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Posts posted by CrescentBlaze

  1. Cloud Sweep fell over and squeaked in pain and surprise as she hit the ground. She ran to hide behind draco, and peeked around him to look a the tall alicorn holding her forehead, the bop had hurt more than she thought it would. She got mad when she thought about how mean it was that he had done that. She scowled at him from behind Draco's rear leg.

    " your just a bully!"

    She stuck her tongue out and rasberried the royal pony.

    " *pffttfttftttfttf* "

    She looked angrily at him but on the inside she was still nervous and hoofed her wooden weapon.

  2. fair enough. I didnt really mean for it to be insta-win but thats fine lets just have whatever wepon they are using play into it as well that way we add them together to get a total, I mean crescent with a rock, while still deadly, isnt as deadly as Crescent with a sword. So I propose something like this:

    Crescent Blaze- base power 8/10

    weapon power 10/10 (its a darn good sword as I believe I explained but feel free to moderate the numbers)

    together we get 18 out of a max of 20

    hows that sound?

  3. ((wait...so wilden lost a leg...and still managed to escape storm dragon. You know what, nevermind your story not mine, if you dont want peeps to die I'm totally cool with that.))

    Crescent quickly sheathed his sword when he saw the infirm zebra collapse. His ears and his instincts both told him she was not a threat. Crescent was still fatigue from the days journey he had never had to walk so far in his life and flying with the colt in his hooves had fatigued him further. Still he gave impression of being at full mast but motioned for Runner to aid her, he was a stout earth pony after all.

  4. ((cooool here we go!))

    Crescent ignored the squirming protests of the colt. Now that he knew that runner had made it out alright he focused on making it to the town in the distance unnoticed. He flew low to stick close to runner. As he flew he thought he could almost make out a little smudge bobbling against the dark horizon. He squinted trying to determine whether it was friend or foe but couldnt see as he hadnt had time to lower his goggles and the wind was sting his eyes, making them water. He checked runner now and then to be sure he was still there. He was surprised by the stallions uncanny speed on his hooves. Keeping up with Crescent even weighed down as he was is no easy feat. The sounds of the crashing unicorn dragon had all but died away and Crescent began to slow his pace as they had pet plenty of distance between them and the mines. Wilden's distraction...wilden's sacrifice...had worked. Crescent's unending concentration forced the negative emotions away, it would have to wait. Crescent saw the bobbing smudge getting closer and heard the sound of hooves beating on sand. He slowed to a landing placing hunter down and landing in front of him drawing his sword and taking a fighting stance as the creature approached.

    "Who are you and what is your allegiance!"

    He quoted the general response to an unknown threat from the resistance.

  5. Crescent could see this was going down hill with the guards. Honestly he would have rather fought them then let them take Night Fire from him. He had to think fast.

    "Guys please. First off if I had stolen it why would I ask guards where to find information on it. Two..."

    He performed an aerial feat of swordplay twisting and flipping as he swung with precision and grace. He completed the maneuver and landed back in front of them.

    "I am of the Blaze family, we are descended from the first guardians of Cloudsdale. I earned the right to wield this sword. I is a family heirloom, see the crest imprinted on the hilt matched my cutie mark."

    He held the sword out hilt forward this time for them to examine.

  6. Crescent feined shock at the guards reaction to his blatant attempt at entering. He reared back until he stood before them his face a mixture of shocked and apologetic.

    "woah! woah! I'm sorry I didnt know! Really I not from around here, I just figured this was like any other library. Its just that I've been to eveery other library in town and I seem to find what I looking for. Now stay calm I'm gonna draw my sword but just to show you ok?"

    He slowly drew Night Fire and held it out the sword by the blade an angle that would best show its beauty and function.

    "You see I'm trying to find information on this beautiful blade, its been passed through my family for years and it is said to have been forged at cloudsdale's founding but their isnt any official documentation to prove it. I thought the archives might have what I was looking for but I guess not if their just for the princesses.

    He waited for them to react.

    OOC: i cant believe you did that and now I'm throwing it back at you.



    I just couldnt resist

  7. Crescent took notice of each pegasus as they bailed form the formation, each had made it pretty far into the routine which was a complex maneuver to say the least it had even taken Crescent more than a few tries to be able to do each part. He slowed to a stop making sure everypony was alright. He returned to the cloud they had started on and hollered out to them.

    "Alright guys that wasnt bad at all! C'mon back and we'll talk!."

    Crescent already knew what he was going to say and was rehearsing it in his head.

  8. The AeroBlades are a flight team, like the wonderbolts, captained by my OC Crescent Blaze and made up of other peoples various OC's here on canterlot. If you have a talented pegasus OC have him meet Crescent, there are open tryouts for the team as we speak! If you're lookin for friends well allow me to be the first! If you wanna rp some time send me a private message :D

  9. She squirmed a bit at his hug, she normally didnt like it when other ponies touched her. The others at the orphanage always poked her and tripped her for wanting to be a monster slayer. She relaxed somewhat when she realized it wasnt so bad, it felt nice even. No pony had ever made contact with her like this before. She looked up at the dragon pony a bit confused, mixing emotions of comfort and dislike, but did as he did and put her short legs around his neck. She nuzzled into him a bit, his shoulder was nice and warm after having braved the cold wind most of the night. She looked up to see another pony, a very strange looking alicorn. Her first thoght was that if she didnt know alicorns were ponies she probably would have attacked this one too. Her second was that that would have been a VERY bad idea. That alicorn looked like he meant business, and he was a lot scarier looking than the dragon pony. She pointed a hoof at the Alicorn behind draco, without breaking the hug.

    "W-who's that?"

    OOC: this is cloud sweep in case you wanted a more detailed look. I wasnt very descriptive of her appearance in my intro. I know she's a little skinny but she is an orphan they couldnt possibly get very well rounded meals


  10. I was told by a friend who had been recently converted to bronydom. He had been told by an old friend who was into the show and surprisingly enough had zero closet brony period. When he told me about I was immediately skeptical but he's my best friend so I figured a little tease or prod wouldnt be out of place but I wasnt going to outright mock him for it. He tried to convince me to watch the show several times quoting the wit of the writing and the quality of the animation, how there was plenty to keep the interest of an 18 year old as well as a little girl. I never really believed him, I would brush it off with a "whatever dude. you can do what you want but I still think your crazy". Then came a night of severe boredom. It was about 11 pm and I was bored out of my mind and I dont remember what the exactly the defining reason was but I gave an "Oh hell, I may at least try to see what he loves about it so much." I went to youtube and watched the first two episodes. Then the third, a fourth, and a fifth. What the hell was I doing? this isnt right? Why do I enjoy this? I begrudgingly told my friend about how I watched the show and how I hated myself for liking it and him for getting me into it. Not really of course but my mind was still confused and frustrated about liking something that couldnt possibly be meant for someone my age. I continued to watch the show episode by episode, finishing the first season in just under a month. By then I was just starting to accept that I liked the show and that it was no big deal, but I still kept it a secret to everyone but my brony friend and my at the time current gf, she didnt seem to care and would watch the show with me here and there. by the time I caught up with season two, as it was still in progress, at the 5th episode I was fully open about my bronyness. Now at this point I'm obsessed. I buy T-shirts and I spout random FiM quotes around those who dont even watch the show, and I couldnt be prouder of myself.

    and thats how equestria was made! :D :D :D

  11. Cloud Sweep's facade dropped instantaneously. She fell to her flank again turning away her gaze once more as she lowered her little wooden weapon to the ground.

    "Oh...I guess I wouldnt know about that..."

    She continued to sulk trying to hold back the sadness of not having been able to experience growing up like everypony else.

  12. "NU-UUHH! my wings dont look like that! see!"

    She proudly fanned out her small wings, they were just grown in enough for her to fly short distances.

    "Seeeee? just feathers. hey! why are you being so nice? What do you want?! You better not put me in a barrel!!"

    She drew her little stick sword and pointed it at the large green pony's face, having been an orphan she had become streetwise at a young age. She knew from experience the only time anypony was nice was if they either wanted something or were about to trick you. The last time somepony treated her nicely they tricked her into going into a barrel and rolled her down a hill. Her suspicions aroused she snarled at the dragon pony.

  13. Cloud Sweep was pulled out of her little slump. Why did this monster keep talking to her? She HAD just tried to kill it after all, but she was intrigued by it's dragon wings none-the-less. She stood up a bit wide eyed at the site of his large leathery wings, they werent at all like her little feathered ones. She was now far more curious than anything else. She reached out and touched one lightly with her hoof and quickly withdrew it.

    "How do they work without any feathers? ...I mean so I know how to beat you someday"

    She looked back at the dragon pony's face for now she did see he probably wasnt a monster but stayed tough

  14. "BLECH! monster germs!"

    She wiped the top of her head of his kiss. She continued to pout but became very shy at the mention of parents, looking away with a sad expression. She really didnt want to answer that, ponies never wanted her around after they got an answer. She attempted to change the subject.

    "why are your wings like that...?"

    She lifted her sword onto her lap, continued to avoid eye contact as she tried feebly to avoid the question.

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