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Posts posted by fireraven23

  1. The ponies began discussing what to do next. Time seemed to believe somepony named 'Marcurius' was the thief, and was responsible for Lovinity going missing. They said he walked with Showboat and Silver Star. [colour=#0000cd]I was walking with a thief?! Why didn't you tell me? [/colour][colour=#000080]How was I suppose to know?! I'm not some magical force that can detect criminals, you know! [/colour]After facehoofing for being stupid, he joined back in. It seems they agreed to look outside Canterlot. Showboat simply nodded, not wanting to let his annoyance with the situation slip out. [colour=#0000cd]I just hope I'm not burdening them.[/colour]

  2. After laughing childishly for a while, Knight finally calmed down. He brohoofed Slick again when he called him a legend. Slick was sitting in his funny position again, but Knight's throat was too sore for more laughter now. After all the ponies were filed in, Miss Licorice and the bus driver told everypony the rules. It wasn't a very harsh bus. Most of the things seemed to be on the honor system. Knight knew he would just have to hold back a little bit to avoid having to move up front with the teacher for the rest of the bus trip. The rubber spider suddenly flew down below his seat. Knight looked back, and the filly behind him looked embarrassed from the prank. That gave Knight a feeling of satisfaction. He pulled up the wooden sword again, feeling nothing better to do. [colour=#b22222]"Wouldn't it be awesome to be an old fashioned warrior? Going around, killing bad guys, getting famous. The only bad part is having to save annoying fillies." [/colour]He rolled his eyes as he said the last part.

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  3. Flashbomb jumped from the poll he was standing on. If Showboat didn't know he was a pegasus, he would have panicked. Flashbomb actually used the opportunity to do a trick, which Showboat enjoyed watching. He made a dive, and saved himself at the last minute from injuring himself. He landed in front of them, showing off an osprey he said was his new pet. He said he couldn't find Lovinity though. Showboat was really liking this pony so far. [colour=#0000cd]"Hello there, Flash." [/colour]He greeted him. [colour=#0000cd]"I'm Showboat Forte, attorney at law. Remember that name, for someday I will be famous." [/colour][colour=#000080]Seriously, that greeting is getting on my nerves. [/colour][colour=#0000cd]I have to say it though! I can't live with myself if I don't say it! [/colour]

  4. After inviting Silver Star into their search party, there was a small awkward silence. Time ended up calling to somepony up in the sky. Tracing where he was looking, he saw the trey-catching pony on a flagpole. Time called him 'Flashbomb', which Showboat thought was a cool name. [colour=#000080]That name sounds familiar. [/colour]Ignoring his voice, he returned to hoping somepony knew where Lovinity was, so this awkward situation could end well.

  5. Time began to get panicky. Showboat was slightly worried about him. He could have believed the pocket watch meant the fate of the universe. Showboat looked up. It seemed some odd green sparkles were falling from the sky. Showboat smirked as he thought they were related to the parade. Looking back down, he saw Time seemed to be spacing out. He almost fainted, before he jumped up with a small 'ah'. Showboat took a deep sniff of the sparkles, wanting to know if they had a scent. [colour=#000080]No! [/colour]The voice in his head called out. Suddenly, Showboat had a hornache. [colour=#0000cd]What are these?! [/colour][colour=#000080]Nothing, just ignore them. [/colour]Showboat realized he was rubbing his hoof. After putting his hoof down, and looking around awkwardly, he turned to Time, not realizing he was blushing. [colour=#0000cd]"Are you okay?"[/colour]

  6. Angel seemed to be joking with them, giving a friendly warning about what Spitfire would do if they were caught. Marble nodded. Flash flew back on Marble's back, and they returned to their bunks. Flash apologized to Marble. [colour=#ff0000]"Just don't do it again. I don't want you hurting your hoof and then having to drop out of the academy."[/colour]

  7. Flashbomb was curiously listening to the chatter in the mares barracks. Before Marble could tell him that hey should return to their bunks, Angel interrupted them. Marble blushed slightly, worried Angel might misinterpret what they were doing. [colour=#ff0000]"I-I'm just... Getting Flashbomb here... Sir..."[/colour]

  8. (Oh, woops XD Let me change that)

    [colour=#282828]He turned away from his bed. Flash was gone. Marble sighed in annoyance. [/colour][colour=#FF0000]I should have paid more attention. [/colour][colour=#282828]He jumped from his bed, and exited the stallions barracks. As soon as he opened the door, he bumped into Flash, with his ears listening intently on the door. He looked at him questioningly. [/colour][colour=#ff0000]"What're you doing?"[/colour]

  9. Marble began hearing some noises again. He didn't pay it much attention, but Flashbomb was. He was floating around the room, seemingly looking for the source of the noise. He turned back to his bed. He hadn't actually noticed something else on his bed. A package. He opened it up, another letter was inside it, with something else he hadn't noticed yet. [colour=#0000cd]Hey! Thought you might get bored, so I sent you something to do in your free time! Hope you do awesomely! -Showboat Forte. [/colour]Marble was happy to see that his brother was thinking about him. He looked inside the package. Within, was a medium-sized square hunk of white marble, naturally Marble's favourite sculpting material, and all the tools needed to shape it into whatever his mind would come up with. He smiled, realizing, for once, his brother DIDN'T make a wrong choice. He turned away from his bed. Flash was gone. Marble sighed in annoyance. [colour=#ff0000]I should have paid more attention. [/colour]He jumped from his bed, and exited the stallions barracks. The mares barracks was still open, and he saw Flash talking with Lyria and somepony else. He entered silently, and stood by Flash, who just asked who the other mare was. She was a unicorn, making Marble as confused as Flash.

  10. Showboat followed behind Time. He wasn't sure what they were doing. Showboat doubted his pocket watch would be hiding in the middle of a random street, but Showboat didn't question it, despite his voice's nagging. He ended up bumping into Time, who stopped to look at the trey-catching pegasus flying around. [colour=#0000cd]"Is everything okay?" [/colour]Time began trotting even faster now. Showboat ran to catch up with him. [colour=#0000cd]"Hey! What's happening?" [/colour]He asked him, bumping into several other ponies while trying to catch up with him.

  11. (Is his cousin Gary Oak? XD)

    Flashbomb began saying some things he thought he meant to think, including how his cousin was full of himself, and how something was 'just great'. He threw the letter on the ground. Not wanting somepony else reading it, Marble grabbed it and hid it under his pillow as well. He wasn't a curious pony, thankfully, so he was able to control his small urge to read it. [colour=#ff0000]"You don't like your cousin, eh?" [/colour]Marble asked Flashbomb, remembering some of the things he heard Flashbomb mutter.

  12. Slick told Knight about his cutie mark. He apparently got it when he was studying wind patterns. Knight thought it was cool. Not something super exciting or awesome, but still kinda' cool. Slick seemed really excited to see what Knight was going to show him. Knight pulled out his saddlebags, and began rummaging through it. Before he got to what he wanted to show him, he found something which gave him an idea; a fake, rubber spider. Knight's grin grew as he remembered the fillies behind them. [colour=#b22222]"First things first..." [/colour]Knight floated the rubber spider to the ground, then began maneuvering it around the chair behind them. He then floated it up behind it, and carefully placed it in the filly's (Shade's) mane. He giggled, as he waited for her to see the spider in her mane. He went back to rummaging through his saddlebag, when he finally found it. [colour=#b22222]"Here it is!" [/colour]He pulled out a very small wooden sword, which could have easily passed as a toy knife. [colour=#b22222]"It's my favourite thing ever!" [/colour]He kept it hidden behind the seat in front of them, not wanting Miss Licorice to see it and confiscate it.

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  13. Flashbomb told them it was time to go back to the barracks. Checking the time, Marble agreed with him. He got Flashbomb back on his back, fearin him getting too tired again. [colour=#ff0000]"I'll see you guys later then." [/colour]He said to Lyria and Angel as he left the cafeteria, and returned to the stallions barracks. [colour=#ff0000]"Mail's here!" [/colour]He yelled when he saw a letter on his bunk. After letting Flash go, he tore open the letter. As expected, it was from his family.

    To Marble Chisel,

    I knew you'd have a good time at the Wonderbolts' Academy! Flashbomb sure sounds nice! Showboat says he'd like to meet him. Of course, Showboat would ALSO like to see that Lightning Dust you mentioned in your last letter, despite you saying how you didn't like her at all. Good luck getting through the rest of the week, and remember, we're all certain you will pass your test! Until next time then!

    [colour=#008000]From: Your mother, father and brother![/colour]

    Marble hid the letter under his bed when he finished reading it. He didn't want anypony teasing him because of his family's love. [colour=#ff0000]"Did ya' get anything?" [/colour]He asked Flashbomb.

  14. Another colt, somepony Knight didn't know, sat in the seat next to him. 'Sat' is used pretty loosely in this context. He was hanging from his seat, with his hooves in the air like he didn't care, and head laying on the seat. He introduced himself as Slick. Knight laughed at the funny way he was sitting. [colour=#b22222]"That's a pretty slick way to sit!" [/colour]He punned. He gave Slick a quick brohoof to greet him. [colour=#b22222]"I'm Knight! As in, the warrior, not the time when we sleep." [/colour]Knight, meaning to look at his head, saw the pony's cutie mark; a leaf blowing in the wind. The cryptic symbol confused Knight. [colour=#b22222]"You have your cutie mark?! That's awesome! I can't wait to get mine, it'll be the best!" [/colour]He ranted on, admiring the mark on Slick's flank. He saw another filly go to the seat behind him. It bugged Knight, but he tried to ignore it. [colour=#b22222]"Dude, wanna' see somethin' awesome?" [/colour]He asked Slick, as he remembered some of the things he packed for the trip.

  15. After what seemed like FOREVER, the blue bus that would be taking the science classes on the field trip had FINALLY arrived. Knight wasn't exactly a scholar student, and the only reason he went into science class was because his father had this very odd suspicion that Knight would get his cutie mark in science. Naturally, Knight would take the opportunity to miss school for an awesome field trip. Knight floated out his permission slip from his backpack as he handed it to Miss. Licorice. As soon as his name was marked off, he charged in impatiently and sat at the back, where it was easiest to cause trouble without getting caught. He ended up sitting by somepony slightly familiar. A filly. Knight quickly moved to the seat in front of her, but not before making an annoyed grunt. He sat, and waited for everypony else to be seated and for the bus to start.

  16. Flashbomb repositioned himself to be more comfortable. Marble remembered the pain medication back at the barracks, but was feeling too lazy to go and get it, even if he felt selfish for not getting them. Flashbomb told them his hope on passing the test. Marble gave him a smile, and nudged his shoulder. [colour=#ff0000]"You guys'll do awesome! Don't even worry about it." [/colour]He told them, without letting out his own anxiety about failing the test.

  17. Cheerilee was happy with Knight. Knight hopped back happily to his desk, remembering his shun on Pawn, and putting his hoof by his face so he wouldn't have to look at him. He waited for the school year to start. Pawn sat to his left, not yet noticing Cheerilee, and Siren was to Knight's right, making Knight know that the year would be awesome. Other then a small annoyance.

  18. Cheerilee finally entered the room. Knight laughed as he saw how Cheerilee was late on the first day, something that usually rarely happened. He ran up excitedly to her desk. [colour=#b22222]"Hey Miss. Cheerilee, look! I got my cutie mark!" [/colour]He flashed the two swords on his flank to her. Although he had a large record of trouble making in the class, him and Cheerilee were generally on good terms.

  19. Siren started by asking why Knight was angry, then began trailing off and talking about shell fish. The odd things Siren was saying made Knight smirk, and he was back to his normal self. [colour=#b22222]"Sorry dude. Some colts just bug me a bit..." [/colour]He gave a quick glare at Pawn before returning to Siren. He looked over at the door. [colour=#b22222]"Why is the teacher so late? IT'S AWESOME! Did we get a new teacher? One who's always late and gives out candy all the time?!" [/colour]Knight had Cheerilee the year before. She was a good teacher, but he could always do better. Especially when candy was involved.

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