortify the city."

    Gale returned his attention to the strange group of wolf zebra and experiment.

    "Listen here! Until you reach Manehatten you are under our protection as diplomats. However once you reach the city you are fair game! Lets go Shadow."

    "Yes my Captain."

    Gale took off with the mare, and also the only all black pegasus on the squad, the others did as they were told and went for Las Pegasus.

    ((those guard npc's are for you to deal with anyway you like though I would recommend leaving them alive...for now ;-)))

  4. ((want a good background song to explain the tumultuous emotions going through crescent's mind in this post as well as his ferocious fighting? here you go! http://balloonparty....com/track/sleep ))

    Crescent rocketed over the parched soil below, his blistering speed driving up a cone of dust behind him. It may very well have exposed him to any enemies that had made a line of sight, but at this point nothing mattered to the emotionally damaged pegasus. He careened up the incline at incredible speed dangerously close to the dry jagged surface of the mountain. At the base of the mountain his mind was empty save for what was necessary but as he climbed through the air pressed against the ragged , rock, formations thoughts began to creep through to the ever focused warrior, unfettered by his mental barriers. The first was of Felicity, her smiling face, her golden eyes, her soft mane, her gentle voice coaxing him to sleep. The second came as he neared the top, it was of that image becoming an unspeakable abomination.......Crescent lost himself.


    The vengeful killer still focused on one morbid goal roared as he erupted at full speed over the top of the incline slamming into the belly of Storm Dragon's army. He decapitated the first soldier he met not even slowing down, crashing through their ranks at terrifying speed. Many soldiers tried to avoid him and were wise to do so, others fled in fear of the mysterious masked destroyer of legions. Crescent penetrated the massive force of 3000 pegasi like a careening silver and purple spear, slicing through their ranks like wet paper. Ranting in unbridled fury like a madpony as he tore through armor and cleaved soldiers in two.

    Night Fire seemed to shine with a delighted glow as it was swung and stabbed through countless enemies. Crescent punctured out through the top of the conical formation of Empire fighters with as much speed and force as he had entered, bits of armor and severed limbs following his wake. He made for the center of the pack where he knew that corrupter of souls would lie waiting for an opportunity to unleash himself upon the rebellion's ranks. Crescent would not give him that chance...


    Storm Dragon smiled and cackled maniacally as he took his first glace at the pitiful rebel air force.


    The mad king drove his hooves into his horrible mount spurring the monstrous unicorn pony onward to the top of the formation where Storm could see every ounce of blood shed over the Goddess forsaken mountains. He calmly watched as his army bore down on the rebel forces, they had hit his army slightly off guard with the rouse of an attack into the center of his ranks from below, rendering his cloud cannons to dangerous to use. It did not worry him. His army was massive, his soldiers well equipped and his monsters hungry for blood.

    A dragon roared deafeningly, scattering a squad of rebels but not before seizing one in its claws and tearing his head off in its massive jaws. As Storm reached the top of the cone of his troops he saw something peculiar and strained his perfect blue eyes to make out what it was. It almost seemed as though his soldiers at the forward top of the cone were fighting each other. At least that was what it looked like...

    Storm forced his steed onward, the massive creature roaring and flapping its huge leathery wings as quickly as it could accelerating towards the pony-typhoon that was decimating his soldiers. He smiled manically, finaly he would have relief for what that Crescent's "pet" had done to his old friend, finally he would spill blood and make him submit, and beg like the dog he was! As soon as he dealt with this minor annoyance, that thorn in hos side would be forever gone.


    Crescent looked through the mass of soldiers that was converging on him to see The Mad King himself slicing the air to meet him atop an new Unicorn Dragon. Crescent couldnt hold himself back he smashed through the soldiers between him and Storm Dragon head first receiving a cut on his shoulder from a sharp edge of a soldiers plate armor. He heard Felicity's voice in his head as he cried out against the pain both physical and emotion that he had worked so hard to keep from overwhelming him and failed

    "Dont Forget me my love..."

    It would all be over soon he thought now was the hour of Storm Dragon's demise, he was sure of it. Tears streamed back across his face as Crescent fought through the burning in his wings and heart. He bellowed one last time just as they came within range of each other...


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  5. but then there is rarely anything that can happen that could only have one possible cause. I can put a hole in a wall with a baseball as easily as I could with a sledge hammer and make the same sized hole, but without the context of personally experiencing the event you may never be able tell which I actually did. Just because something else is possible doesnt make it more likely.

  6. Gale grinned in delight when the dragon pony challenged him to a duel. Feral instincts and razor wings or not Gale could surely outmatch him easily. He took a step forward and began hovering lifting his weapon and preparing himself to stomp this freak of nature.

    "Ohoho you just made my day lizard boy."

    Gale stopped on a bit at what Wilden said, it couldnt be. The wolves had survived the burning of the Everfree? And if so why hadnt they been tracked like everything else? Even if the packs had survived there was no way there were Able to bring down an entire Imperial city right? Manehatten had been barracadded with stone walls 8 feet high and 3 feet thick. All these questions and more swam through the brash captain's head before he came to the conclusion that the wolf must have been bluffing. Still it was never safe to take chances. He turned his attention to the wolf, whipping the white hot blade of fire around to stop just above his nose. He glared down the length of his weapon in outraged disbelief and his companions trained their weapons on Draco while their commander was distracted.

    "What did you just say? Dog!?"

  7. Gale was not in the mood for juggling wordplay, he would much rather carve these refugees and their pet to pieces and be done with it but Storm Dragon would have all of their heads of they disobeyed a direct order, and Gale was far to loyal to his King to even think such things. He would have to deal with this directly and force them to do as he said.

    "SHUT UP BEAST! I did not speak to you, and I dont give two horseapples about your primitive tribal nonsense. Subject 6 you are a threat to the security of Imperial intelligence and if you come quietly you will merely be imprisoned and your friends will not be hurt...much. If you dont do what we want we will kill you and your friends."

    Gale practically spat out his exclamation in disgust. How dare a wolf try to reason with him. Foul monster that it was. The captain of the Lightning Swords squeezed the hilt of his weapon and a blade of blue flames erupted from the handle. He smiled devilishly as the firey shaft flickered before him menacingly. He strode forward carelessly waving his weapon slightly to intimidate the group.

    "Personally I hope you go with option two. We're all feeling a little antsy since we dont get to be in today's battle. Isnt that right fillies and gentle colts?"

    The spec ops team chuckle in response and a few smiled along with their leader ready for a slaughter. In all honesty many of them were apprehensive, none had faught wolves before and didnt know what to expect from them, but they had faith in their leader. He hadnt steered them wrong yet and his confident facade was inspiring enough to bolden their resolve.

    ((I was gonna stroke my ego until it exploded and make them the AeroBlades but then I was all. Nah Storm Dragon would want them to sound related to his name. ))

  8. ((In light of recent posts I am coming off my rp vacation early to make sure you ponies dont run this thing into the ground, no offense but thats whats happening. Sev, Shy, Tyler is absolutely right. No more of this 1-2 sentence post bologna. Either make an effort to contribute or Im writing your character's out of the story simple as that. We dont need people half flanking it here. Step it up.))

    Crescnt flared his wings and drew his curved falchion sword with a flourish as the dim sunlight shone through the clouds, glinting off the dark, near black silver plates over his face...

    ...It was time.

    Every pegasi was in position. The main commanders at the center and the fiercest fliers the rebellion could offer stacked at the front. Crescents eyes narrowed...Now as the time, they could delay no longer. He extended his wings fully and shot them down violently, exploding off of the ground and tearing through the sky like a blade fired from a cannon. The two councilcolts cried out as Crescent rocketed off to lead the charge.



    The sound of wings flapping was deafening as the force of twelve hundred pegasi roared in their battle cry as they threw themselves into the air in position behind Crescent and Dunder. They flew in a three dimensional cone formation low to the ground ready to puncture Storm Dragon's air force from below. The had no cloud cannons they had no mounts or monsters of war. They had hope and they had fire in their hearts. the passion for justice and righteous freedom burned in every soldier and they tore through the sky.

    Crescent remained stoic as he cruised far ahead of the formation not even taking notice that he was leaving them behind in reckless abandon. There was no hope of stopping him however, his mind was an instrument of war now. Nothing existed but Crescent and his purpose; to destroy the enemy and take back what was his. Streaking through the atmosphere his eyes watered but he paid them no mind as the mountain range quickly approached...


    A team of six dark blue pegasi careened through the air over the charred remains of the Everfree forest. Nearly a year after its decimation the stench of ash and death still hung heavy in the air and Gale Fury, squad leader of the Lightning Swords, was having trouble navigating in the smoky haze that perpetually darkened the dead wood. The Lightning Swords were an elite team of pegasi warriors specifically tailored to carry out special missions both public and covert. After the fall of the princess's of the sun and moon they had been instated as a replacement for the overly flamboyant and showy Wonderbolts, who had slowly lost their war time usefulness after eons of peace time. Trained to the highest standards of speed and lethality and armed with state of the art, light weight elemental swords and portable magic armor that deployed on demand, they were a force to be reckoned with.

    Gale motioned for his team to perform a left bank towards their target, he was irritated beyond belief that Emperor Storm Dragon had insisted they not attend the battle where they would have been pleased to wet their blades with rebel blood, and had instead ordered them to retrieve a wayward experiment that may or may not compromise the information on the "Guardian factories".

    As the team sliced the ashen mist they quickly came upon a small gathering of what to them appeared to be two ponies and a wolf. More than they bargained for. The clearing had come up faster than Gale had anticipated and Subject 6, despite never having received formal combat training, had the blood of a dragon which made him a dangerous feral combatant as it were.

    The squad leader hit his the blue diamond on his penant and magical dark blue and black translucent ethereal plates of armor appeared floating a quarter inch off of various places on his body, giving him full weightless protection. He spoke confidently, perhaps too confidently, as his team mimicked him and activated their blades of flame, lightning, or pure magic, each having chosen either one element or the other

    "Halt! All of you stay where you are! By order of hid supreme excellency Emperor Storm Dragon. Subject 6-"

    He looked directly at Draco now.

    "-you are to come with us quietly or be terminated immediately."

  9. ((excuse me for my absence everypony but i will be taking a small hiatus from rp to sort out some personal issues. Conor this is the job you were born to do... :20: ))

    A messenger walked in a silently handed Crescent a note and carried on out the door.

    "huh. what's this about.....oh crud! Guys Im so so soory I have to go family emergency! I'll be back in maybe an hour ok? Colton you know your job, Sats make sure everypony looks their best. Everypony listen to him as if he were me, I'll be back as quick as I can. Cosmo Im so sorry to bow out like this I'll be back for the interview and some pictures dont worry."

    With that he burst through the door streaking across the sky like a bullet off to tend to whatever problems had arisen.

  10. in a thread I currently DM called No Land's End I have unintentionally started to give it a feel similar to that of the Inheritance Cycle. I dont know if its the phrasing I have used or the character development or even just the mood but there is something about how everything has come together tha makes me imagine it as an OC crossover of the Inheritance cycle. Stille the story line itself only barely shows similarities to the books, the mood and style are the main things. Though I wonder what it would be like to have ponies in Alagaesia...

  11. Crescent offered Cosmopolitan and Snap Shot his hoof to shake, doing his best to smile and look professional, it wast really his strong suite.

    "Hey there Cosmo! Snap. Is it cool If I call you guys that? We're still waiting on most of the team so you mi- Oh wait here's Colton now!

    Crescent waved a hoof to his trusted right wing motioning for him to join them.

    Hey buddy! Dont worry you arent even the last one here. Come say hello to the press."

  12. Crescent turned at the entrance of the two members and smiled.

    "Happy to see you both in uniform and ready to go! Satin, looking lovely as usual. Strait Lace says appearances are important for this kind of event, so Sats I may be counting on you to make sure we all look our best."

    He looked them both over making sure everything was in place and that they, well more so sky, there was no reason to worry about Satin, was presentable.

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