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Posts posted by tyler008bon

  1. Wilden ripped all four left legs off of one spider and stared at Draco while making the killing blow.

    "Draco, dragon wings are said to be as sharp as a sword, if that is true then use those!"

    Wilden dodged another spider as it sliced at him, and closed his mount on its head. The only thought that came to mind was how discusting the taste was.

    ((Where is lucky? Blackfoot is sick BTW))

  2. "Give me a silent environment where ponies and dragons aren't trying to kill each other and an hour, then I'll give you what you ask for. This isn't even mentioning the fact that you gave me nothing to work with, the wood is brittle and the ore is impure!" She was angry that he left her with shoddy tools, but more angry that he did little to help her friend.

  3. The question about his sister brought a thousand memories and, if he was alone, a thousand tears would have accompanied them. "She doesn't know, and if I have my way she never will. If luck and the forest are on my side then the Huntress will find her and help keep her safe until my return. I am doing this for her life, I don't care if this makes her hate me until the day she dies, no matter what she will live." The wolf thought about the poor boy, they were probably close enough to the same age, Wilden decided to trust him. "If we both get out of this alive, feel free to visit me in Everfree, my sister and I could use friends that weren't mute. If I die in there..." Wilden stopped himself from finishing for a moment. "Give my sister mercy, be it through a cure or the Kiss of Death, give it to her."

  4. "I'm fine Red, thanks for asking." She hugged his neck for a second before holding up the nearly finished sword, hoping Mr. Zebra would like it. She seemed to forget about the pain completely.

    "How does this look?" It wasn't quite done, but she was impressed by how much she completed in the very short time given

  5. Amy was scaring herself with the speed she was working, making sure that the swords matched at every chance she got.

    She looked up to see Red holding Snooty Booty by his leg and she yelled at her dragon friend, "Red! Put Snooty Booty down, he didn't do anything wrong!" The distraction caused her next hammer strike to wildly miss, and she hit her other hoove and screamed. "OW!" It became more of a squeak then a scream when it left her mouth.

    ((I wonder how this will end))

  6. "Well, I can't make anything without an order, so what do you need? A sword? An axe? A hammer?" She was very excited to get even this small chance, she offered to shake his hoove when she noticed that unicorn that ignored her. "Hey you! Get your snooty booty over here and shake my hoove!"

  7. "Well, uh... no." She bowed her head in shame, her mane covering her eyes. "I DO have my cutie mark, though!" She perked back up quickly and pointed to the hammer and anvil on her flank. "Does that work?" She tried to seal the deal with the puppy dog face, hoping it wasn't overkill.

  8. "I uh..." She rubbed her mane nervously, her light yellow skin getting paler by the second, if there was one thing she hated, it was being embarassed and questioned by scary ponies.

    "I'm looking for a job!" Her voice grew so high it squeaked her last word, and she covered her mouth immidiately, as if to hide the squeak already in the air.

  9. "Thank you, Red." She gave her dragon friend as close to a hug as she could and whispered a piece of advice in his ear "Ponies here are really snooty," She motioned to the one stupidly threatening Red. "Just listen to them and keep it down for a little while, that's all. I really don't want you run out of town again."

    ((Saren, again, if I am distrupting any plans you have for your character, just say so and I will edit my comment, I don't want to change any major points about your character))

  10. "No, Red and I are great friends. Of course I would like it if he told me HIS NAME instead of forcing me to give him a nickname." Amy was yelling the last part and hoped Red heard it. She noticed that he hadn't shaken her hoove yet.

    "Do you not like hoove shaking? I promise I washed it, like, last week or something." She looked at her hoove, it seemed fine, but unicorns were always acting stuck up around germs.

    "Are you stuck up or cool?" She asked the unicorn, still ignoring Red. Manners and her were never great friends.

    ((Sorry Saren, is this okay? I'll change my posts if you want.))

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