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Posts posted by CrescentBlaze

  1. right but Im looking at this from an evolutionary standpoint. Homo Sapiens evolved from less intelligent species that would have required a built in mechanism to keep them away. Some more instinctual or a passed down behavioral conditioning that kept them away. A yeah most bugs are harmless but then we're talking about a group of primates that arouse from ethiopia. I may be very wrong, im no expert, but I was under the impression that insects are a much bigger problem in africa. :/

  2. yeah If most humans didnt have an aversion to bugs we probably wouldnt have survived as a species for very long. If everyone was all hey look at this little guy omigosh I wanna hug everybug!!! then there would be a lot of deaths by poisonous insects because people wouldnt know what they were doing. So its a good thing that most people arent to keen on them. thats not to say nowadays we shouldnt accept them its just back before electricity and modern science and all that people werent as educated and therefore picking up strange insects was a quick way to get yourself terminally ill

  3. Quirky?! YOU ARE QUIRKY?! What a coincidence! I'm quirky too! Though... I have been called a "mad scientist" for my quirkiness. I mean just because you experiment on ONE pony, you are suddenly a mad scientist! I mean REALLY! Can you ... Wait... I'm going off on a tangent here...

    Also, you'll soon realize as awesome as this community is, it has one very special talent... The innate ability to derail any topic anywhere at any time, and somehow make a debate out of it! It is pretty fun to be perfectly honest! Sorry that we have enacted this rare gift on your introduction topic derp? extiva? er... I'll just go with derp since its easier...

    So welcome to Canterlot! I am Star Swirl the Bearded, but most call me "Swirly." I hope you enjoy it here. :)

    listen to this pony! he knows what he's talkin about! just dont get to close. You might end up strapped down forced to listen to a presentation on the fascinating wonders of mold cultures :lol:

    but no really he's one smart guy

  4. @winter- seriously you were here like a month and a half before I joined.

    and winter is right. just because ins called an intro thread doesnt mean its only a strait up intro its part of the process of initiating you to the canterlot cult brotherhood Community :mad: we want to get to know you and let you get to know us. :)

  5. If it makes you feel any better, I also took issue with the media calling the Higgs Boson the "God Particle." I get annoyed at things like that. Silly, I know. :)

    not at all! I had the same reaction. Since when does particle physics have ANYTHING to do with religion? The whole sensationalizing of everything new or scary is why I dont watch the news anymore. Too many things just blown out of proportion. Almost definitely the reason why so many people have that tendency to think everyone is always getting sick from bugs, parasites and vermin. And then of course there is other extreme with the whole "THE BIRD FLU IS COMING YOU'RE ALL GOING TO DIE, THE WORLD IS ENDING PANDEMIC APOCALYPSE! PANDEMIC APOCALYPSE!!!" thing a few years ago and then the more recent rehash with the swine flu. The later really made me want to slap someone "oh no! its already killed FIFTEEN PEOPLE IN THE USA we're all gonna die! when the regular flu kills hundreds of already sick, elderly, or very young people every year. gotta love it.

  6. Swirly is a scientist by trade -- don't confuse his passion for anything else but a friendly willingness to share his knowledge with you! It's very hard to tell tonality by words on an internet forum, and I know Swirly well enough to say he means you all due respect.

    yeah kinda figured. Biologist right? I just felt a little accused was all. Sorry if I mistook your tone Swirly, no hard feelings :sad:

  7. Oh yes Brave and the hobbit (oh my god I work at a movie theatre and Ive been seeing the trailer since january!!! :wail::scream:) Dark knight rises, wreck it ralph and spider man, and then prometheus when I get the chance. Cant say I would bother seeing the Dictator in theatres though I do want to see it. Movie theaters only seem worth it to me when I get something out of seeing it on a huge screen

  8. I always found this unfair... Every organism carries diseases or bacterium that could be potentially harmful to another. Yes, that includes humans. The question is, do you or the creature have the tools to destroy the foreign pathogens. When an insect is "disease carrying" all it means is that it carries a pathogen that is potentially harmful to you. However, humans carried over their diseases from Europe to the "new world" too. Killing the indigenous. In fact, the pathogens carried by most insects, save a few, have done relatively little to harm the humans as a species. The diseases that European travelers brought to the "new world" not only killed, but decimated the indigenous populations. There are two insect borne pathogens that have had such an effect on humans to my knowledge. Malaria, which is spread through mosquitoes, and The Black Plague, which was spread *initially* by fleas. Why did I put initially in asterisks? Well, that is because after they started it, HUMANS did the rest. We spread more disease than any creature on the planet. If you get sick, its likely because you came in contact with an INFECTED PERSON, not an infected organism. There are few exceptions to this, and almost all of them involve bacteria and airborne viruses. Think of the last time you got sick, chances are you were near a PERSON whom was coughing, not some insect that landed on you, or a cockroach that was chilling in your apartment eating scraps of food in your garbage.

    Edit: In reference to the water bug. You are more likely to get sick AFTER it has bitten you and breached your skin from the BACTERIA in the water, that now can enter your system. But why blame the bug for that? The same could happen if you step on a sharp rock.

    hey woah woah hey woah hey hey woah! I am well aware of all that! Of course everything has bactieria and microorganisms on them some of them beneficial! (reason I dont use hand sanitizer every hour) Either way my phrasing got the point across,you understood what I meant. So did Stoney. I was just curious if there was anything more to worry about something that was giving me the heebee-jeeebees! And yeah if I get sick Im not going to think it was a bug from the forest I went trekking in last week. Thats absurd, as you said there is a much higher chance I touched some disease ridden elevator button and then ate a sandwich without washing my hands, or some sick person sneezed on me. Sorry to set you off like that I really just wanted an answer :-( I have no bias against the buggies swirly.

  9. :-| Umm... should I be worried? Nah. Nice to meet you too. :D Kinda serves me right for having a ridiculous username. (The secret is that it is maniac spelt wrongly and backwards.) Right. Cane at your service. :)

    Yay! ponies like my nicknames :kissy: seriously I give EVERYONE nicknames if they dont already have one. :D

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