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Posts posted by fireraven23

  1. The situation was getting tense. Some scarred pegasus, and Slick himself were trying to break up the fight. Slick himself yelled, probably gaining the attention of everypony else in the bus. The colt threatened to snitch on Knight for the sword, and somepony else entirely seemed to want to join the fight, with sticks. Knight didn't quite care about getting detention, that was already a pretty daily thing for him. And having the sword taken away from him would just make the trip boring. Of course, Knight hates boredom. He dropped the sword. [colour=#b22222]"Why should I beat up some stupid filly lover anyways? It would be such an unfair fight." [/colour]Knight went back to his seat with a pout, as he closed is eyes to try and ignore the ponies behind him again.

  2. Flashbomb pointed at the ground. Marble looked, and saw his sketchpad under the bed. With a sigh of relief, he picked it up and put it back on the nightstand. [colour=#ff0000]"Thanks. Should we head to the mess hall for breakfast then?"[/colour]

  3. Sweet!

    Name: Pawn

    Species: (Human) Unicorn



    Personality: Pawn looks like a completely sane, high class Canterlotian to most people. Any person who shared a room with him for more then 20 seconds would know just how crazy he is. His perfectionist attitude is so extreme, if something he makes is slightly off the way he imagined, he will destroy it and start over. He refuses to have less then 100%. He gets very emotional easily, and has a tendency to call people 'lowlives' when they give him a bad first impression, usually making him the target for bullying and teasing. He is usually selfish, but will help a person if they very (VERY) clearly need help. Because of his perfectionist behaviour, he usually locks himself away at home to study to do perfectly at school, and has basically no social life. He is stressed from his high expectations, and resents his parents for their high standards.

    History: Pawn originally grew up in Canterlot. When he was still a foal, his parents divorced, seperating him from his father and brother. His mother raised him the Canterlot way, with high expectations and giving him an antisocial personality. After he entered high school, she felt he wasn't doing perfectly, and sent him to live with his father in (wherever this takes place). He is the target for bullying because of his craziness, though he usually ignores most teasing. Until they call him imperfect.

  4. Knight scoffed at one of the colts sitting with the fillies. He seemed... Upset, nearly making Knight laugh. [colour=#b22222]"I'll say it a million times if I have to. Fillies are stupid. If you've got a problem with that, then come at me, bro!" [/colour]Knight challenged the colt, preparing to grab his wooden sword if he needed it.

  5. The bus ride had finally started. They were moving along now, heading towards Red Rock. Knight relaxed back on his seat as he tried to ignore the fillies behind him, and Slick apologizing to them. He was then suddenly kicked, with the filly same 'some of them can be (stupid).' Knight got angry. He turned to look back at them. [colour=#b22222]"I am NOT stupid! Fillies are the stupid ones!" [/colour]He told them directly.

  6. Marble was finally beginning to calm down after the doctor injected Flashbomb with... whatever he was injecting Flash with. He remembered his trouble from earlier then, and stopped laughing. [colour=#ff0000]"Hey, have you seen my sketchpad anywhere?" [/colour]He asked Flash, as he began looking through his bag again.

  7. Marble was laughing even harder now. Flash was panicking even more, and the doctor looked very annoyed by it all. [colour=#ff0000]"Even my idiot brother is tougher then this!" [/colour]He teased Flashbomb through his laughs. He put his hoof down on one of Flash's hooves, careful to make sure that it wasn't the injured one, so the doctor could finally give him the shot.

  8. Marble was laughing his plot off. The doctor had to give Flash a shot, and Flash was freaking out like a foal. The doctor asked Marble to keep him down. He wiped away a tear from the laughter, and slowly trotted over to Flash, to try and keep him down. He would normally be strong enough to, but he was weakened by the amount of laughter he was having from Flash's panic.

  9. The situation was dying down. Lovinity was no longer possessed, Marcurius gave up, and now they were discussing something about 'other thieves'. Showboat was just as confused as Lovinity when Time mentioned other thieves and something going missing. Lovinity asked about it before Showboat. [colour=#0000cd]"Why am I the last to know about this stuff?" [/colour]Showboat said to himself again.

  10. Marble and Flashbomb changed into their uniforms. They were about to leave when the doctor stopped them, and said he was going to give Flashbomb a medical examination. They used Marble's bed, though Marble hid his annoyance with that. The doctor said something about Flash's bandages being too tight. Marble decided to kill some time with his sketching. He reached for his sketchpad on the end table, but it wasn't there. Marble worried about that. It wasn't just a hobby of his, designs for snowflakes he would have to make later were in there. Marble began rummaging through his bag in panic, hoping he put it away and didn't lose it.

  11. There was an awkward silence as Flash lay there rubbing his head. He said he was fine, though it wasn't very convincing. Flash stood up, and Marble quickly reacted. [colour=#ff0000]"Careful!" [/colour]Flash almost put weight on his bad hoof.

  12. Marble thought he would wake up peacefully for once. He was wrong again. Flashbomb woke him up this time, falling from his bunk. Marble panicked. [colour=#ff0000]"Are you okay?" [/colour]He jumped from his bed, and pulled the sheet off of Flashbomb.

  13. Time seemed more intent on saving Lovinity. He remembered the blast from the black sparkles before his horn began throbbing with pain. Lovinity was going dark, seemingly being possessed by something. Showboat just hoped the black dust wouldn't hurt him. Flash asked how he was. [colour=#0000cd]"Other then this... Ugh... Excruciating pain... Ow... I'm fine..." [/colour]He muttered weakly to Flashbomb, no longer embarrassed about rubbing his aching horn. [colour=#000080]Got it all! [/colour]Suddenly, Showboat's horn glowed a chocolate brown, and then fired a swirling light of pinkish-red and jet black. It fired into the air, and tore apart a cloud. It then just stopped. Showboat's horn no longer ached, and it seemed almost like nothing happened. [colour=#0000cd]"... That escalated quickly." [/colour]He said to himself, meaning to think it. He didn't know what to do in this situation, so he just stood their awkwardly, waiting for something else to happen. [colour=#000080]When this is over, we need a really long nap.[/colour]

  14. Showboat listened to what Time was saying. He talked about a 'deity' and how it related to his pocket watch, and how he learned a new power. Showboat promptly believed what he was hearing. Nothing that intricate could be a lie. Showboat turned to Lovinity, who was loudly talking to herself. She was saying how killing was wrong, and that '(he/she) couldn't make her'. She was releasing some black dust, which hit Showboat. Suddenly, a sudden shock went through his horn, as his hornache became worse. [colour=#0000cd]Are you doing something?! [/colour][colour=#000080]It's not me! Something's trying to invade! [/colour]Showboat was in too much pain to ask what he meant. He turned to Time. [colour=#0000cd]"Is your watch doing something?!" [/colour]He yelled, unaware of how loud he was being.

  15. Showboat and Marcurius' negotiations were interrupted by Time. It was too tough for Showboat to ignore what was happening with him. His horn was being covered in grey, and some electricity. His pocket watch opened up, revealing an orange aura. He shouted something that Showboat didn't really hear, and a large grey beam of light shot from his horn, and hitting several trees, turning them a jet black. Showboat had no words. He simply stared at what just happened.

  16. The situation was escalating quickly. Marcurius gave up, much to the surprise of both Showboat's, and handed back the pocket watch and Lovinity. Time got the pocket watch, and his horn suddenly began charging. Time asked if Showboat wanted to see what was special about the pocket watch. Lovinity then tackled him, knocking him over. Showboat was confused, but decided to deal with Marcurius. [colour=#0000cd]"Okay, Mr. Marcurius. If you could kindly come with me back to Canterlot. We can get this sorted out. Although you will be charged with petty theft and kidnapping, since you gave them up, I could probably help you get out of serious trouble." [/colour]He ignored Lovinity and Time talking about Hearts and Hooves day, though he was having childish shipping thoughts of them.

    (Showboat is now a Timinity shipper)

  17. Time was getting very angry. Thankfully, he had enough control to only whisper-yell, rather then actually yell and catch the attention of the kidnapper. [colour=#0000cd]"O-okay... What're we gonna' do then?" [/colour]Showboat asked nervously. [colour=#000080]Why are you such a door mat? [/colour]Showboat was slightly scared of what would happen if he was too persistent with trying to calm Time. [colour=#0000cd]I think I'm just making him crazier.[/colour]

  18. "Mr. Alba... How do I know you really love me?" The nervous filly asked him, her face a cute red. Dapper's horn glowed, and several roses appeared out of thin air. [colour=#008000]"When the last petal[/colour] of the last rose falls of, my love for you shall fall as well." Unknown to her, one of the roses was fake, and wouldn't be breaking any time soon. The filly blushed even heavier, as she walked off nervously. In the midst of the annual attention the host club gained every year, the eyes of a new filly caught Dapper's attention. She began walking towards his station. [colour=#008000]As the prince, it is my duty to welcome new fillies to the host club. [/colour]Dapper gave his charming smile at her, as he trotted over to her, meeting her halfway between the door and his station. [colour=#008000]"Welcome, my beautiful young princess, to the Celestia Host Club. I am Dapper Alba, the humble prince of this fine establishment." [/colour]He took her hoof, and gave it a kiss. [colour=#008000]"How may this lowly colt help a creature of such divine beauty as yourself?"[/colour]

  19. While Showboat was pondering his usefulness, he eventually saw he was all alone. He looked around, and saw the group charging away from Canterlot. [colour=#0000cd]"W-w-wait for me!" [/colour]He called out to them. As soon as he started running, he tripped on an air molecule. He stood up again, rubbing his head. [colour=#000080]Way to not be a burden. [/colour]Shaking that thought off, he began running after them from afar, though still able to watch their every movement. They were eventually outside Canterlot, going through a field in the mountain. Time yelled at Marcurius, who seemed to be with Lovinity in the field. [colour=#000080]"Quiet down!" [/colour]Showboat whisper-yelled in a very unusually serious voice. [colour=#0000cd]I didn't say you could take over! "[/colour][colour=#000080]Time , you're ruining our tactical advantage. If [/colour][colour=#000080]e you yell[/colour][colour=#000080] from here, Marcurius can get away easily. We need to think this through. " [/colour][colour=#000080]Sorry, needed to be said. You have control again.[/colour]

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