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Everything posted by ThunderBrony

  1. Cool Temper had just gotten off a 3 month long expedition around the borders of Stalliongrad and was heading towards a small town well known for it's music and delicacies. Noticing a small gathering on ponies underneath a tree the Captain of the 12th company wandered over hoping to find some directions around this town "Hello everypony, may I inquire what day it is today? and why a meeting of so many ponies is happening so late?" Cool Temper's voice was a deep tone caused an strict tone whenever he spoke.
  2. Horse Ridding lesson Horse Ridding School Horse Ridding Camp Horse Ridding. I have absolutely no idea why though.
  3. I have no idea why I am doing this. but ask away I will answer with relative care and grammar.
  4. Anyone else here think the zombie apocalypse is happening? oh wait that's just a salt you put in your bath. *disappointed*
  5. I guess it's treasure planet. I'm not as familiar with it as I am Titan A.E.
  6. I finally decided to get off my flank and get the desire to post a decent into.
  7. it's started in the 18+ section now named the Iron Duke
  8. 478 more episodes of one piece and I'll be caught up! Not going to happen. And good morning/afternoon/evening everyone!
  9. Okay than, this is going into the 18+ section and it's private for the people filled in. If anyone new sees this pm me or post here before you join.
  10. Not a shame. My day is awesome. I'm rocking the greatest avatar of all time.
  11. What did I even miss? far too lazy to read 4 pages
  12. Woah now. So does anyone still want to do this idea?
  13. Thanks Angie Cakes for the awesome avatar!

    1. shreddedpegasus


      Yeah, it looks awesome!

  14. I'd Rp but I'm not feeling very well today. Long night last night. Could I post a 30 second and 43 second ad for an awesome shoe?
  15. I started up back in December seeing what this My Little Pony hype was. I feel in love instantly when I hit apple bucking season.
  16. What season finale today? I last seen episode 10. I must be behind. I am so stoked for a shoe.....
  17. Take a look at my OCs and see if any would be good for a position of yours
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