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Posts posted by TemplarFrost

  1. *Dives into the thread through a flurry of pyrotechnics and glitter, then strikes a decisive pose!*

    I request a drawing of Sweetie Belle preening Scootaloo's wings!!!

    *Dramatic lightning backdrop*

    You really do seem to like Sweetie x Scootaloo there... :unsure:


    • Like 1
  2. Moon Shine Down! Let the one among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone! The smallest seed of regret can bloom into redemption but most seems to forget that. Who is more fitting to rule if not the one who made the mistake, and by that can see one from far?

    Should I serve the Tyrant, whose rule squishes any individuality and freedom?! Nay, I gave my sword to tranquil glow of the Moon! What if Celestai would gone rogue?! No one would suspect her and no one would be capable of stoping her cose of this!

    For the New Lunar Republic!

    Two arguments at once?


    Anyways, Luna went Tyrant much earlier than Celestia. NMM remember? Why did she go Tyrant?

    She felt like she didn't have enough power.

    The NLR is a lie, it's not a freedom force, it's a group of lost ponies, who are brainwashed by propaganda. The NLR is just a ploy to get ponies riled up to overthrow their savior, simply because Princess Luna want's to be in control. She did it once, and she's doing it again, but in a more approachable manner.

    The citizens of Equestria has gotten too comfortable, and outright spoiled. And when Celestia gets just a tad harsher, Luna saw it as a chance to rally the ponies, and retake Equestria. Just so she could rule again.

    Sure, overthrow Celestia if you must, Just have fun never seeing daylight again.


  3. Not really, that is like saying Bruce banner and the hulk are the same. They share the same body and mind but personality and abilities are completely different. That is why they are two different ponies. They are independent of each other. I don't think the elements of harmony would have any effect on Luna. Think of it that way.

    AHA! You just proved my ultimate point.

    What is this argument about? Luna vs Celestia, right? But you just stated that Luna and NMM is not the same.

    Now tell me this, you are right that Luna has never been defeated, at least not as NMM. But have Luna and Celestia ever fought? Ever?

    Nope. Not as her own, plain, self. Just as NMM.

    But you said NMM isn't Luna, so NMM is irrelevant in the conversation.

  4. Incorrect, I said Luna never lost a battle. NMM on the other hand lost twice to the EoH.

    And if Celestia could control both, I see no reason why Luna couldn't do the same, regardless of what is more important.

    And experience doesn't mean squat to being a good ruler. Most dictators are horrible despite leading for their entire lives.

    And at this point it seems as though Luna is fully used to the new world. She still talks more proper than her sister, but that shouldn't be faulted.

    Also, we don't know if Celestia's powers are bound to the sun, so that is unfair to cite as a factor. Nor Luna's for that matter.

    Edit: as for post discord, they were ruling together. They had harnessed the elements together and were ruling together, until Luna turned into NMM.

    And there is no evidence to suggest that night is peaceful. Only ponies were started to sleep though the night, but we know there are far more creatures in Equestria.

    1. NMM and Princess Luna are one and the same.

    2. False, I know where you're coming from, but bad leaders do not know experience. There is a difference between actual experience, and just being there for a long time. If you have experience in something, then it means that you're good at it.

    3. Her speech is fine, okay. But she has been gone for 1000 years. That means that Celestia is more up-to-date on Equestria, 1000 years more than Luna.

    4. You're right, we don't, but it's just a thought.

    5. It actually says in the first few mins. of the show that she was dissatisfied by the inactivity of nighttime Equestria. Why do you think she went rouge, and put Equestria in everlasting night in the first place?


    Skip to 0:32

    I mean, clearly she was dissatisfied by ruling over just creatures.

  5. She was banished to the moon after she was "defeated" by her sister. Defeat implies contest or battle. The story was told as thus "using the magic of Elements of Harmony she defeated her younger sister, and banished her permanently to the moon." Whether it was physical confrontation or magical, there was some conflict between the sisters that Celestia could not overcome. So she had to turn to the EoH, even though she didn't want to. It is fair to assume at the very least, Celestia tried to force the change using her own magic, but couldn't usurp Luna/NMM's control over the moon and ability to keep the Sun down. Celestia used her means of last resort. We know this because she harnessed its magic "reluctantly." Like in any conflict, you don't use the most powerful weapon first, you use only what is necessary. She definitely tried reasoning, then it is likely that she tried to over power her sister, finally she resorted to the EoH.

    She probably didn't even WANT to use the EoH, because she likely knew that Luna (her sister) would be affected negatively by its usage (Remember, she knew what they did to Discord). She didn't want to do that to her sister. So if she could have defeated her another way she would have.

    Edit: also, remember... Against NMM, the EoH were used in battle (just one that Twilight couldn't win so she used trickery and cleverness). She didn't resist because she thought they were nullified (by destruction) and was confused when they reactivated because of the Mane 6. Discord, on the other hand, was too cocky thinking he neutralized them by "discording" the mane 6. He was confident that they would fail, thus he didn't resist. Had he known it would have been a bit more conflict than what it was.


    No, first of all, you said that NMM "NEVER LOST A BATTLE" in caps, but she lost twice, regardless of EoH.

    Second of all, both conflicts were at night, were they not? Night isn't Celestia's forte. But if they fought in the day, It would had have a completely different outcome.

    Third of all, scientifically speaking, the Sun is much more significant than the moon, and plus, Celestia is Luna's older sister.

    Fourth of all, even if you are right, you were speaking like "who ever is more powerful is fit to rule Equestria." That is not necessarily true. Celestia has more experience of being a ruler, than Luna. After all, she did lead Equestria from the clutches of Discord. Even before the first conflict, Celestia watches over Equestria during the day. At daytime, Equestria is more active and more problems occur. At nighttime, what does Luna watch over? People sleep. The show itself even states that. And after the first conflict, Luna was banished for 1000 years. That's a long time to be absent. Things change. And when Luna returned to Equestria, you could clearly see that she had trouble getting used to the new customs. Therefore, Celestia is a better ruler than Luna. And she is fit to rule Equestria.

  6. Celestia already failed once against Queen Chrysalis, can we really trust her not to fail again?!

    PRINCESS LUNA NEVER LOST A BATTLE! And when she became NMM it took the ELEMENTS OF HARMONY to bring her down! She is the only one that can truly protect Equestria!

    Wrong, Luna was banished to the moon, remember? And Celestia chose not to fight NMM. Why fight a problem when it could be resolved peacefully? And plus, Chrysalis was fueled by the love from Shining Armor. Love is a very powerful thing.

  7. So, just to check, do you plan to rework this for mane? Because I'd be prepared to stamp it now for crossovers.

    If you went mane, you probably wouldn't be able to have any video games in it, as the current technology guidelines we go by kind of prohibit as much.

    Since in all other ways this is a character who fits the spirit of the Word of Equestria RP fairly well, I just want to make sure it's what you want before I approve him for crossovers.

    Well, I was just telling Moonlight that he/she could perhaps rework it to be old, arcade-booth type video games. We did see Archer, Apple Bytes, and High Score playing them in the "Hearts and Hooves" Episode. But it really isn't the same as video games we see today.

  8. Hm...considering that there is a IP Boards Mobile Theme, I would imagine that it might already be made. If it hasn't been made already than it sorta needs to be.

    I know that you can browse it on your phone though, so...that's that.

    They have an IP boards app, but it's a joke.

    Really, it's a horrible waste of 2 bucks.

    • Like 2
  9. Dude, I loved the part when Shining Armor realizes that Candace is pr- What, too soon?

    Anyways, I also liked that new Villain, he was such a boss. And don't forget that Derpy episode, the one with just the orchestral music and everything. That was dope. And when the CMC got their cutie marks?


    And when Trixie returned to Ponyville and was all apologetic. And that season finale! Oh my god, I thought she died! That was so heart wrenching.

    Especially loved that part where there's that one cutie mark, or that one phrase, that completely revamps the canon, and now our OCs are running around shooting each other with assualt rifles!

    I hope they make a fourth. <3

    • Like 2
  10. Ah, come on. It's just a swooshy sound.

    And even if it was a kiss, I don't see it as a big deal. Suddenly they're having a love relationship? :P

    Plus, kissing ain't a big deal. I do it to my friends all the time when I greet them. To some cultures it ain't a big deal. :/

    I see that you really like to big your deals there...

  11. You think so? I thought the presence of video games would be a bit much for Mane RP. I guess if its only video games that have been shown in the actual show it would be okay. I just thought it might come up as a problem so I threw him in crossovers for safety.

    Well, you're right about that, if you can tweak it for Folarin to play arcade games like this. Then he would be safe for the Mane RP. But hey, your call.

    EDIT* Perhaps maybe even old-school game systems are fine, like Atari 2600 old-school. As long as the game systems don't get too modern, like Xbox-360 modern.

  12. Percy looked intently on the dazed earth pony. He'd hate to leave her so soon, but alas, he had other ponies to tend to. Percival leaped to his hooves and ran towards the blue unicorn he was helping before. Unfortunately, Percy saw that his body was sprawled out on the dirt. Fearing the worse, he slowly brought his left ear down to his mouth, while observing his chest. He was relived to hear the meager, but steady breathing of the unicorn. Percy noticed the unicorn's broken leg. He pointed his horn at the blue pony's leg, and with a concentrated blast from his horn, he began to see through the pony's skin, straight to the bone.

    "What can I do...?" It was the brown pegasus from before. "To help?"

    The sudden interruption instantly broke his X-ray spell. Percy swallowed back an influx of frustration. He was about to tell the pegasus off, then he suddenly remembered. "Go an' fly over ter' the airship', right." Percy ordered. "Yer will spot a pair of twins, pull th' one that is injured out in th' open. Quick!"

    The Pegasus flew out into the open, and Percy resumed his spell. After a few seconds of searching, he found out that the blue unicorn's Fibula was broken. Percy was slightly relived, it could have been much worse. But the injury still needed tending to.

    Percy ceased the spell, and quickly found two large branches, and broke off pieces and fragments form the branch, until it reached desired size. Tossing them away, he ran towards the airship's air sac, and tore a off a long strip with his teeth. Levitating all three objects besides him, he trotted up to the hurt unicorn once more. Percy carefully placed both branches against the lower half of the blue pony's leg, then wrapped the strip of air sac once around his leg, and another over his neck, and around his back. He finished by tying a tight knot in the fabric. Now done, Percy sighed, and sat down on the ground.

    "Two dahn', bout' two million t' go"

    He reluctantly leaped to his hooves, and ran towards, yet another injured pony.

  13. "Nothing, your Majesty. I know nothing"

    Mjolna let out a long sighed of disappointment. She felt clueless. This information was overwhelming, and she simply felt lost. Perhaps this blacksmith wasn't cut out for this adventure after all. Looking for something to avert this thought, she gestured to pick up her hammer. With an approving nod from the princess, she tightened her forehoof around the hilt and lifted the object upwards. Mjolna was shocked, the hammer was light as a feather, almost weightless!

    "This weapon, is very light!" She exclaimed out loud. Mjolna began to toss it around with her forehoof.

    "Yes, as I said before, this weapon was designed fo- oh no, don't do that!"

    Too late. She eventually lost her handle on the heavy object, and it fell to the ground once more, but with a tumultuous crash. Mjolna dreadfully looked at the damage. Cracks on the once-beautiful tile webbed from the grounded hammer. Mjolna looked back up at her Princess in embarrassment.

    "So, um, what was question about Coltara again?"

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