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Posts posted by TemplarFrost

  1. To be fully coordinated in both hands is called being ambidextrous. And to be lacking in coordination in both hands is a rare condition, called being ambisinister.

    Pinkie Pie's family, are the names of the hostile ghosts in the game, Pac-Man. And Sue is the name of the Orange ghost in the Miss Pac-Man games, instead of Clyde.

    Speaking of Pac-Man, the name was originally meant to be Puck-Man, but in fear that people would shave of the part of the "P" to make a swear, so they changed the name to Pac-Man

    While on the topic of name changing, you know the famous pen company, Bic? It was originally spelled Bich, but when the company exported the product from Europe, to America, they changed the name, in fear that people would mispronounce the word, to another common swear-word.

    Speaking of Words, Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is the longest word located in a dictionary. The longest word in the english launguage is 189,819 letters long. It is the chemical name for Titin.

    BTW, SkyMunki, the saying that a quack's quack cannot echo is a myth.


  2. equestria_founding_flag_by_vectorshy-d52m11j.png Here we go, Royal Equestrian Flag.

    Here's what, I know a thing or two about navy structure, so let me pm the REN organization to you. (Fleets, Squadrons, etc)

    EDIT* Turns out that Navy structure is nothing like Army structure. So it might take me awhile. :sniff:

    EDIT** Send this topic to the moon, send it all to the Luna-Darned moon, Imagination beat us to it :x ... But I asked if I could help her on it, I guess you could to.


  3. Well, right now, no, it is not in the Archives. But here is what can do, you can type up a basic structure, and then post it in the proposed lore section. If it gets approved, then mods like Diomedes, Brianblackberry, and Skye will start adding to it, and voila! Royal Equestrian Navy.

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