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Doc Hoof MD

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Status Updates posted by Doc Hoof MD

  1. Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays everyone!

  2. My "To do" list is completely empty. I don't like this.

  3. My busy week is finally over! Missed out on all the Nightmare Night fun unfortunately.

  4. My cat turned 5. To think that it has almost been 5 years since my sister gave him to me for Christmas. To think that my Rose Hair is still 15 years older.

  5. My dad just made an arrow to the knee joke. -_-

  6. My professor says “write an essay”, but all I hear is “Play Skyrim”

  7. New laptop!!!!!!!!!

    1. Dusty


      sweet! *Gets shotgun* now we can party...

  8. Preview night was fun. Going to buy Derpy tomorrow. I saw it on display and it looks pretty good. Shame the massive Pinkie statue isn't for sale XD

  9. So I finally decided to give Minecraft a go. Where have the last 4 days gone?

  10. So much to do in so little time....

  11. So Uncle Doc gets to babysit kids in a small apartment for a few days. What can go wrong? *hides expensive fragile stuff*

  12. Something seems different. Where is my spooky Rarity?

  13. That awful moment when you realize that you are on a losing streak in bronze league. I need to hotkey.......

  14. The awkward moment when you wake up and see 4 people staring at you…

  15. The Chargers did it again!

  16. The Ravens are gonna fly!!!!!! AFC Championship, here they come!

  17. What a fantastic game!

  18. Where are all of these house spiders coming from? That is the 8th one I have seen today.

  19. Where did this Rainbow Dash avatar come from? So if I upload spooky rarity I get a generic ghost. If I upload adorable rarity I get Rainbow Dash. New layout....Why you hate me?

  20. Who are they trying to keep out of these things?

  21. Why do I always get sick a few days before Thanksgiving? Flu. Y U no get a hobby?!?

  22. Yay! Got my old avatar to work again.

  23. Been a brony for 2 years now. Oh what a fun run it's been.

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