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Posts posted by tyler008bon

  1. Wilden was awestruck. Awestruck and angry. His own kind were burning Manehattan to the ground. Wilden could hear the screams of dying innocents under the howls of his army. He ran to the city with all the speed he could muster, abandoning the zebra and three Pegasi behind, his only goal being the death of whoever let this happen.


    Quickclaw and Strongclaw were towering over their unconscious brother, bite marks covering him. His own brothers had attacked him, had beaten him until he was nearly dead. It took all of Wilden's strength to force himself not to lunge at the two remaining brothers.

    "Wh- Why did you do this? What have you done? He was your brother!" Wilden let the confusion come out when he spoke, it was a chance to lead them into a false sense of security.

    "He didn't agree with us, so we fought for dominance." Quickclaw started.

    "We wanted all ponies dead, and he didn't." Strongclaw finished in his barbaric voice.

    "So you attacked your brother, who was following my orders?" Wilden suddenly was much, much more angry with the two pack leaders, but part of his mind wasn't positive he could win. The rest of his body didn't care.

    His vision went red, and he lost control.


    Some time later, Wilden was standing above the corpses of the two former pack leaders without a scratch on him. Draco stood beside him, Nexi still unconscious on his back.

    The two Pegasi had fled behind the walls of their keep after witnessing what Wilden could do, one of them looked like he had just peed himself.


    After thanking Leafwind for agreeing to take care of Nexi and Longclaw, Wilden headed to the gates with Draco. The fire in the city was gone, and any citizens that had survived the massacre were safe, if horrified at what they had been through.

    Longclaw and Quickclaw's corpses were dumped over the city walls to the ground below, not given the honor of a burial. They deserved that dishonor and more, but Wilden didn't want to break too many traditions in one night.

    The gate was shut and sealed, every wolf in the pack working as one would not be able to break it down without wasting a considerable amount of time. Diplomacy was the only option.

    "Survivors of Manehattan, we mean you no harm! Open your gates to us immediately or suffer the consequences!" A threat was not the best form of diplomacy, but it was all Wilden had.

  2. Six and Mill both perked up at the sound of a gun, firing very quickly and loudly. Under its volume were the screeches of dying Bloodwings, coming from very close by. Turning to look at Mill, he noticed a look on her face. She wanted to help whoever was fighting those things, which was vastly different from earlier, when she only wanted to hide. Against his better judgement, he began galloping with her toward the noise.

    One Stallion was fighting nearly half of the Bloodwings they encountered before. When they got close, Six noticed blood seeping down his neck and hoped the Stallion would be able to keep himself alive until these creatures left.

    Pulling out his pistol, Six aimed down the scope and fired three times, killing only one Bloodwing with a shot to the head, sending the body back to the ground. He didn't expect to have any ammo by dawn, if he even survived that long. The Stallion continued to fire with a seemingly endless amount of ammo, and Mill was fiddling with her shotgun. Six really hoped she wasn't going to end up shooting herself by accident.

    "So," Six started a conversation after the Stallion made no notice of his two new allies, "Are you headed to friendship city?" Six was kind of shocked that he had even been able to take himself out of concentration long enough to talk, but in a moment's notice he was back in the zone and downed another Bloodwing, glad that it only took two bullets.

  3. "I... Am... Vengeance!" he shouted his name to the Unicorn over the gunfire echoing in the air. His crossblade took six more lives before ammunition decided to run out. Switching to the blade feature, Vengeance landed and cut his way through a dozen soldiers to get to the Unicorn called Silver Swirl.

    "It is too bad that I can't run out of breath." He said jokingly as a mare screamed, her life bleeding away, "Or else this might actually be challenging." At least two hundred soldiers remained, but Mother Gaia managed to save Vengeance from wasting time on the previous wave.

    "Tell me, Silver Swirl." He said as two more stallions were cut open, seeing no more opportune time to ask then during the battle. "Have you heard of the Madmen, or perhaps Applestia?"

  4. Fluttershy suddenly felt extremely embarrassed. How could she ever possibly mistake the sweet Luna for Nightmare moon? She followed Twilight to where Luna was now standing, tears running down her cheeks. Fluttershy did the simplest thing she could - she hugged Nightmare Mo-- Luna, apologizing a thousand times a second.

    Fluttershy stepped away, now wet with her own tears, and said with as much strength as she could: "I'd like to help find Celestia." Turning away, she whispered, "if that is okay with you..."

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