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Status Updates posted by Harv0kz

  1. Single Awareness Day!

  2. I re-announce my presence due to a lack of work getting in the way! At the same time, my lack of presence for the next 24 hours as I travel home.

  3. Curse you Bungie, hafta get exotic gear to pass level 20. I'll just play my new char. Anyone's free to join me.

  4. I spent today going up to Chosen soldiers and saying "Nyanpasu~" Before shooting them with a rifle. Life's good.

  5. I demand my saturday afternoon livestreamed S5 ponies. Even my current anime season backlog runs dry.

  6. The looting of Akihabara continues, I spot small bits of pony, but that pricing and the size makes it not worth my ka-ching.

  7. Imagine every medium outlet for geeks shoved into an entire district. I've had the privilege of walking through Akihabara today, and I'll probs do it again before I leave Japan.

  8. Need to get back into the roleplayin' side of things. I've had too long of a hiatus than I liked.

  9. Summer means I should revive my roleplaylust. But until I do... I shall CARDO BATORU

  10. New guitar pick, I can stop making temporary ones now :)

  11. Coming next: Project Sun Dragon

  12. Zzz Summer, how can you be boring?

  13. When Rarity takes song lead, they sound like something out of a musical. Her songs are even better when mixed.

  14. Got Fluttershy Plushie from build a bear. I'm disturbed at the lack of mane. Will position so it's first thing anyone sees when entering room. will use as gargantuan scale tabletop miniature.

  15. Season 4 in 10 minutes... Time to awaken the beast that has long been sleeping.

  16. Off to the UK for Uni!! Soundtrack is exactly how I feel (short notice on choice) :http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jmJvO2ZSNBA&feature=plpp

  17. Just finished Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, Gates to Infinity... So many feels. Best of the spin-off in my opinion, no doubt.

  18. Finished assembling WH40K Chaos Army!

  19. Time to refit laptop with new SSD and HDD, hope I didn't miss much steam sale

  20. Just made a blog. Lets do this.

  21. Aaaand I have my full attention back here.

  22. Japan, two weeks.

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