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Posts posted by fireraven23

  1. "Nah, I've had enough... What is on those cookies?" Thyme saw blue speckles glowing on the cookies. She remembered the day he first came, and instantly had daymares about the poison joke. "No! Keep those away from me! Keep those away from everypony! Especially from Snowy 'cause, you know... Wait... YOU GAVE HER ONE OF THOSE!"

  2. "Got it." Pawn followed Applezoom on the rainbow bridge, which led directly to the door. "That seemed a bit too easy." He jinxed them, as suddenly the rainbow bridge dropped them, and the started going down towards the poisoned water. "Applezoom! Shoot a portal somewhere!"

  3. "Well... This looks interesting." Pawn responded to the rainbow. He put a hoof on it, and realized it was solid. He saw it hit an empty wall, and noticed the door was across from more poisonous water. "Hey Apple, think you can shoot a portal at the end of the rainbow, and somewhere on the wall behind us?"

  4. Balance was confused when Song came with Strife, and Potey followed after. There was no way... Did Song join Discord's army?!

    This isn't good... And this is worse!

    A portal suddenly appeared, and ponies began coming out. "Everypony! Discord's attacking! Get in the maze!" He yelled. He didn't want to charge in first, since he may end up seperated from the group. He was waiting for the rest of his group to respond.

  5. "Not much, actually. I know that it's owned by the princess's, at least to my knowledge, and I have the exterior memorized, having come here a lot when I was young. It's somehow always remained perfectly groomed, never really changing, staying nostalgically the same." Balance saw Nemesis fly off. "See ya' Nem! Now, where was I... Oh, yes. I also know of some large history behind it, I heard some creature was trapped in it. But that's just some old legends, unless Discord did something to this maze, I doubt we'll see anything other than ourselves. I mean, if it were true, it would have left by now."

  6. Sounds like us in court.

    Not sure if I should be offended by that.

    "Alright Fire. Everypony will stay together, and won't leave unless we come with them. If we see something out of the ordinary, we'll decide as a group whether it's Discord, or if it's possibly something leading to his gear. Let's move out!" Balance moved to the entrance of the maze, waiting for everypony.

  7. He took Cotton's hoof, and gave her a weak hoofshake. "Sure! Why not?" Balance accepted Cotton's offer to try her cotton candy. He turned to Quillsilver. "I shall see you tomorrow then. Have a good day!" Balance made sure he had his book, and turned back to Cotton. "So, which way should we go?"

    Man, I'm getting hungry just thinking about cotton candy!

    Something we agree on; it's been about 3 days since our last sugary treat.

    3 whole days?!

    Balance's stomach growled at his thoughts. He snapped back to reality, remembering that he was staring off into space, and wasn't sure if he missed the answer. He waited another few moments, in case he didn't hear the answer.

  8. We have a warning from an alicorn not to go in. It's best if we stay out.

    Wait... If it's so dangerous that a powerful pony doesn't want to go in, perhaps there is something special in there...

    I don't think the risk is worth a chance.

    Screw that, we need to find SOMETHING to defeat Discord.

    "Sorry Fire, but I think the risk is worth the reward. If we can find this gear in there, defeating Discord becomes at least 20% easier. If you don't want to enter with us, I'm sure Nemsis can download some map of this maze to help us."

  9. "Who's- Oh, hello Fireheart." Balance reacted after hearing Fireheart. "If my interrogation was correct, the gear has some relation with Canterlot, and Discord was hear a thousand years. It's likely there's a hint to this special gear of Discord's somewhere in this area." A lightbulb glew over his head, when he realized something. "You were hear during the first fight with Discord, right? Do you know the way through this maze? 'Cause that would be really helpful."

  10. Balance looked around at the familiar area. He often went to the royal gardens when he was young, loving the architecture, and always wanting to enter the maze. There was only one statue he noticed was missing. It was his favorite one there as well. He felt bad for liking the statue of Discord. He went back into thought about not being cursed in any way.

    Amber's right. It's just one time.

    No, it wasn't one time. Remember, when we first saw the results of Discord's magic?

    You mean, back in court?

    Yes. Remember? Everypony there was cursed in some weird way. Except us! The only thing that happened to us was our clothes turned pink. And eventually started shrinking.

    Probably another coincidence. If it happens again, I'll believe that we are somehow resistant to chaotic magic.

    "Alright everypony, we need to find clues to finding Discord's gear. I came here, since the gear is in some way related to Canterlot, and since Discord was here for a thousand years, I thought this would be a good place to investigate. I was thinking the maze, though it may take time to search there."

  11. Balance decided to read through Silver's manuscript first, and perhaps stay to read The Potter and the Philosiponies Stone. He was instantly trapped in Silver's story, reading every word carefully, and getting excited during the good parts. He was disappointed when he realized that she hadn't finished the next part, still wanting to continue reading through it. We should give this back for now then.

    Right... But we're coming back for the rest of it.

    Balance walked up to the counter, where he realized a new pony had entered. He must have been too interested in the book to hear the bell ring. He decided to return the manuscript before introducing himself to the new pony. "Thank you for the excellent read, Ms. Silver. I can't really think of anything to improve this... Except by finishing it, of course. I will definitely be returning once it's updated." He gave her a quick bow, and turned to the new pony.

    "Hello there miss! I am Balance Scales." He saw the book she was buying. "The Art of Candy Making. So, you're a candy maker, eh? Tell me, is there a place where I can, perhaps, try some of your sweets?" He gave his charming grin again.

    Are you really hitting on her?

    No, I just like my grin. And when ponies are left speechless because of it.

    ... That happened once...

    And I'd like to have it happen again!

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