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Posts posted by TemplarFrost

  1. ((This app was meant to remain in stasis until Destrier Lore improves, but now that I received this wonderful piece of art from LM, I might as well have somthing to show for it.))


    Roleplay Type: Crossover

    Name: Lady Ariel Argent, or just Ari. Is nicknamed "Silvermane" due to her hair.

    Sex: Female

    Age: Mare

    Species: Pegasus

    Eye colour: Slight Iridic Heterochromic. Her left eye is aqua blue, while her right is an aqua green.

    Coat colour: Grey-Tan.

    Mane/Tail/Markings colour and Style: Her mane is bouncy and ample, which serves as a pain to handle when she wants to get her helmet on. Her tail is long and straight. Colour is silver.

    Physique: Medium height, very strong, even though her physique doesn't show it. She has freckles on the bridge of her nose. Her brother jokingly calls her a "genetic mess" due to these traits above.

    Cutie Mark: A cloud, with a Pale (Vertical) sword running through it. Earned it after beating the champion in Waster and Buckler Fencing.

    Origin/Residence: Born and raised in a small village in Itaily.

    Occupation: Knight Destriers, as a Dame. Works as a substitute history teacher as her secondary job.

    Motivation: Ari loves her family very much, but disagrees on their strict rules on how she should live. She wishes to explore the world outside of the strict rules.

    Family: A highly strict, noble Destrian family of fifteen, called The House of Argent. She lives in a house of five. A mother, father who is a Baron, retired Knight, a big brother who is a Knight himself, and a little brother who is a squire. She is also the cousin of Ardent Will.


    Armor- Although not as heavily Armored as a pony, say Kite, she does wear her chain-mail dress at times to formal events, like a wedding. Which proudly brandishes a shield emblem on her breast with the family symbol, a two-headed eagle. She does have a set of real armor for emergencies, but she hopes to Celestia that she'd never use it. It looks cumbersome!

    Sword- For emergencies, or formal events (such as a wedding). Ariel would carry her one-handed Arming Sword, that she forged herself. She nick-names it, Cloudburn. It has engraved on it, Nimbus Ustulo. Which is simply the name in old Latail.

    Shield​- During her Squiredom, Ari wielded a white Buckler, designed with a red two-headed eagle, the family symbol. But when she gained her knight status, she carried a Heater Shield, designed to match her personality. (Shown at top)

    Ariel's Shield is a Bordure of two different designs. First being a Chequy of Orange and White. Meaning that she is a Loving and Loyal pony, but is also Firm and Tough on the outside. The inner design is also white with a faint silver border. It brandishes the family crest, with a silver Ermine spot on it's breast, the female sign of the second-born. A similar design is near the hilt of her Longsword.

    Likes: Adventure, swords, wrestling, flying, armor, sleeping, her family, eating, dragons, danger, ale.

    Dislikes: Tea, cutting/tying her hair down, getting her helmet on, losing, prissy manners, tight dresses.

    Character Summary:


    Ariel was the second-born pony, in a house of five, in Itaily. There she belonged to a small Destrian Family called the House of Argent, or Argent family. The Argent family was strict and noble family, of fifteen living members who had strong ties to the early Knights Destriers, centuries back. They believed that proper attitude, and manners were the absolute key to life. This way of life was accepted and followed by all members of the family, except one, of course. her name was Ariel Argent.

    While her big brother and cousins were learning proper manners, and learning how to conduct one's self. Where was Ari? Out playing on the dirt, or climbing trees. This shocked her family quite much. Of course, her parents and relatives tried to direct her in the right path, but to no avail. Ariel was not interested in this prissy-princess nonsense. Ariel was a completely different character of her own. She was very much a tomboy. Ari's father, Lord Vair, thought nothing of the sort, he only thought of it as a "phase" and that she would eventually grow out of it. If not, she'll make a great knight. Her mother, Lady Ambriel, on the other hand hated her daughter's rough attitude, and tried everything in her disposal to keep her in the family way. That included, private tutoring, and locking her in the house. Alas, Ari's attitude still remained. Brash, and independent. Ambriel was distraught, she'd never make her beloved daughter into a fair maiden. According to her, she would become a village idiot instead! But, one day this all changed...

    One night, Ariel's big brother, (Who was a Squire at the time) went outside of the house hold to practice his two-handed sword skills, with his Estoc Waster. Seeing this, Eve followed him out the house without him knowing of it. Once Tiv'y got out into the front yard, he spread his wings, then flew into the the sky, waster in hoof. There he practiced his skills, gracefully swinging his sword, slicing through the crisp night sky. He was a natural, and Ariel wanted to follow suite.

    She wanted to be a Knight.

    The next day, upon hearing this, Ari's mother quickly disapproved. She found it "unfit" for a fair lady, like Ariel, to be a knight. Not to mention that it would further support her tomboyish attitude, that she so detested. Ari's father on the hand, loved the idea of her daughter becoming a knight in shining armor. To follow in his once valiant hoof-steps. Of course, after a full night of fighting, threatening to kick out house, wondering why they didn't marry their teenage crush instead, etc. They finally came to a conclusion, that Ariel was to become a knight.


    During training, Ariel proved herself to have potential in the art of the sword. She had also put her brash attitude beside her, and focused on training instead. She was very helpful to her master, who was a knight. In return, he taught the young filly many things about chivalry, honor, (Librium Dextrius) and the way of the sword. She also learned the arts of the forge, and after many fails, and rejects, she managed to craft her own Arming Sword. Which she named Cloudburn. after a After a several years of training, Ariel's master gave her a passing grade on her skill set. Ariel was thrilled to find out this. She was finally going to be a knight in shining armor! But her victory was short lived. Instead of celebrating this triumph with her, he simply tossed a simple wooden arming-sword at the older filly, then drew his own. The simple words sliced through the sudden silence.


    This was the final test.

    Cutie-Mark Story

    She hovered a few feet from her trainer, scared absolutely mindless! She has seen him practice before, there is no way she could ever hope, of winning! Then, a different though came to her mind, he was going to go easy on her. It seemed highly unlikely for such a skilled pony to use his full force on a student. Thinking this, she managed to calm herself a little.

    You first, Madame.

    With little hesitation, she drew back her right foreleg, so that the sword was pointing at the Stallion, while remaining level to her face. A quick move, sent the wooden object straight at her master, in a large crescent arc. Instead, he skillfully dodged the waster, by backing away.

    That isn't the best you can do, is it?

    This made Ariel eager for another chance, but it was quickly overpowered with one from her master. He tucked his, waster, shield, and wings in, in almost a ballerina type way, and started to slowly pirouette. At first, Ariel seemed confused, and found it actually quite amusing! She thought this was a practice duel, not a ballerina contest! But her amusement quickly turned to fear, as he continued to spin, but only got faster and faster, until he extended his waster from the twist. And in a final rotation, he swung his waster with force. The whistling of the air matched with the screams from Ariel, as the object grew nearer to her. The master only telegraphed his moves slightly, to give the older filly a chance to block. The sword struck the shield with such force, that a loud clang rang out through the skies. A discomforting shock creeps up the Squire's foreleg.

    I call that, the Whirlwind Wallop! I bet you never saw that before!

    Ariel gulped, this was going to be impossible. With every strike to her sword or shield, also struck the filly's dream of becoming a knight. She would never be able to become a knight! Her master's moves were simply too advanced for her. Even yet, why was her master doing this in the first place? They are supposed to help their students, not duel them! Ariel wanted to be knight, so she could find adventure, chivalry. But now, she will only find defeat, failure, and perhaps... An error!

    Her hopes flared up once more. She finally found a flaw in her masters so-called "flawless technique". His forward thrust, although impeccable in form, was curtailed slightly. This was Ariel's only chance. In a split second, she flipped her waster, so the hilt was on the other side. Then she hooked her Master's Stark, then swung it in a circular motion, attempting to loosen his grip. It works! The object eventually flies out the Stallion's hoof, and lands in the forest below. Then she turns the wooden sword back to it's original state, so the tip is just barely touching his neck.

    Ariel slowly withdrew the waster from her master's neck. Brimming with pride, and accomplishment. As the adrenaline slowly receded, she felt a slight tingling on her flank. She took a quick glimpse of her flank, only to get quite a pleasant surprise. A white cloud, with a vertical sword running through it. She got her cutie mark! As for her master, he only had this to say on her final report.

    Amazing! Never have I seen such a astounding move in my life! Perfect mastery of the half-sword technique!

    She was knighted the next week.


    Ariel is usually a very beautiful, and friendly pony. But is quite defensive when it comes to love, inner feelings, or any of the gooey sensitive stuff. On the other hand, she is very much a tomboy. She loves to play sports, pull pranks, and above all, rough-housing. She is able to pin down even some of the most toughest stallions in her town.


    • Due to Ariel's accent, her voice tends to roll at times. Her friends won't leave her alone because of it!
    • Ariel's nickname from her brother is "Airy".
    • Ariel's father is currently at odds with her. She broke his Steel Claymore during a joy-swing.
    • In smithing, it took Ariel thirty tries in order to get her sword right.
    • Ariel's hair once got snagged in her helmet, and the day simply went downhill from there.
    • Ariel can play the flute, moderately well.
    • Ariel's favorite food is cupcakes, but chooses to keep it a secret. Due to looking too "girly"
    • When Ariel was afflicted with poison joke, her appearance was a quite literally a pretty princess. Complete with snow white coat, and hot pink mane. She is still trying to live it down, to this day.
    • Her brother is definitely helping her.

    • Like 1
  2. First Marvel, with all of our favorite childhood heroes (Spider-man, Hulk, Captain America, etc). Then Lucas Films, with Star-wars, Indiana Jones. And now Hasbro, with Gi-Joe, Transformers, and of course- My Little Pony? Do you see?

    Disney wants to control our future generation of children!

    They must be stopped...

  3. Amazed nopony has made this a topic yet.

    But anyway, how is everyone holding up? Lost power? Cell service? House trashed? Is everyone okay?

    No power at my house yet. At least my Church is still up... So I'm there now. Also to clean up branches and such.

  4. Just as others have said, big ol Sandy Cheeks is coming our way. In fact, she's nearly here right now. I'm on my mobile right now, but just in case my power goes out for a long period of time and there's no way or charging the thing, I may be gone for a few days, depending on how long the power's out.

    I second this, I just had a 10 minute blackout. Luckily, the power turned back on, but it might shut off for good soon.


  5. Read half of your request...Yay, at least its not a vector this time!

    I finished reading...it would be a vector

    I'm not going to lie, yes it will be hard and time consuming. I've only done it once and that was for Percival. But yes, I accept.

    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2

    Oh, my bad. If a Vector is too hard, then I would be happy with a hand-drawing.

  6. Jumps in before tread is locked

    Hello LM, I request another OC art from you. Can you do my pending OC app, Lady Ariel, in her (knight) armor please? Thank you very much.

    *She has slightly different eyes (one aqua-green, another turquoise) and has freckles on the bridge of her nose. If armor is too time-consuming, a chainmail dress would do fine. Vector please.


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