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Everything posted by OldToby

  1. I like that! Perhaps legitimate flight is a goal he's trying to attain that may never come to fruition in the story, but is still a dream...
  2. I totally understand the concern about the wings. They are meant to be an aspiration and a tool used rarely, if they ever function at all. They are a reflection of his insecurity and desire to over-come feelings of inadequacy. I am totally on board with the wings being something he never actually accomplishes beyond a proto-type that works rarely, or at great cost; he'd certainly never be a strong flyer. His confidence and ability with them akin to Fluttershy. They are more a story tool than anything, so I'm perfectly willing to negotiate or further develop the concept to suit storytelling and role-playing.
  3. I agree with you Thoth, just had me curious. Also, that's a really good point Elsporko. I hadn't thought of it like that...
  4. OK, now I'm a new to the Herd, but after seeing all the episodes and reading a bit of the lore, I've a question.... Princess Cadance is stated to be Celestia's niece, according to the New York Times ad. That means, that technically, she is the daughter of Celestia's brother or sister. The only defined sister we have is Luna. Does this mean that Candace is Luna's daughter? Just trying to get my info straight here and frankly, if this is the case that would be WAY COOL. Does anypony have any info on this idea?
  5. Roleplay Type: World of Equestria RP Name: Young Buck, AKA Bucky Sex: Male Age: Colt Species: Earth Pony Eye Color: Blue Coat Color: Cream Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Brown Mane & Tale, loose - but contained through styling and hair products Physique: Lean, muscled, fit but not buff Cutie Mark: Open book, with a yellow sunrise peaking over the top Origin/Residence: Originally from Baltimare, recently moved to Appleloosa after accepting a job at the local paper Occupation: Presses repairman for the local paper/Potential Hero? Motivation: Out to "make the something of himself", Young Buck feels like he has something to prove to everyone to be a "real pony." In his day-to-day life, he's a mild-manner pony about town without a lot of money and doesn't really stand out. But at night when he's home, working in the tiny shop beneath his house, he dreams of being "Wonder Flash", hero of Appleloosa. He's even designed a set of mechanical wings (powered by gears and steam and attached with a harness) to fly as fast as any Pegasus Pony in Appleloosa. He constantly modifies and tinkers with the wings, but has yet to take up the mantle of his dream identity. In spite of his lofty dreams, it is unlikely that this contraption will ever function as more than a simple "hang glider" or sorts, though Young Buck always maintains the hope of one day attaining true flight. Likes: Daring Do novels, a nice glass of Root Beer, chess, relaxing on the front porch, reading stories that the reporters put in the Appleloosa paper.(optional) Dislikes: Bullies, most monsters, and most of all himself. Young Buck lacks the confidence to really appreciate his own kind nature and simple charm. (optional) Character Summary: History: Young Buck was born to Tall and Philly Buck, newspaper tycoon of Baltimare. He was raised in the shadow of his rich father and his older brother, Big Buck. Big Buck actually went off to Canterlot and eventually became part of Princess Celestia's royal guard, leaving the more demure Young Buck to inherit his father's newspaper business. But Tall Buck didn't think his young, shy son was ready for that so he wanted to see him learn about the business from the ground up. Soon after Young Buck got his cutie mark, his father arranged for him to go work in Appleloosa at the local paper. Family: Tall and Philly Buck, his parents who own a large paper in Baltimare. Big Buck, his older brother who now lives in Canterlot. Cutie Mark: Young Buck recieved his Cutie Mark while touring his father's business, but not in a very simple way. You see, Bucky, as he is often called, had his nose stuck in a Daring Do book while his father was trying to explain the ins and outs of the paper to him and he looked up with dreams of Daring Do still in his head to see the massive, gear-and-cog printing press. He suddenly had a dream of being a great hero with huge mechanical wings flying across the sky and saving other ponies like the heroes from the story that always gave him hope. His father mistook the appearance of his cutie mark as a sign that his son would one day be a newspaper tycoon, not a dreamer who saw hope in the stories of old. To this day, Bucky hasn't had the gumption to tell his father the truth. Flaws: Lack of confidence and back bone. He doesn't stand up for himself, for fear of not being approve of by his friends and family. He also harbors a bit of jealousy towards Pegasus ponies, because he wishes he could fly. Personality: Mild-Mannered and shy. Very polite, but prone to speaking excitedly about he adventures of other ponies and talking in detail about the adventures of other ponies, both real and fictional.
  6. About Myself: A new colt 'round here How I found Canterlot.com: searching for MLP RP How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: On a dare/bet... My favourite main cast pony/s: AppleJack,Rainbow Dash Howdy E'erypony, I'm new 'round these parts and just wanted to stick my head in to say "hi" and be all friendly-like. This seems like a real nice place, and I'm looking forward to some fine company and great role-playing with my fellow pony-lovers. I became a Brony a few months back, after making a bet with a friend of mine who was already part of the Herd. Y'see, he made an agreement to help me out in Lord of the Rings Online if I would watch 6 episodes of MLP. So, I did... ...and I liked it. At first, I didn't want to admit it, but as I watched more and more I really liked like. But, I was a shamed, and hid my love. Now, I've always been proud of being me, so I just said to hay with them and embraced my bronyism. Now, I got the wife turned on to ponies and we're both charging headlong across Equestria devouring all things MLP! Glad to meet all of you!
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