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Everything posted by VeganLeaf

  1. -stares up at him-please can't you stay for alittle longer
  2. -giggles- My special talent is to be able to talk and know how plants feel -trots to Black Sword and looks at him innocently- may i call you Black
  3. -finishes and nods in approvel and smiles at him fliping my mane from my eyes my tail flicking-
  4. -smiles happily-great i'm so happy your down from the tree...oh dareling your mane -goes to work fixing it
  5. -trots to the tree and says sweetly-please come down I want to be your friend i'm Vegan Leaf. Please come down i'll do anything I dont like you in the tree
  6. -yells at the one in the tree- stop that! -sees the zebra and trots over wide eyed- Wow a zebra i've never seen one brfore i'm Vegan Leaf
  7. -still stares at Invincta and turns around my head to the ground and shakes my hind end at him sticking my toungue at him as well-
  8. -flips my mane out of my face my green eyes stareing at Invinca hardly-
  9. -stomps over and gets in his face- I sir am not a crazy pony I am a lady!
  10. -Turns my head to him- Don't say i guess you don't know ho the tree feels -walks to the pony on the bench-Hi i'm Vegan Leaf and you are
  11. -Walks away from Invica with a puff walking past the pegasi my tail sawaying-
  12. -stares hard at him noticeing the trees discomfort more-get off the tree root your makeing him uncomftable -flicks my mane out of my eyes looking at the stallion-
  13. -sees them and trots over and pokes the sleeping one-if you don't mind get off this trees roots its uncomftable to him
  14. Anything I just want to play. Oh i'm geting a headach from that tree over there it says something is sitting on it -point to the tree Xeno is on-
  15. -whines wiggling my hindend around-pleaseee
  16. -stops noticeing and leans in front of you my head to the ground my hind end in the air in a playful stance-
  17. -Looks at you then flips my mane from my eyes and trots around you my tail flicking-
  18. -Looks up at the pegasi and smiles softly- why hello there i'm Vegan Leaf
  19. From the album: Pictures of my Life

    When I was a filly I had no friends I was the first in my class to get my cutie mark, but every pony laughed at me for talking to plants. But I never let that get me down.
  20. VeganLeaf

    Pictures of my Life

    Just pictures of my life.
  21. -Vegan Leaf trots to the meadow and sits down waitting for someone to talk to-
  22. That happened to me i was copying and pasteing from my profile, but you got to write it out not copy paste then it worked.
  23. I'm new and want to start rping sooo bad.

  24. Hi i'm Vegan Leaf I love fashion, but I love nature more. My special talent is being able to talk and know how plants feel. As a filly I was teased about my talent, but now i dont care what others say. I do have to say I do not care for Applejack the way she kicks the trees it breaks my heart.
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