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Posts posted by tyler008bon

  1. She huffed in frustration and went back to work; in most cases smithing kept her mind off of stress, but her brain kept reliving Dunder nearly attacking Red.

    All it took was one swipe at Red's belly, one swipe and her only friend would be dead, gone from her life forever. He would have brought it upon himself, like Mr. Black said, but forgiving something like that would be impossible. A plan hit her and she quickly switched ideas as to what she would do for her test.

    ((Shutting off for now, night guys and gals!))

  2. She began thinking of what to make, a pitchfork seemed like the best choice, since sooner or later Red would get himself run out of town, but she didn't want to be responsible for hurting him.








    She finally decided after a long ((invisible, sorry)) argument with herself to make the pitchfork, but wanted to ask Mr. Zebra Boss Teacher just in case, she eventually settled with letting it be a surprise and started smelting the ore.

  3. What a glorious, glorious day in the history of Last Post Wins!

    The chat is down.

    The badges are in process of being implemented.

    The signature is complete.

    And ALLLLLLLLL courtesy of our own brilliant Angie Cakes!

    *whispers* And I came up with the idea for it...


    Because she is simply amazing!

    Huzzah to LPW's oldest, most super talented, seacow queen! >:3

    Should we have a toast?

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