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Posts posted by CrescentBlaze

  1. actuially what Im trying to tell you is that it is a statistic impossibility for her to NOT exist exactly as she is in the show in some other alternate universe according to the multiverse theory. Thats why I like that one better :kissy: so yeah ponies are real just probly not is in our universe.

  2. I too am of the firm opinion that ponies exist in one form or another but it was under the pretenses of a completely different theory. Basically that under the presence of a multiverse all eventualities have come to pass in some universe or another because there are infinite dimensions/universes. Granted this theory makes it basically nigh on impossible for us to ever reach them without basically destroying our own reality even with unfathomable advances in science and technology though of course it is very possible that I am wrong bu the ability to identify an alternate universe by its outcomes and transcend to said universe would require technology that hasnt even been mechanically theorized yet. So for now I think my self induced lucid pony dreams will suffice :)

  3. Oh well I knew that! Cool then I would like to volunteer my OC Crescent Blaze as a willing minion of Empress Moon. Its been a dream of his to be the first pegasus to fly to the moon anyway so I could see he going for a deal like that if persuaded properly. He also has VERY high combat and flight proficiency so I feel like he would work well for Moony's personal guard or something special like that. Up to you how the specifics work out of course :)

  4. 1. see when I think about being in equestria I imagine being a pony when Im there so honestly the food and women thing wouldnt bother me...

    2. no gaming systems or computers? No problem! Wouldnt be able to use them anyway and ponies are the main reason Im on my laptop all the time anyway :/

    so yeah unless we're saying I have to stay human then I dont see any issues

  5. hmmm tough one just gimma a min- ANYWHERE

    1. Ive cried multiple times during the same movie (Im a dude and I cry true manly tears in public. DEAL WITH IT)

    2. I feel like I should write a short story but fear that no one will ever read it and I'll have wasted my time.

    3. If you havent already guessed one of my life's dreams however impossible it may be is to visit the moon.

    If you could perform one impossible feat a single time what would it be?

  6. I actually just watched Best Pet which I just noticed has A LOT of forward shots and you know what. I just dont care if they dont accurately portray the shape of the head anymore. During RD's and Fluttershy's duet there are some of the cutest faces I have ever seen. So in favor of adawablness, I change my mind, I like how they draw them head on. (except that one shot of shining armor...that one still makes me laugh)

    like these...




  7. I could never just pick one. I mean RD's mane is just so awesome and unique how many other ponies have had raibow manes? like FULL SPECTRUM rainbow manes? then of course there's pinkie pie and her mane just looks delicious (I dont care what you say it IS cotton candy,,,somehow.) And its just so much fun :D I meant look at that < how can you not smile back?

  8. perhaps if you are into personification then maybe personify the course of human history, its rises and falls its birth and eventual death. Maybe an ode to the lost connection between people and nature and how we used to be a part of it but have shunned it and separated ourselves from the environment we were born in. I know it isnt your style but this just came to mind as I was typing this, a ballad about a dragon atop a mountain lonely but full of pride, she has no mate and turns away all male dragons who court her. There is however a man that slowly befriends her and they grow attached to one another. He climbs her mountain every week to see her and send the night and share in her company and even though they cannot communicate there is an understanding of companionship. She likes how he has to work hard to climb the mountain to reach her showing that she is a prize worth suffering for. however trekking up the mountain all the time ages the man faster and one day as he is climbing, in his age and fatigue, simply dies in his efforts. the Dragoness is dismayed when her companion does not come at his usual day and goes looking for him. When she finds him dead on her mountain pass she goes mad with self pity and guilt tearing down the mountain of her pride and toppling it upon herself to be forever entombed inside.

    Holy mother of all Equestria did I just come up with all that off the top O my head??? O_O...cooool

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  9. Bwahahaha... engineering major enters the discussion!

    Nuclear fusion (to my understanding) as we have it laid out right now is a foreseeable thing in the long run, but right now faces the simple issue of efficiency. A sustainable fusion reaction is a very difficult thing, and keeping one going tends to take more energy than can be harnessed from it.

    On systems of measurements:

    Honestly, the chief advantage of the SI system (the scientific version of the metric system, using kilograms as a standard rather than grams) is that it's more widely employed. (Its units of temperature are also on a more intuitive scale, but it matters much less in application.)

    In science and engineering, the chief difference between them is that SI defines force in terms of mass times acceleration, whereas the FPS (foot-pound-second) system employed heavily in North America defines mass in terms of force divided by acceleration ("slugs" are the proper term, and anyone who uses the phrase "pounds mass" deserves to be whopped with a wet noodle.) (A slug, by the way, weighs 32.2 pounds at standard Earth gravity.)


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  10. well science cant be there to document everything that happens so I think there are a lot of occurrences that, if they had been scientifically studied and documented at the time they happened, would have provided some solid evidence, other things like telepathy sometimes just cant be proved because of their nature, but I wont go into that. I think that is why people will always believe though, because of trust in the people who claim to have these experiences and the things they themselves feel are real, personal experience and all that. Anyway Im done here. Thread I hereby return you to your proper track and rail. :P

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