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Everything posted by tyler008bon

  1. 1: Get well soon! 2: I'm here to say welcome, if you didn't already notice. 3: I like lists. A lot. 4: I hope you get to be Midnight Dash!
  2. What would I taste like? And Davvy would taste like Seafood.
  3. You mean mentally insane and untrusting of everypony? Are you sure they are nothing alike?
  4. IDEA (That severely branched off of Pegly's)!! Loghain - Hurricane Archmage - Star Swirl Howe - Puddinghead (with a different name, of course)
  5. D: Why are you ideas good Pegly? Of course, a Templar AJ might remind people of Applesnack. Rainbow Dash ancestor, maybe? The tower is very high up, after all.
  6. Trust me when I say I am trying, but this isn't simple. The only characters that would fit into the series would be Luna (Yay for nightmare moon!), Discord, and Celestia, since no one else is alive yet.
  7. Basically this: Same as usual, the MC is a Grey Warden, The Archdemon is killing everyone, yada yada yada. I intend for the beginning, primary pony antagonist, and end (Should I manage to will myself to finish it) to be similar, but the middle will be different (no dwarfs, for one). In the origin story the MC is a unicorn and the keeper's apprentice, and the same things happen as the Dalish origin story. Trotstagar is lost, Ponyville is destroyed, Lelianna is a griffon, etc. After this... I have no clue. I want to do something original, but every idea I have is either in the game or boring. Like I said, I need help. Lots and lots and lots and lots of help
  8. Archdemon – Nightmare X (X being the name) Darkspawn – Nightspawn Grey Wardens – Wardens of Harmony Ferelden – Equestria Ostagar – Trotstagar This is all I have so far. The character names are going to be hectic.
  9. No one in Game of Thrones chocked on an antler! But one Stag lost his head. And another lost his guts. Oh! And one did choke to death!
  10. Wow. I just forgot to fed mine to them raw.
  11. Nightspawn. I love it, thank you Pegly! It works even better with the new Archdemon name.
  12. I am subscribed to Mic, and he is very hilarious. What would a pony version of "Darkspawn" be (and not Ponyspawn)?
  13. PEGLY PEGLY PEGLY PEGLY PEGLY!!!! We cannot deal with you getting yourself banned!
  14. Pegly, language! You know that we are being reported for the smallest things! Also I have an idea for it, but I am terrible with names, so if Pegly (or anyone) can help with names, please do.
  15. Also, would anypony read a story about Dragon Age: pony edition?
  16. 1: I am very quiet unless I am angry, and neither voice is good for a boss-type position. 2: One less day off (Which I am okay with, but I would prefer three days off until my high school years are over) 3: People already think my mom plays favorites with me (these people somehow have missed ALL of our arguments), so what would they think if I was promoted? Pinkie has to be party time mint-al flavored.
  17. I tried making moose once. It ended with food poisoning for half of my history class. SO ANYWAY. It looks like my mom and I are both up for promotion. Wish her luck (not me, never ever ever ever me)!
  18. ((And Kujo, two things: 1: Do you know who UberHaxorNova is? 2: edit your post and have Dawning reply to Runner or Blackhoof to prevent anger.))
  19. "Killer!" Wilden snarled as he looked to Draco, hoping that the Pegasus would calm. "Back down now or I will end you myself!" Wilden's threat almost sounded more realistic than the one from the night before, and he hoped that Draco would actually believe that the wolf meant to kill him. He turned back to the six Pegasi, all of them now looking poised to strike. "You heard me. My people are less than a day away from Manehattan, and if what my scouts say is true, the city's only defenders are a bunch of green soldiers that have never truly fought in battle. How long do you think those great city walls will hold against over a thousand wolves?" He was now mocking the Pegasus in front of him, waiting for either a blind attack of rage or for him to head to Manehattan. To prevent the former, Wilden has one final thing to say. "Remember that if the three of us don't make it to Manehattan alive, every pony, from Foal to great-grandparent, will feed the wolves." He then turned around and walked away, motioning for Draco to do the same. The look of shock on their six faces said it all. Wilden won. ((Sorry if I did some slight control on your character, Crescent. If I need to change it, just tell me))
  20. Amy was a bit frustrated that Dawning changed the subject, but let it slide. The mare deserved a break from the nightmares, and Runner was that break. The girl did need help, however, so Amy decided to give her a place and a time. "Meet me here in one hour, alone." And with that, Amy headed to the council tent, praying for Dunder's safety.
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