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Posts posted by TemplarFrost

  1. The Mayor's voice jolted him awake, he'd nearly fallen asleep! Lucky for him, Mayor Mare failed to notice. Percival collected his papers into his portfolio, double-checking to see if all of his application papers were in order. Then, Percival jumped to his feet. And he nearly toppled over from the unexpected weight of his armor. He took a moment to collect himself, and levitating his application at his side, he silently opened the door to Mayor Mare's office.

    ​"G'day Mayor, me name is Percival, Percy for sho't" Percy cringed at his blatant accent, and quickly tried to correct it. "Er, I mean, good day Miss Mayor, My name is Percival, but you can call me Percy. Percy's voice sounded unnatural, and rather forced from his accent. But he continued anyways.

    "I am currently serving as a Private First Class in the Royal Equestrian Army as a medic, as you can see from my right foreleg" Percy outstretched his right foreleg, showing a white armband, decorated with a red cross.

    "So I do have some First-Aid experience, if that makes any difference, and I am serving in the 1st Battalion in Canterlot, and I will be returning for my second tour in November" Percy decided to end there, and prepared himself to answer any question that the Mayor might ask.

  2. Your sig is so awesome, Angie! Whoever did it has to be really talented and amazing! So like 10/5.

    (Whoever rates my sig needs to rate my profile -- that's where all the real fun is!)

    Your sig is subtle, yet awesome. (And a bit creepy) 4/5

    (Below is my own work, all I did was take this picture, removed the blood from her face, added a cloven cross to her helmet, added my name in red with a few splatters, and then added a red cross)

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