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Posts posted by TemplarFrost

  1. Percival's pride soon turned into horror, after the screech from the slipping gondola. "Somepony, help! Please!" It was the same lavender pegasus that he had an altercation with before, but that didn't matter anymore. This mare needed his help, regardless of past conflict. After all, he was a highly-trained medic.

    "Just 'ang in there, I'll try t' help yer soon enough!" Percy yelled back to the pegasus, in hopes to rescue her. Percy quickly wrapped his two forelegs around the pilots' seat in an attempt to climb out the cockpit door, wincing as he applied pressure to his bad forehip. Percy opened his mouth to ask the blue unicorn for help, but then thought better of it. He was too far away to help the poor mare, and he risked dislocating his hip a second time. Disappointed, Percy cautiously made his way back to the control panel, and sighed. Soon after, a drop of liquid fell onto his forehead. The unicorn quickly wiped a hoof on his brow to examine the mysterious liquid, only to find a dreadful red streak.


    Percy was terrified. Sompony up there was bleeding, and it's only a matter of time before that pony could go into shock, and then worse. He shifted his position to see where it could have came from. Percy was just able to pick out an indigo coat color, before a grayish-brown head peeked into the doorway, and obstructed his vision. The white unicorn couldn't help but to utter a swear. The pegasus started to say something, but he was too preoccupied in looking for the injured pony. Despnate, Percy shifted his position even more, searching intently up the gondola. Little did he know, he scooted his way right onto the severely cracked windshield.

    "Stick an 'orn..."

    Before Percy could finish, the windshield shattered under his weight, and he plummeted into the world below. The sudden shock of the cold winter surged through his bones, as he plunged into the abyss. Percy landed on the side of his head, with an abrupt thud. Luckily for him, he landed on a much higher and closer ledge, then to the forest beneath. Dazed, with a constant ringing in his ears, he struggled to his hooves. The muted-green unicorn also jumped out of the airship, but Percy was too dizzy to find out why, or what he was doing. The unicorn also seemed to be saying something to him, but Percy couldn't decipher that either. "Speak up, I can't 'ear you." Percy murmured, asking the unicorn. "On bouge! On zee double!" He replied, pointing to a pile of ropes.

    Percy instantly got to his hooves and levitated one of the ropes beside him, in an effort to hold up the ship. The unexpected weight, caused him to glide towards the ledge, but Percy quickly caught himself and returned to the blue unicorn's side. The next minute or two, was spent tugging on the mooring ropes, with the occasional grunts and groans, while trying to hold up the massive airship. Percy knew it was probably the worst possible time to ask this, but just to pass the time...

    "So, whut's yer' name?"

  2. Percival slowly open his eyes from his rather unpleasant coma, only to find himself lying face-down in what seems to be, grass. The atmosphere around him was warm and cozy. He slowly made his way to his hooves, slightly stumbling as he applied pressure to his left foreleg. When he was up, he realized that he was standing in a vast sea of golden wheat. Percy was astonished, it seemed to stretch for miles and miles, without any sign of an end. Placing his right hoof against his brow, he surveyed the aureate horizon, alas, he spotted a tiny figure in the distance. Seeing this, the unicorn started galloping towards it. When Percy grew nearer, he recognized the foreign object as a pony.

    "'Allo there, can yer 'ear me?" He yelled to the mysterious pony.

    No response. Still trying to get the pony's attention, he continued to gallop towards the apparition. When Percival grew closer to the image, he found out that that mysterious pony, was his little sister, Igraine. In a sudden burst of excitement, Percy ran towards his sister as fast as he could, with the occasional stumble from his bad foreleg. His sister was running towards him, too. When Percy finally met with her, the filly leaped on the unicorn, wrapping her forelegs around his neck. The force of the hug caused Percy to fall to the ground, laughing.

    "It's so good t' see you, Iggy!" Percy exclaimed, while embracing the filly.

    Placing her forelegs on Percy's chest, she pushed herself upright from the hug. Staring intently into his eyes, Iggy opened her mouth to say something in response,


    Percy jolted awake. It was just a dream. The sudden rush of pain and dread filled his mind. Instead of lying face down on a field of wheat, he found himself lying face down on a broken windshield. The slight pain in his left forehip turned to unbearable agony. It was dislocated. Percy tried to get on his hooves a second time, only to stumble back down in affliction. Due to his stagnant form, he used the opportunity to survey the downed airship. The entire airship was perched on a mountain, and was severely lopsided to the point that the cockpit was the new bottom of the airship. The first half of the windshield was shattered, leaving a perilous opening to the abyss below. Percy hoped that it was shattered by an object, because to him, nopony could have survived that fall. Unfortunately, the guitar he held on to, fell onto the chasm as well. It was then that he realized that there was a somepony next to him. He was the same unicorn that sat next to the lavender pegasus before the crash. The muted-green unicorn was too preoccupied with trying to exit the cockpit, to realized that he was awake. Percy also realized that his left foreleg dangled unnaturally from his body, and his flank area was red and painfully swollen. Before Percy could help this pony, however, he had his own injury to attend to.

    Percy his shifted position from the windshield, towards the control panel. Using his unicorn magic, he tore a piece of his uniform off, and then tightly wrapped it around his left forehip. Then he kicked off the control wheel with his left hindleg, and then levitated it towards his mouth, biting down hard. The White Unicorn was filled with dread, knowing that this would be extremely painful. Reluctantly, he gripped his left foreleg with his right hoof, then he slid it into place, with a sickening thud.


    Percival's scream was muffled by the object he was biting down on. Tears of anguish was streaming profusely down his cheeks. His face was flushed red as he wailed to the top of his lungs. He instantly crawled into the fetal position, clutching his sore shoulder.

    "Oh sweet buckin' Celestia, that 'urt like bollocks!" He exclaimed after he spat the control wheel out of his mouth. Percy quickly wiped the tears from his cheeks, and sighed of relief. Aside from the slight jarring in his forehip, the pain was finally over. Searching for something else to preoccupy his mind with, he decided to look out the broken cockpit window. There, he found a huge circular depression on the surface below.

    "Force fields, isit? I didn't know I could do that!"

  3. It's fine. Instead of having you edit it out, which is always a pain, I decided to correct it in a funny manner. It worked out for the best!

    Good news Steel, I changed the, "professionally casting a huge barrier" deal to a "I panicked and forced out all of my magic, and a shield miraculously appeared" sort of deal. Just to make it more canon friendly.

  4. Percival screamed to the very top of his lungs. has he forced out nearly all of his magic on the windshield. In an effort to keep his horn on the glass, Percy tightly gripped the control panel in front of him with his good foreleg, and then pressed even further. The droning sound of the Airship slicing the wind grew more intense as they neared the surface. His previous state of total hysteria was calmed by the voice of his sister. Percival was still unsure of whether it was actually her, or if it was just his imagination, but it calmed him nonetheless. Remembering why he was here in the first place, the white unicorn exerted his magic harder. This caused painful rings of red to form around his eyes, and the muscles in his body to strain in agony. Percy felt like he was about to outright explode. Just then, Percy felt a foreign object painfully fall on his head, nearly breaking his concentration.

    As it tumbled down to the dashboard in front of him, Percy was just able to make out what seemed to be a guitar. Still making contact with the glass, he perched his head down to pick up the object with his teeth. But due to his adrenaline rush, he bit down severely hard. Percy felt the wood dig into his teeth, using it as a way to avert the intense pain.

    Percival wanted to give up, he wanted to cease the affliction that was being done to him. Then Percy remembered what he was in the cockpit for. He was here, to somehow save these ponies on this airship. He had know idea how he would do it, or what in Celestia was on the other side of that windshield, but he wanted to make an effort, a commitment, for the stallions, mares, and even foals on this airship.

    "Conshidher fiths, m' lasth ac' of servith!"

    With that, Percival pushed even harder, the rings of red that once tinged his eyes, then developed into a full on white, which then slowly engulfed his entire vision. His eyes were glowing. The pain in his body warped into a creeping, tingling sensation, then to complete nullity. He had lost every sensation in his body. His hearing culminated into absolute silence, with only a distant ringing noise.

    Percival could just barely make out a treetop, before his alabaster vision instantly turned black.

  5. I'm sorry about not posting in the past two days, I was otherwise occupied. I shall work on a post immediately, friends!

    Hey Chap, did you know that the R101 airship crash was the deadliest civilian, and air-to-ground airship crash ever recorded? Second only to the USS Akron, (73 dead, sea accident) this crash was reported 48 dead, and 6 survivors. Just a relevant IRL fact.


  6. It's a status that lets us know the player is still keeping an application active, or this forum would be packed with half-finished or forgotten apps. This one will definitely need details and work, as it is a WIP, and we like to make sure the player is interested in developing the application further.

    TL;DR - I'll prod you here once every three days. Just comment when I do. :D

    Okay. BTW, is it okay for me to use colors for the Memory's dialogue? I'm only planning on using a few lines, and the color i'm using is navy, which is dark and easy to read.

  7. I agree with you in some points, but it doesn't matter. Board canon makes the following fact: No unicorn is going to be as powerful as Twilight, who is the element of magic, or Shining Armor, who is the Captain of the Guard, of the same bloodline as Twilight, and has a protective spell only he can conjure up. You'd have a case if Percy was a specialist in protection spells or if being able to summon barriers of this sort was part of his application, but it isn't. If a combat medic pony can do this, then the REA shouldn't even have any wounded ponies in the first place- they would all, or should be all, able to summon protective barriers of the same type since they would be under stress.

    As an RP Helper, I also have to keep an eye on making sure people don't suddenly start saying that their pony is capable of X thing which could easily be gamebreaking and canon breaking. Being able to summon a barrier of that size and capability should be the purview of specialists in that field, not combat medic pony who mentions such a spell zero times in the application. And even then, I'd be more inclined to let it slide if it was a small barrier covering perhaps a few passengers. But the size and capability of the barrier as well as the pony casting it suggests that this is in some ways a basic spell that is amplified, when the closest examples we have come from extremely important and special ponies in canon- the Element of Magic and the Captain with a hypercharged version of it.

    So while i like your case, it sadly is irrelevant since we are talking the RP here on the forum and not a fan fiction or some other setting. This isn't a warning and I'm not asking you to edit it out; I'm just asking that for future reference, try to remember who your character is- a young medic, not an elite spellcaster. It takes away from your character when he becomes Elite Spellcasting Unicorn #30449.

    Well, about what you said about the "Elite Spell-casting Unicorn #30449" (Great use of numbers by the way, very original). I would have never played my OC like that. I would factor in things like how long he could keep up the barrier, or how much stress he could take before he loses control of it. Trust me, I am no power-gamer. But I guess your right about the "barrier spell" being a sacred spell and all. And I may have underestimated Twilight Sparkle, and well, her family just a bit.

    But for the record...


    I give up, you win.

  8. I hate to be a stick in the mud, but:

    " Remembering his training about magical barriers, he closed his eyes shut, and with all his might, he conjured a huge force-field around the front of the Airship."

    - Considering the only ones we've seen use barriers in such a way are the extremely skilled and gifted Twilight Sparkle and Shining Armor, it seems a tad disconcerting that a combat medic pony can summon a barrier like he does. Just for future reference, being a unicorn does not automatically give you the ability, through training, to cast any spell at a high level.

    Well, -with all due respect, mind you- Twilight Sparkle and Shining Armor are just two ponies. I bet Equestria has at least hundreds of thousands of them, and please, correct me if i'm wrong, but I never see that Shining Armor was extremely skilled and gifted. Well, just Shining Armor, because I admit that Twi is pretty boss. Well, I know what you're thinking...

    "But Temp, Shining Armor is a high-ranking Captain in the Royal Guard!"

    Well, here is my case number 1. Shining Armor is only a Captain, because he got there first. Basically, he started off as a Warrant Officer, then made his way up to Captain due to experience. (Well, due to board canon. They never really touched up upon it on the show.) And on the other hand, Percival is just a Private First Class, yes, but he's new, and he will make his way up the ranks sooner or later, just like shining. So magical capability based on military rank is not necessarily true. Other than Shining being a Captain and all, I really don't see how you could say that he is "extremely skilled and talented." Again, please inform me if I'm wrong or missing something. Oh yes, I almost forgot, Shining and Candace put up a huge barrier over all of Canterlot, but we will never know how much of that magic Shining put into the spell. Who knows? They could have been a perfect couple, and each contributed to half of the spell, or on the other hand, he could just be putting in a small portion. Like those guys who put a finger on a particular object being lifted, and say he's "helping." We'd never know.

    And if somehow I missed something about my first case, and it's completely irrelevant. He're is my case number 2.

    I personally believe that force fields are not set in stone, and I believe that they are three factors that define the quality of a force-field. Thickness, size and encasement. Thickness is how thick and dense the barrier is, size is how large the barrier is, and encasement is how much it practically covers. For instance, perfect encasement is a full circle, perhaps in mid-air. Semi circles are for the ground, and anything lower, like a quadrant, or even an octant, is for weaker-class unicorns, or for smaller targets. What i'm basically saying, is that even thought Twi could do it, Percy could do it too, but possibly weaker. And also, they're are many, many different types of magic, from Alteration, Conjuration, Illusion, to even Restoration or Destruction. (Totally ripped of of Skyrim, lol). So basically, even if Twi is great at barriers, she might stink at restoration, which my OC is actually good at. Just like savants, IRL. There is some dude, that could barely walk, or speak. But when he went on a helicopter on a flyover of Rome. He was able to re-draw the entire city on a huge canvas. Building for building. And I ain't done yet. We all know that Twilight is pretty boss at magic, that part we agree on. But who said that force fields are so, "hard to cast" in the first place, after all, we only saw a few ponies cast them. They could be one of the most simplistic, and basic spells in the book. And even if Barriers really are hard to do, doesn't means that other ponies can't pick it up as well. For instance, Chuck Norris could do a perfect roundhouse, which is very hard to do. But a bum on the street could pick it up, and do it as well.

    Case number 3!

    On top of the huge case I built, I still have one more thing to say.


    Yes, Panic. you have to remember, Percy was in the middle of an airship crash. And even IRL, whenever you are under extreme stress or pressure, your body will kick into overdrive, and your speed and strength increases. Like the whenever a mother's child get's stuck under a car, the mother would suddenly get super-strength and lift the car to her son/daughters' safety. I'm sure you've heard that, our similar versions of that story countless times before. what i'm trying to say is that Percival was experiencing the exact same thing, and his power was amplified due to extreme stress and danger.

    Were not friends yet? BS. I'll fix that injustice.

  9. "Yeah, and she's found herself quite the catch"

    Percy was dumbstruck, she was still bickering with him, even after he made his apology? How dare she talk to him like that! Percy was thrown into a fit of completely uncharacteristic rage. Usually his fuse isn't this short, but the countless hours in this cramped, uncomfortable airship took a huge hit to his tolerance. Never in his life did he use his military service as any source of boasting or pride, but this mare managed to make it his first.

    "You brat!" Percy was practically shouting. "I risked me' life for you, the least ye' could do is treat me wiv a little-"

    Before he could finish, the entire airship shook violently, abruptly disrupting him. Before Percy could respond, the Airship lurched forward, then started to careen down to the surface. Percy was terrified! He quickly latched on to the seat behind him, and held on for dear life, "Oh bollocks, I think we're crashin'!" The white unicorn yelled to the top of his lungs. Then he lost his grip to the seat behind him, and was floating in mid air. Remembering his training, he waded his way to Dunder's seat, grabbed his rapier, then stabbed it right through the canopy floor. "You'll thank me later, right, trust me!" Then the airship staggered once more, and Percy's flew into a nearby window, nearly smashing it.

    Then his world around him slowed down nearly to a halt. The scene around him was utter chaos, ponies were being flung about like ragdolls, some were crying, others were screaming to the top of their lungs, even some others were praying to Princess Celestia. Some of these ponies really did think it was their last moment alive. They wanted to live life, and to meet their family again. But now they might never get a chance to.

    Not if Percival had anything to do about it.

    Quickly acting, Percy managed to make his way to the front of the airship, before he could open the door to the cockpit, he was flung into a nearby wall once again, and Percy painfully felt his shoulder pop out of place. Nonetheless, he made his way into the cockpit, and then pressed his horn onto the windshield. Percival connected his horn to the windshield, closed his eyes shut, and with all his might, he forced out all the magic that he could, in an attempt to somehow slow down the airship.

    Percy thought about his own family, after all, he was on this flight to meet his father. But now he might never get a chance too. Then he thought about his sweet little sister, Igraine. He loved her so dearly. Now he would never get a chance to see her, hug her, or even kiss her. Still maintaining the barrier, Percy started to sob. "I don't want to end like this!" He yelled to the top of his voice. Then he heard his sister's voice barley whisper in his ear...

    "Don't worry, you'll live."

  10. "How rude!"

    "Is that how you always talk to mares, Mr. Soldier? I'll bet it's been an awfully long time since you've had a date,"

    "With all that standing around all day with that tough look on your face, trying to look all cool in your pretty little uniform, I suppose you just must have forgotten how to talk to a lady."

    Percy couldn't believe his own ears, did she actually say that? Percival promptly placed his two fore-hooves on his face, in sheer disbelief. In the full year he's been in REA training, he'd was never prepared for a spoiled, filly! Percy thought long and hard to how he should respond to this rather rash statement. Careful not to let this explode into a yelling match, Percy chose his words cautiously, as he was not one to make enemies.

    "Listen, sorry if I were soundin' unmannerly there, I'm bloody well not like that" Percy clarified. "but all i'm askin' is for yer ter quiet down, for the sake of the rest of us."

    With that, the white unicorn settled back in his seat, and let out a huge sigh. Reminding himself that he's here to see his father, his good mood was restored. In order to pass the remaining time, Percy looked out the side window, and in his delight, he saw his hometown, Trottingham. Percy started to reminisce about his sweet childhood. Hold up, he forgot something...

    "And for yor' information, I do 'ave a girlfriend!"

  11. Percival sat anxiously in his seat behind Dunder. He was finally going to meet his father, after all these years! Normally the unicorn would take a nap during these long, and grueling flights, but he was simply too excited. His father, Pellenere, was in serving in the Stalian guard, in Stalliongrad. And has recently asked for his son. So Percy went on leave and hopped on the next Airship to Stalliongrad, in high hopes to meet his father.

    Percy had on his formal Army Service Uniform on, complete with a handful of colorful decorative ribbons, including his shiny, new, Combat Medical Badge, he'd just earned a few weeks ago. He had also packed a toothbrush, a knife, some shampoo, some money, and a novel titled, Pegasus Down.

    When the turbulence hit, he initially thought nothing of it. After all, he was trained to keep calm in panicked situations. But the lavender pegasus across from him started to complain even more, and Percival had enough of it.

    "Oh yes, please quiet down, your bein' right annoyin' The White Unicorn asked. "And frankly, If yer 'ave a problem wiv' the bleedin' flight, why don't yer go fly there yourself, miss?"

  12. Jeremy Shada would make a great colt. So would his brother, Zack.

    John DiMaggio is also a great fit, considering his previous roles as a stretchy dog (and an alcoholic robot).

    Morgan Freeman would be a great father-like figure, or narrator.

    Angelina Jolie. Laugh if you must, but her voice acting as that tiger from Kung-fu Panda could totally be used in the show.

    And on the topic of Kung-fu Panda, Jack Black.

    Jim Carrey, is good for a character that is totally nuts.

    That's all I got.

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