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Posts posted by fireraven23

  1. Watching the others doing the test was not helping Marble's anxiety. They had 10 SECONDS to pass the test! The only ponies he knew that had a possibility of doing that was Flash, Lyria and Lightning. Even they might have troubles with that! Nopony was passing so far, getting hit by clouds and falling apart. It was Marble turn. He kept his poker face as if they were still in the mental test, and stood at the starting line. Time practically froze as he waited for the whistle to signal to start. He flew off as fast as he could as soon as he heard it. He was doing well at the start, flying straight forward at a fast speed, though slow compared to his friends. He managed to only need small movements to dodge the many obstacles and clouds, and was having troubles maneuvering with his speed. He was getting close. He didn't know how long he was taking, but he was getting excited now. He heard a canon fire, and suddenly, a pitch black cloud made a tower in his way. There was no way he had time to dodge it. Most ponies would have given up at this point. [colour=#ff0000]kick out with hind-legs it! [/colour]Marble wasn't most ponies. He moved his position to put his strong back hooves in front of him. He broke the cloud tower apart with his air kick out with hind-legs, and landed facing the obstacle course past the finish line. He looked at the nearby instructor, sweating nervously to hear his time. [colour=#008000]"8 seconds." [/colour]Marble began a victory dance, so happy that he actually passed the test, getting better than he expected, even if only by a second. He stood off to the side to wait for the others, as the obstacle course began restarting to trick the other flyers.

  2. That was it. The pony yelled something about him being a slow artist, and the test was over. He hadn't even flinched from their yelling. He expected better. It was time for the next test. He was told to go to the obstacle course. He flew their, and lined up with everypony else, and waited for the instructions. [colour=#ff0000]I just gotta' push myself a little, and I should pass this one...[/colour]

  3. The pony picked truth, and his answer rather bored Knight. He was hoping for something that could cause some slight discord for some laughter, but his answer wasn't exactly offensive. The filly behind him asked he didn't like fillies. [colour=#b22222]"Because... You know... Reasons... I have a good reason, I just don't know what the word is for it or how to describe it!" [/colour]If he had a better grasp of words, he likely would have used 'abandonment' or 'disloyal' or 'liars' to describe his feelings towards fillies. [colour=#b22222]"All I know is, I don't like getting close to them." [/colour]Knight was easily offending the other fillies listening, though he never really cared about that.

  4. It was going easily so far. The Wonderbolts seemed to be having troubles finding insults meant for Marble. What were they suppose to say anyways? You're too tall? He almost laughed at their insults, being so silly. Him and 22 others were all that was left, including Lyria, Lightning and Flash. [colour=#ff0000]I could use a challenge. [/colour]His face hadn't even twitched during the test. One of the Wonderbolts walked up to him, and he prepared himself for a barrage of bad insults, and controlling himself from bursting into laughter. [colour=#ff0000]Maybe this is why Showboat always laughs when everypony calls him names.[/colour]

  5. Slick grabbed Knight, and began telling him that cooties didn't exist. Knight knew that, he mostly meant it as a metaphor for when a filly broke his personal bubble. Why did nopony seem to realize this stuff? He calmed down, and apologized for Knight, then asked if he was okay. [colour=#b22222]"I'm fine. I just don't like getting too close to others." [/colour]He told Slick, as he gave one last wipe of the non existent germs the filly gave him. [colour=#b22222]"Alright, anyways... You! Scarred guy!" [/colour]He pointed towards a blue, heavily scarred pegasus, who he thought looked awesome. [colour=#B22222]"You're playing, right? Truth or dare?"[/colour]


    What do you hate the most about the pony next to you?


    Suck your hoof and cry like a baby while calling for mommy and asking for milk!

  6. Marble and the rest of the gang (yay we're a gang now) filed out of the mess hall to the first test of mental endurance. Marble was between Flashbomb and Lightning Dust, and saw Lyria was nearby as well. The Wonderbolts began going down the line of cadets and insulting them in surprisingly brutal ways. Marble stared forward and kept this stoic face. [colour=#ff0000]I'll do fine. Just ignore whatever they say.[/colour]

  7. The Wonderbolts turned to the recruits and began explaining the rules. The tests were all for endurance, which really helped lighten Marble's anxiety. The first test was so simple too! Survive having insults shouted at them? He may be emotionally unstable at times, but he was confident that as long as he prepared, he could keep his stoic demeanor. Then they would have a time limit on the obstacle course. He wouldn't exactly pass that with flying colours, but he's done it before, he felt if he pushed his limits enough, he could make it to the end about a second before time runs out. The last test was the most intimidating. Two days in the Everfree Forest? He'd gone camping before, but never in such a dangerous place! Surviving off the land sounded hard too. He wasn't exactly a nature expert. Marble had no questions to ask them. It was pretty straight forward everything he had to do. He could at least, pass the tests with the minimum requirements. He was confident with that much.

  8. Before anypony could confirm that they were starting the game again, somepony just sat on Knight as if he wasn't there! He pushed her off quickly, not enjoying the invasion of his personal bubble. Wait... Her... Knight realized a FILLY sat on him. He panicked and backed up into Slick. [colour=#b22222]"Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew!!!!" [/colour]He complained repeatedly, trying to shake the cooties off of himself. The bus began rolling, nearly knocking Knight over, so he returned to his normal seating position to continue his whining.

  9. Violet seemed to get angry. She seemed mad at Knight for calling fillies stupid and for disliking their game of truth or dare. He really only meant it as a joke. Having her take it so seriously didn't improve his initial impression on fillies. After a 'harumph', he walked back on the blue bus, and sat by Slick, not questioning his seating position. [colour=#b22222]"Hey dude." [/colour]He said as he took a seat, and floated out his bag of Hay's, and tearing it open. [colour=#b22222]"It's my turn, right?" [/colour]He asked, trying to think of a creative question or dare.

  10. The voice of Licorice returned. Alba turned and saw she had bought a poster of Steel giving Scribble's a piggy back ride, while Scribble's looked absolutely excited. It was a rather popular one. She asked about colts being customers. Alba was sure to give his normal speech in his normal flowery voice. [colour=#008000]"We at the host club serve to make ponies happy. We do not discriminate against the needs of colts, and will happily accept them as customers." [/colour]Silver Star asked what to draw next. Alba took the opportunity. [colour=#008000]"Draw yourself. Nothing could be more lovely than your own self portrait." [/colour]One could be convinced Alba was a vampire with the way he was sparkling now. Why do vampires sparkle? Stupid reasons that nopony should ever talk about! Either way, he looked much more handsome with sparkles than a certain fairy princess vampire.

  11. The situation escalated quickly. The purple filly Shade began screaming about it being gross, which was basically a projection of how Knight wanted to react from being forced into the dare. The other ponies seemed to either not get it or not mind it. Slick snuck up from behind and apologized for Knight, confusing him again. What did he do wrong? He explained that it was the dare, and the other two seemed to accept it. They all ran off, as it was time to get back on the bus. One of the fillies stayed behind to talk to Knight, asking him about how he was enjoying trip so far. [colour=#b22222]"It's pretty cool. Other than having to do things with stoopid [/colour](did that on purpose) [colour=#b22222]fillies. They should change the name 'Truth or Dare' to 'Who'd you kiss or kiss that pony'." [/colour]He forgot he was talking to another filly while saying all of that, and still hadn't really realized it until he saw her socks, and gave another 'ew'.

  12. Marble finished gawking when he saw Lightning Dust enter the mess hall. He was happy to see she was joining their table. She even apologized to Flash, who naturally accepted it. He scooted closer to her, so he could whisper to her without interrupting the Wonderbolts conversation and breaking the awkward silence while the others continued gawking. [colour=#ff0000]"You excited for the test?" [/colour]He asked competitively, believing it would help psyche her up if she believed they were in competition.

  13. While it fell silent from everyponies nervousness from the test, the doors flung open. The Wonderbolts entered! Everypony was gawking, including Marble. He specifically was galking at Soarin', having a childhood flashback. [colour=#ff0000]I wanna' be just like him when I grow up! [/colour][colour=#00ff00]Soarin'? Why Soarin'? [/colour][colour=#ff0000]Because he's super cool, and fast, and strong and- [/colour][colour=#00ff00]Is it because he's one of the only stallions in the Wonderbolts? [/colour][colour=#ff0000]Yes! That too![/colour] [colour=#00ff00]You funny child.[/colour] His childhood hero was now in front of him. And he was eating a pie. Marble wanted to facehoof and laugh at the same time. Angel left the group to join with the Wonderbolts. Marble continued gawking at them, conversing about something, he wasn't really paying attention.

  14. Scribbles began looking through Silver's sketchbook. Only that little guy could make looking through a book cute. He stopped on an excellently drawn flower in the middle of a field, which Scribbles like. He offered to show her more. Alba took a closer look at the drawing, and turned to Silver. [colour=#008000]"This is an amazing drawing, and I cannot wait for it to be painted. But painted or not, it is nowhere near as beautiful as its artist." [/colour]He gave her the same sparkly eyes as he said that, getting some fangirl screams from other customers who stayed behind.

  15. Marble finished his breakfast quickly with his anxiety, almost without realizing it. [colour=#ff0000]"Where's the test?" [/colour]He asked them as he pushed his plate away from him. He was sure to keep his wings down. [colour=#ff0000]I don't want to get them tired before the test, or I'll fail even more.[/colour]

  16. Slick promised not to hug him again, making Knight happy, though he returned to embarrassed when he mentioned the cheek licking again. He reminded Knight of the game of Truth or Dare and quickly accepted playing again. He gave him the most evil choices. Ever. Truth was much easier than dare. He didn't mind sharing a piece of his mind about how he didn't like them with them. The dare would be almost impossible for him, but before he could say truth, he said he'd look like a baby foal if he didn't choose dare. [colour=#b22222]"I'm not a baby! Dare!" [/colour]Knight turned from the laughing Slick, and frustratingly approached the group of fillies. Knight was clearly a newbie, and new nothing about flirting except what he saw his father do. Unfortunately, his father was a bad flirt, and a bad role model. [colour=#b22222]"Hello fillies. Would anypony like to sit on my lap and talk about the first thing that comes up?" [/colour]He had NO idea what that meant. He just knew it usually ended with his father taking that annoying filly and sharing his bed with her.

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  17. Slick gave Knight an awkward hug, invading his personal bubble, but he ran off to quickly for Knight to react again. Just as quickly, he was back with several lollipops and applejuice. He said something, but with all the stuff in his mouth, Knight couldn't hear what he was saying. He floated the items up to the clerk, and tossed the bits to buy them up, then returned them to Slick. [colour=#b22222]"You don't owe me. Just please don't hug me again." [/colour]Hugs were always awkward for Knight, who never liked close contact with other ponies.

  18. (Sorry!)

    Dapper quietly listened to Timid's story intently. It WAS his job, after all. Volunteer job, but he still considered it important work. Dapper hadn't been bullied that often. He got his cutie mark at a young age, meaning nopony called him a blank flank, and despite what it looked like, he was a good fighter. Nowhere near the level of somepony like Steel, though evenly matched against Soul. He saw that his new customers were all enjoying their time with the hosts, and his sparkly eyes seemed to be working on Timid. He just hoped Soul didn't ruin the moment, like he often liked to do. Scribbles then ran in, yelling that he was late, and the rest of the host club was now surrounding the tables, gawking at the cute little colt hugging the large stallion. Dapper was able to hold back his cute-gasm, though he still found it awfully cute. [colour=#008000]"Miss Licorice, Miss and Mr Star, may I assume you will be returning to the host club? If I may, you ought to take a look at our gift shop." [/colour]This was normally the part that -glasses boy- did, but Alba decided to be helpful on his own for once. [colour=#008000]"You may look into buying the pen of our very own Twilight Sparkle." [/colour]He hoped Twilight didn't mind him selling her pens without her permission. Again.

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  19. Flashbomb joined them, and the circle of friends was complete.Though it felt slightly empty. Lyria asked if they were prepared for the test. Flash was able to admit that he was nervous, though Marble was different. [colour=#ff0000]"You'll do great! There's no need to be nervous. We'll all do... Fine." [/colour]He told them, trying not to lie. [colour=#ff0000]I've passed maybe 5 tests in my life, I somehow doubt I'll increase that number. [/colour]Marble then realized what the empty feeling in their circle was. [colour=#ff0000]"Hey, where's Lightning Dust?"[/colour]

  20. Knight looked at the viscous liquid on his hoof. It definitely wasn't water, and he couldn't tell what it was. Slick was panicking again, making sure him and Knight were still friends. He had a flash of what happened, and nearly fainted again. [colour=#b22222]"Let us never, EVER, speak of this again." [/colour]He told Slick as he wiped the spit off his hoof. [colour=#b22222]"We're still friends... Just... Never mention this." [/colour]The bus stopped at the gas station. Knight got off with everypony else, and ended up buying a Sparkle Cola (NO FALLOUT EQUESTRIA REFERENCES HERE) and a large bag of Hay's (Lay's). He bought the items and turned to Slick. [colour=#b22222]"Want something bro? I got a ton of bits, it's on me."[/colour]

  21. [colour=#ff0000]"What?!" [/colour]His mind couldn't comprehend what she was saying. He looked back at the stallions who were in their spot, one of them covered in bruises and some blood. [colour=#ff0000]"Why did you- How did you- What did you- CAN SOMEPONY TELL ME EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED?!" [/colour]Marble was very confused that Lyria, the normally shy pony, had started a fight with the others. Or did they start the fight? And why didn't she have the spot if she stood up to them? So many questions that Marble needed answered at one time, he just gave up with a sigh. [colour=#ff0000]"Whatever. I slept fine. Not great, but fine. Are you sure you're okay? Don't need to get some tissue or anything?" [/colour]Angel showed up, and was concerned with Lyria. He had still given up on getting more information, but it seemed Angel was calm enough to get more.

  22. Marble would have loved to sleep more, but he remembered the test he had that day. He lay up, and began stretching, especially his wings. He felt lonely to not have Flash with him, and it didn't help his test anxiety. He left the stallions barracks with the others and went to the mess hall. He grabbed his normal stuff, and went to sit at their normal spot, but a couple other stallions took the seat. [colour=#ff0000]Aw well. It's not like we own the spot. [/colour]He looked to another table, and saw Lyria sitting alone. He put his trey down next to her. [colour=#ff0000]"Crazy night last night. How'd you sleep?" [/colour]He then looked up at her. She had a bloody nose and several cuts. [colour=#ff0000]"What happened?!" [/colour]He already failed to protect one friend, he hoped she fell off her bed and hit the nightstand or something. It would be better than breaking his promise to himself twice in one week.

  23. (WOOHOO!)

    Spitfire gave a lecture to Lightning Dust. He was almost certain she would kick her out, but Angel came to defend them. She let them off, as Marble wiped away his nervous sweat. [colour=#ff0000]"Good luck on the test tomorrow..." [/colour]He told Lightning Dust as they went into their separate barracks. Marble saw the empty bunk above him, and assumed Flashbomb was still in the medical ward. The day was too much for him, and he was happy to lay on the beds, even if they were too soft for him. He closed his eyes, and almost immediately fell asleep.

  24. What had just happened? Knight was looking away until he was sure the fillies were no longer kissing, then the next thing he knew, Slick was dared to lick Knight! Before he could even comprehend it, Slick had already licked his cheek. Knight's eyes widened as he stared off into face, his mind suffering a blue screen of death, as his yellow coat nearly turned as red as his mane. He ended up falling over and finally waking from his catatonic state. [colour=#b22222]"What just happened?" [/colour]Knight asked the other laughing ponies, as he wiped something wet off of his cheek.

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