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Posts posted by CrescentBlaze

  1. ok one thing...the app is great, your writing is phenomenal (I love your vocabulary ;-) ) and the story is good it basically the most minor of details that bugs me...his cutie mark, it could be...less cliche. just saying, its not a problem but if I had a nickel for every pony who's cutie mark was some form of lightning bolt and cloud well I'd have at least...well like at least a dollar but thats still like 20 nickles...

  2. Oh, no doubts there. I often imagine what things will be possible with the inevitable progress of the things we understand, comprehend, and have the ability to explain and create. In fact from what you are saying one could derive that in the future it may be possible to gain unflappable evidence that spirits and ghosts exist :smug:

  3. Either way I dont believe science is the correct way to explain everything, it isnt perfect and I dont think we will ever be able to prove everything under the guide lines set by the scientific method. I think many things in life require a less pragmatic approach to explain them. Also its the question that matters anyway, what would the world be without mystery? There would certainly be a lot less scientists if there were no more questions to answer, so maybe its a good thing it cant be proved. :)

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  4. dont you think thats a bit of a sampling bias when you take into account that there is a 1 million dollar cash prize? Im sure there are people that have applied that are still unsure about their own theory that are just throwing themselves at the slim to none chance they succeed.



    *sniff* :-( that was beautiful

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  6. Maybe this confession thread will be actual things that people have shame about, rather than people showing off their badges. But I doubt it.

    Confession 2: I dislike how Applejack speaks. Words and accent. I am ashamed because I think it is just straight anti-southern USA bias.

    hey you know as terribly over done as it is she's really got more of an old western accent really, or at least I think that was what they were going for. My last gf from georgia used to say the same thing though so Its understandable.


    Am I the only other person on here that thinks ghosts are a real thing? Sheesh its like my first day wearing a brony shirt in public all over again. Now Im not saying IT HAS TO BE GHOSTS thats not it at all. It could very well be any of the things starswirl has mentioned, but IF it is ghosts (which I believe it could be cant be 100% of course) allow me to provide a less skeptical point of view.

    IF it is ghosts then that is a pretty active haunting going on. Seeing fully formed figures loud noises that materialize from nowhere require a LOT of spiritual energy which makes me curious how many children live in the house. Children are exploding with unbridled emotion and energy, when this is projected onto the environment it allows for entities to absorb it and create larger disturbances and manifest more physically.

    Anyway to my diagnosis. IF it is ghosts, which I cant know unless Im there, then it sounds like a very unique haunting. You have elements of a residual haunting (footsteps cold breezes, imprints/images of a person just standing there.)

    And then you have evidence of an active haunting loud bangs and voices that discuss present events, mist manifestations.

    However from what you're saying it doesnt sound like you have anything to fear. Nothing malevolent has happened and these sort of events are mostly related to a spirit that just wants you to know its there, it wants some attention you know? It sucks having nothing to do and no one to talk to. I recommend having a medium come to your house to help you learn more about the spirit, what its name is if there is more than one etc. and just openly acknowledge its presence from time to time, call its name in the morning, say hello. I know it sounds silly but from what you tell me that seems to be all it wants, just some attention :)

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  8. Crescent leaned over to whisper something to Felicity while the others conversed. Even across the room Crescent could tell from the expression on her face that she was feeling a little left out, a perfect opportunity for her and Felicity to get acquainted.

    "Psst, Hey why dont you go talk to Sat, looks like she's feeling a little lonely"

  9. well at least the fact that i see someone who can comfort me, being a psychotically happy 12 year old, is around


    Of course :) you are very welcome. Never hesitate to fall back on us if something is bothering you, we're bronies and we look out for each other, hell we look out for everyone we can, or at least thats what I do, I suppose I shouldnt speak for everyone; but you get what Im saying, your in good hands here. :smug:

    besides not all bronies are pushovers, if that guy ever came knocking around my door looking for a kill he be facing the least discriminate yet wholly intolerant end of a shotgun barrel. Not making any threats just saying its how I would defend myself.... :mad:

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  10. Dont sweat it dude. look at the view count, its like 50 something. I'll admit there are crazy messed up bigots out there that certainly discriminate and make threats that they intend to carry out but I doubt this is going o pick up any momentum ever. Do you really think a KKK member or a Neo-Nazi knows what a brony is? I highly doubt it. To them there are probly bigger fish to fry. You're safe relax, besides this army of artaxes will protect you!

    :artax: :artax: :artax: :artax: :artax: :artax: :artax: :artax: :artax: :artax:

    :artax: :artax: :artax: :artax: :artax: :artax: :artax: :artax: :artax: :artax:

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