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Everything posted by capn

  1. Welcome! It's cool to see someone else who digs Yu-Gi-Oh! I LOVED that game when I was younger have fun!
  2. Hello! I'm new as well, hope you have a blast while you're here. I know I will
  3. About Myself: I'm from the midwestern United States, and I have a great many hobbies. Among them are linguistics, martial arts, parkour, reading and writing, drawing, video games, and of course, watching mlp! How I found Canterlot.com: I found this site while searching for a place to do a little roleplaying How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: My friend David is a hardcore brony, and I was always curious as to why this was so, a few weeks ago I decided to give the show a try, and since then I've been absolutely hooked. My favourite main cast pony/s: AppleJack,Fluttershy I'm looking forward very much to getting to know as many of my fellow bronies as I can.
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